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Release date
September 19, 2024

Gameplay Improvements

Sprinting with One-Handed Items

  • Players are now able to sprint while carrying one-handed treasure items and discovered weapons. During sprinting, the item will now be stowed on a player’s belt, fully visible to other players.
  • The majority of held weapons discoverable around the world can now also be stowed while sprinting, such as the Trident of Dark Tides and Ashen Winds Skull. The Skull of Siren Song is the exception, and players will not be able to sprint while wielding it.

Blunderbuss Balancing

  • With the new identity of the Blunderbuss now settling into live play, the team have been fine-tuning the weapon’s power. The focus here remains in defensive play styles, with these changes further swaying the knockback power in favour of the defending player.
  • Blunderbuss knockback has now been tuned with a reduction to its overall knockback power. The knockback trigger range has been reduced, requiring the target to be much closer, and the horizontal distance players are blasted back has also been reduced.
  • Alongside the closer trigger range, the knockback will now trigger when a player is hit with a single pellet, increasing the consistency of knocking back a player when caught in range.
  • Players using a ship interaction point such as the ship’s wheel will now be braced from the knockback effects and will not be propelled the full knockback distance.

Throwing Knife Balancing

  • The time taken to bring a knife into an aimed state has been reduced, and the thrown knife speed has been increased, allowing players to throw more quickly.
  • The controller rumble when using throwing knives has been improved, giving it a softer feel.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!


Player Reporting Improvements

  • The in-game Report a Player tool now supports a range of additional reasons that can be used when reporting other players, including Hate Speech and Profanity. As with all reports, these are sent directly to the Sea of Thieves Support team for investigation and follow-up action.
  • All reports sent through the in-game Report a Player tool will now show an acknowledgement of the report, clearly defining the players, the reported reason and a reference code.
  • After an in-game report is filed and an action taken by the Sea of Thieves Support team, the player will now receive an update to their report when logging into the game. This update will confirm that an action has been taken or that further information is required.
  • Supporting information can often aid with the player report, so if further information is requested, please gather evidence and raise a new support request, quoting the reference number of the in-game report (in the event of a missing reference number, don’t worry as our Support team can still locate your report). For further information on providing supporting evidence, please see this article on Required Supporting Evidence at the Sea of Thieves Support site.

Fixed Issues


  • Players attempting to use a fishing rod after being fired from a cannon will no longer be able to modify their trajectory while in the air.
  • Players attempting to utilise external tools to teleport to other ships will now be detected and issued with enforcement.
  • Crews are no longer able to cause emergent Skeleton Captains to reappear on islands once defeated.
  • Crews purchasing Supply Crates from the Merchant Alliance should now consistently be able to retrieve a crate after purchase.
  • All pistols within the Armoury have been reviewed and their aiming improved to ensure shots now align with the tip of the barrel, or the iron sights for those that have them.
  • Crews taking on a Treasure Vault Voyage for the Gold Hoarders should no longer be led to the open sea at K-11 by the Wayfinder Compass.
  • If a crew begins a vote without reaching a majority decision, when crew members leave and the result becomes a majority decision the vote will now automatically pass without requiring the crew to vote again.
  • Scoping a crewed Burning Blade from a distance will no longer display the Captain's Ship Banner if the crew were sailing a Captained ship prior to the Burning Blade.
  • Pets being held while travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned will no longer appear to be drowning.
  • Due to various issues involving Megalodon encounters with a crewed Burning Blade, Megalodons will not appear for a Burning Blade crew in this update, and any encountered in the world will ignore the crew.
  • Enemies within Skeleton Camps now continue to appear even when a crew has an active Bounty or Merchant Contract quest at the same island.
  • The Fates of Fortune Gloves are now locked behind the appropriate grade of the Fortune's Favour Commendation.
  • Players purchasing the Deluxe Edition of Sea of Thieves will now correctly receive both variants of the Dark Warsmith Costume. Players who were missing this item will now find it in their cosmetic chests.

Visual and Audio


User Interface


  • For players who have been affected by an Ashbeard error, a new error has been added. Elarabeard indicates players attempting to use a Microsoft Account from a country that is currently not supported. For those affected, please raise a new support request for assistance.

Text and Localisation

  • Improved the accuracy of Polish translations for the Merchant Alliance delivery guidelines.
  • Corrected inconsistencies in Motley Mariner items across a range of languages.
  • Improved clarity between Bone Caller and Bone Caller Skeletons across a range of languages.
  • Corrected inconsistencies in player Titles across a range of languages.

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

  • Xbox Series X: 7.62 GB
  • Xbox Series S: 7.09 GB
  • Xbox One X: 7.62 GB
  • Xbox One: 7.09 GB
  • Microsoft Store: 5.88 GB
  • Steam: 5.21 GB
  • PlayStation®5: 3.25 GB