Ashen Winds Set

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Ashen Winds Set
Ashen Winds Set.png
Total items
97,600 Gold

The Ashen Winds Set is a cosmetic set in Sea of Thieves themed after the Ashen Lords and the Ashen Winds Skull. Each item must to be unlocked for purchase by completing Ashen Winds Commendations.

Set Components


  • Total Cost: 48,600 Gold
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Chi's Bane Tattoo.png
Chi's Bane Tattoo 12,150 Gold n/a
Hunter of Warden Chi
Hunter of Warden Chi emblem.png
Hunter of Warden Chi
Defeat Warden Chi 5 times
Tattoo "Warden Chi gleefully jailed and punished Flameheart's foes, until you showed her true justice."
Grimm's Bane Tattoo.png
Grimm's Bane Tattoo 12,150 Gold n/a
Hunter of Captain Grimm
Hunter of Captain Grimm emblem.png
Hunter of Captain Grimm
Defeat Captain Grimm 5 times
Tattoo "You defeated Captain Grimm, a keen strategist and no fool in a fight, but maybe a tad overconfident."
Horatio's Bane Tattoo.png
Horatio's Bane Tattoo 12,150 Gold n/a
Hunter of Old Horatio
Hunter of Old Horatio emblem.png
Hunter of Old Horatio
Defeat Old Horatio 5 times
Tattoo "Old Horatio was a malicious veteran soldier, but it seems he'd never faced a foe like you before."
Ruth's Bane Tattoo.png
Ruth's Bane Tattoo 12,150 Gold n/a
Hunter of Red Ruth
Hunter of Red Ruth emblem.png
Hunter of Red Ruth
Defeat Red Ruth 5 times
Tattoo "A genius weaponsmith, Red Ruth enjoyed experimenting with her powers, but you are no lab rat."

Ship Customisations

  • Total Cost: 49,000 Gold
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Sails of the Ashen Winds.png
Sails of the Ashen Winds 49,000 Gold n/a
Hunter of the Ashen Winds
Hunter of the Ashen Winds emblem.png
Hunter of the Ashen Winds
Sails "These sails were darkened by the Ashen Winds, but they are just as flammable as you!"

Patch history

  • 2.0.17 (July 29, 2020)
    • Introduced.