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Double Quotations Left.png
In a game of stealth, the most important tool in any pirate’s arsenal is their own knees!

Crouching is a stealth mechanic that any Player Pirate can use by pressing Left Control, even while carrying Loot.


When crouching, the player's footsteps are quieter and their name is concealed, allowing them to sneak by any Enemies without being noticed, so long as they remain out of their line of sight. However, it also considerably reduces the player's movement speed.

Furthermore, crouching allows the player to access a variety of Disguises by holding the Emote button. Alternatively, the player may choose to crouch behind objects to hide, such as Barrels or anything part of the ship's structure.

Crouching also allows the player to enter "Hang from Ledge" locations upon ships.

In close combat, players may duck in order to dodge enemy fire, thus making them harder to hit.


Sneak Thief emblem
Sneak ThiefWhile crouching, sneak onto enemy pirate ships and steal supplies.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 15
  • Grade IV: 30
  • Grade V: 50
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Shadow Tide Wheel for purchase.
Skeleton Skulduggery emblem
Skeleton SkulduggeryWhile crouching, sneak onto Skeleton Ships and steal supplies.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 15
  • Grade III: 30
  • Grade IV: 60
  • Grade V: 100
Comfortable Sneaker emblem
Comfortable SneakerWhile crouching, travel a distance on enemy pirate or Skeleton Ships (1500 distance travelled).n/a
Behind You! emblem
Behind You!While crouching, hide near an enemy pirate for 10 seconds without being seen.
High Seas only
Creeping Commodore emblem
Creeping CommodoreComplete all crouching Commendations.Unlockable rewards Required to unlock the King's Chest Disguise for purchase, in conjunction with Treasures Fit For a King (Grade 3).


Patch history

  • (October 31, 2024)
    • Crouched players will be harder to hit as they can duck shots in combat and will be braced against knockback, reducing its effect.
  • 3.2.0 (October 17, 2024)
    • Introduced.