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Darts are ammunition for the Blowpipe in Sea of Thieves. They come in a variety of types that each have unique effects. A fully loaded Blowpipe will be stocked with four darts of each dart type.


The equipped type of dart can be changed by opening the Item Radial and selecting the "Blowpipe Darts" sub-menu. When a dart type is depleted of its ammo, the next available type will be loaded.

List of dart types

Image Name Details
Black Powder Dart promo.jpg Black Powder Dart

The dart will create a small explosion five seconds after impact.

  • Detonates after five seconds from impact.
    • May detonate immediately if damaged.
    • The fuse can be defused if doused by water (or vomit) or blast from a Horn of Fair Winds. The dart will disappear a few seconds later. During that time it can still be detonated with damage.
  • Deals 45 damage (further reduced by distance from explosion).
  • Set nearby targets on fire.
Poison Dart promo.jpg Poison Dart

Poisons the target, inflicting damage over a short amount of time.

  • Deals 10 damage upon impact, plus some damage over time.
  • Can be destroyed with damage, immediately removing the poison effect.
Lure Dart promo.jpg Lure Dart

Creates an attractive treasure glint at the point of impact.

  • The colour of the glint is random.
  • Up to four Lure Darts can be active per player.
  • Attracts skeletons, phantoms, and Ocean Crawlers to its location. They will target and attack any player or creature that was tagged by the dart
Mimic Dart promo.jpg Mimic Dart

Permits the attacking player to take on their target's physical appearance.

  • Can copy the appearance of a skeleton (including Skeleton Lords) or player for two minutes.
  • The colour of the player's gamertag will change to match the affiliation of the target player.
  • The player's gamertag name does not change.

Patch history

  • 3.2.0 (October 17, 2024)
    • Introduced.