Festival of Giving Twitch Stream (2022)
The Festival of Giving Twitch Stream (2022) was a 49 and a half hour livestream hosted on the Sea of Thieves official Twitch channel as part of the Festival of Giving (2022). The stream began with a cosy chat among Rare employees to reminisce over the events of the past year, then lead into a "Grand Switch-On!" ceremony in which Craig Duncan, Studio Head of Rare Ltd, pushed the button to initiate the activation of the festive decorations in Sea of Thieves.
After the Grand Switch-On, the stream would show the Snowburned Ship Lantern for long periods of time, with intermittent raids with Twitch Drops for selected small Sea of Thieves streamers. In addition, there were seven irregular cinematic lore videos, each with voice-over from The Servant of the Flame. Each of the locations shown in the videos would also contain a Reaper Parrot for a certain amount of time which would allow players to claim the Snowburned Ship Lantern if they visited it in-game.
Raids and Twitch Drops
A giveaway to celebrate the Festival of Giving in which the official Sea of Thieves Twitch channel hosts other Sea of Thieves streamers for 1 hour randomly throughout the broadcast. Viewers would be able to claim rewards for watching hosted streamers for 15 minutes within a specific 1 hour time slot.
Rewards are obtained by watching 15 minutes of a chosen Sea of Thieves streamer within a specific 1 hour time slot.
Prophecies of the Orb
Between raids, the stream would be focused on the Snowburned Ship Lantern, nicknamed the Orb, as it sat in the Reaper's Lair under the watchful eye of the Voice of the Flame. At certain points during the stream, the Orb would be interrupted by The Servant of the Flame requesting knowledge from it, before displaying a vision from the eyes of a Reaper Parrot spy.
The Heist
Beginning approximately 45 minutes into the stream, after the Grand Switch-On, the stream switches to a familiar interior view of The Unicorn tavern, with Tasha working behind a festively decorated bar, and the Snowbound Ship Lantern resting on top of a table. The scene is calm for a short while until members of the Reaper's Bones, lead by The Servant of the Flame, attack and steal the lantern. The Orb's blue glow changes to a fierce red in The Servant of the Flame's hands, and the scene cuts to black.
Following this, several short scenes play out, following the lantern's journey in the Reapers' possession, with the lantern at the centre of view. First, a glimpse of the lantern - its Orb glowing blue once again - among treasure being hauled in a cart to be loaded on to a galleon, followed by a glimpse of the galleon being attacked and destroyed by a Kraken. The lantern is then shown submerged among the ship's debris as Reapers attempt to swim to safety. The lantern then appears washed ashore, its blue Orb begins to change to a glowing red, and its gold and red base changes to silver and green. A skeleton's hand grabs hold of it. The next glimpse of the lantern is on a rowboat approaching The Reaper's Hideout, then being lowered into the Reaper's Lair.
Finally the lantern is shown resting atop a table in the Reaper's Lair, transformed into Snowburned Ship Lantern, with its Orb glowing a fierce red.
Who holds the key to the secrets of the Ancients?
Beginning approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes into the stream, The Servant of the Flame appears speaking to the Orb, asking it to share its secrets regarding who holds the key to the secrets of the Ancients.
A Reaper Parrot is seen gliding down to The North Star Seapost, spying upon a scene playing out. Sudds is holding a scroll reading "the mask it the map", with drawings depicting the night sky as well as Briggsy's mask. A pirate carries a crate containing Briggsy's mask with astronomy equipment. The pirate holds the mask up to their face, with The Servant of the Flame's voice-over suggesting that the red jewel the mask holds may show the wearer a star chart map.
When the shot returns to the Reaper's Lair, a red jewel now sits on a stone column to the back left.
What do the Guardians know of these dark constellations?
Beginning approximately 24 hours and 30 minutes into the stream, The Servant of the Flame appears speaking to the Orb, asking it to share its secrets regarding what the Guardians know of the dark constellations and what Belle knows of "the curse".
A Reaper Parrot is seen gliding down to the central pond on The Sunken Grove, spying upon a scene playing out. Belle jumps down into a pool of water, shortly meeting with an Ancient. The Servant of the Flame's voice-over speaks of how Belle has discovered the location of a temple with both a curse and cure. He goes on to speak of Trials of the Ancients, to prove one's self worthy of living on. The Servant speaks of how "the curse is a gift", and requests to know "why did you leave into the Sea of Tribute". Finally, he asks to know more regarding a "golden city".
When the shot returns to the Reaper's Lair, the Reaper on the right has been replaced with a ghostly version of human Briggsy.
What does the so-called Pirate Lord plot to do next?
Beginning approximately 28 hours and 15 minutes into the stream, The Servant of the Flame appears speaking to the Orb, asking it to share its secrets regarding the Pirate Lord's plans.
A Reaper Parrot is seen gliding down to the hold of the Magpie's Fortune on Old Sailor Isle, spying upon a scene playing out. The Pirate Lord watches a map to the Sea of Thieves with each of the three main Trading Company emblems, as well as Athena's Fortune's, depicted. In disagreement with the Pirate Lord, The Servant of the Flame's voice-over suggests weakness within the Trading Companies, as well as speaking of pirate "guilds" of which Ramsey hopes will "be enough". The dialogue is concluded with the words "a pirate's life for us".
When the shot returns to the Reaper's Lair, the Pirate Lord's cane now sits alongside a pre-existing Servants of the Flame styled dagger.
What of New Golden Sands? What else are they trying to accomplish?
Beginning approximately 45 hours and 30 minutes into the stream, The Servant of the Flame appears speaking to the Orb, asking it to share its secrets regarding plans for New Golden Sands Outpost. He claims that the Pirate Lord is becoming what he previously "sought to escape", before referring to New Golden Sands Outpost as "Port Merrick".
A Reaper Parrot is seen gliding down into The Captain's Head tavern at New Golden Sands Outpost, spying upon a scene playing out. A ghostly Merrick watches over Sharon and Cecil carrying out restoration work on the Outpost, as a rat with glowing green eyes twitches behind him. The Servant of the Flame's voice-over speaks of an "imposter" within the ranks of the Guardians of Fortune, and he wishes their legend to "rot within his prison".
When the shot returns to the Reaper's Lair, a rat with glowing green eyes now sits on a stone column to the back right.
So, an imposter waits until the time is right... but what do they seek?
Beginning approximately 48 hours into the stream, The Servant of the Flame appears speaking to the Orb, asking it to share its secrets regarding the intentions of an imposter within the ranks of the Guardians of Fortune.
A Reaper Parrot is seen gliding down over the Athena's Fortune Hideout, spying upon a scene playing out. A Bandit Ragamuffin cat is sitting on a table alongside Pendragon's Sword of Souls. The Servant of the Flame's voice-over suggests that it is the now "tainted" Burning Blade the impostor seeks. It is unclear whether this is referring to Flameheart's flagship, or the Sword of Souls shown. He goes on to speak of how this "blade" that the impostor is seeking is the only thing that can bring down the Pirate Lord.
When the shot returns to the Reaper's Lair, the Sword of Souls now sits in front of Flameheart's coffin to the left.
What is your name, Orb?
To conclude the stream, and beginning approximately 49 hours and 30 minutes in, The Servant of the Flame appears speaking to the Orb, thanking it for the many stated ways in which it has helped the Reaper's Bones.
Promotional image of the Snowburned Ship Lantern.