Grogsoaked Ed

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Grogsoaked Ed is a NPC on the northern shore of Shipwreck Bay and a possible target for Cargo Run voyages.


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Mind yer sshhtep! I dropped a bottle of grog around here somewhere. Or did I drink it? Oh... I'm Ed! What'sh your... thing? (hic)
Have you had drink today, Ed?
Maybe! Yesh!
I only drink on the weekendsh.
But my watch ssshhhtopped on Shhunday.
About ten yearssh ago.
Hahaaha! Good one, Ed.
Do you like living in The Wildsh? I mean, Wilds!
(hic) It'sh a good place to get a grog.
Tess at the Broken Tushk really knows her drink. She makesh shpecial, artisanal brewsh!
An' she letsh me drink what'sh left inna bottom of the barrel.
I wanna try the brewsh at the new Charred Parrot out in The Devil'sh Roar.
Risshky place to go for a grog. But... worth it!
You seem very good-humoured!
Oh yesh, life'sh too short to be angry. Look what happened to Wanda, the weaponshhhmith.
Better to crack a joke (hic) over a grog... or ten!
Like I ushed to do with old Merrick!
Now there's a man who knew how to get legless...
Haha! You'd get that if you met him!

During 3.0.2

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Mind yer sshhtep! Not only for my grog bottlesh. There'sh more going on here, for sshhure!(hic)
Have you had drink today, Ed?
Maybe! Yesh!
I only drink on the weekendsh.
But my watch ssshhhtopped on Shhunday.
About ten yearssh ago.
Hahaaha! Good one, Ed.
What do you mean about more going on here?
I sheen things. Sshhee? Sherioushly. All the time. Not just them flying pigsh.
That'd be daft. I'm talking about that sshhip they were rebuilding on the sshore over there...
Firsht some pirates came along climbing all over the figurehead - typical piratesh, too many grogs!
Then the whole blesshed thing went missing! (hic) Gone! No shcaffold. Nothing! Vanisshhed.
I mean, I like a grog, but shurely I can't have imagined it all… can I?
You seem very good-humoured despite these changes.
Oh yesh, life'sh too shhort to be worried. Plusshh it meansh no more shtrange shkellies.
They been all over thisshh ishland, banging about, making a lot of noishe!
Gave me a right headache. Well, worsshhe than normal, anyway. (hic)
Good riddance to it, I sshhay! We don't need no Reapers here doing all their shkulduggery!
Thisshh plashe was a reputable island before they came along and used it as a sshhipwright'sh dry dock!