Inner Sanctum Set

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Inner Sanctum Set
Inner Sanctum clothing promo.jpg
Total items

The Inner Sanctum Set is a cosmetic set in Sea of Thieves. It can be earned through Season 14 Plunder Pass Rewards.

Set Components


  • Total Cost: n/a
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Inner Sanctum Belt.png
Inner Sanctum Belt
Time-limited item
Season 1420
Belt "A tiny piece of spiritual energy has been trapped within this belt."
Inner Sanctum Jacket.png
Inner Sanctum Jacket
Time-limited item
Season 1480
Jacket "Only revered members of a certain mysterious order are permitted to wear this spooky sigil."


  • Total Cost: n/a
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Inner Sanctum Hat.png
Inner Sanctum Hat
Time-limited item
Season 1450
Mask "Keeping your face hidden is an important part of dealing with both spirits and secret-stealers."

Ship Customisations

  • Total Cost: n/a
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Inner Sanctum Cannon Flare.png
Inner Sanctum Cannon Flare
Time-limited item
Season 1410
Cannon Flares "Fire your shots with a touch of otherworldly mysticism to keep your foes guessing."
Inner Sanctum Cannons.png
Inner Sanctum Cannons
Time-limited item
Season 1460
Cannons "Keep prying eyes away from your secrets with the roar of cannon fire!"
Inner Sanctum Capstan.png
Inner Sanctum Capstan
Time-limited item
Season 1413
Capstan "Raise a ghostly toast to the crewmates putting their backs into getting that anchor raised."
Inner Sanctum Collector's Figurehead.png
Inner Sanctum Collector's Figurehead
Time-limited item
Season 1490
Figurehead "Where this portal leads or what ghostly apparitions reach from it is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the seas."
Inner Sanctum Collector's Sails.png
Inner Sanctum Collector's Sails
Time-limited item
Season 14100
Sails "Precisely what creature inspired the insignia on these sails is a secret known only to a few."
Inner Sanctum Figurehead.png
Inner Sanctum Figurehead
Time-limited item
Season 1440
Figurehead "The strange alchemical mixture contained within the censer is rumoured to entice spirits ever closer."
Inner Sanctum Flag.png
Inner Sanctum Flag
Time-limited item
Season 1423
Flags "This strange motif has been spotted throughout history, but its meaning remains a mystery..."
Inner Sanctum Hull.png
Inner Sanctum Hull
Time-limited item
Season 141
Hull Livery "The trees that supplied this hull were grown under distant skies, and never lost the green glow of their strange sun."
Inner Sanctum Sails.png
Inner Sanctum Sails
Time-limited item
Season 1470
Sails "Whether you're on the Sea of Thieves or the Sea of the Damned, these sails will get you where you need to go."
Inner Sanctum Wheel.png
Inner Sanctum Wheel
Time-limited item
Season 1430
Wheel "Navigating the mysterious waters of worlds beyond our own requires a steady hand."


Patch history

  • 3.2.0 (October 17, 2024)
    • Introduced.