Jack's Compass

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Jack's Compass, also referred to as Jack Sparrow's Compass, is a Compass type Quest Item acquired and used exclusively during The Sunken Pearl and Captains of the Damned, pointing towards certain objectives for these Tall Tales. It is equipped via the Map Radial Menu.



Crews can only acquire Jack's compass Compass during The Sunken Pearl and Captains of the Damned Tall Tales. Unlike your regular compass, Jack's Compass is equipped from the Map Radial (E/360 RB.png) during these specific Tall Tales. Jack's Compass controls are identical to the Player's Compass, with the Primary Use button (Keyboard White Mouse Left.png/360 RT.png) bringing the compass closer to view. When Jack's Compass is equipped, players will be able to use it to track the next quest location.

Pirate Chat Wheel

Here is the Pirate Chat Wheel for Jack's Compass:

Jack's Compass Chat.png


Patch history