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The Lantern is an Equipment item in Sea of Thieves that acts as a portable light source to illuminate the immediate area.


Every Player Pirate will receive a Lantern during their Maiden Voyage, which they can use at any time during their adventures on The Sea of Thieves. The Lantern can be accessed from the Equipment Radial Menu. The Lantern can be lit and unlit with the Primary Use Button. It can also be held higher with the Secondary Use button to slightly intensify the lighting output or light other Lanterns. The Cosmetic design of the Player's Lantern can be switched at Equipment Chests. These designs can be purchased from Equipment Shops and only change the visual appearance of the Lantern. Players can check out their own Lantern in 3rd person view with the Lanterns High Emote, which is available for purchase from the Pirate Emporium for Ancient Coins.

The colour of the Lantern's Flame can be changed at the Well of Fates on the Ferry of the Damned when a player has died in a specific way. Players will have to raise their Lantern by the beacon to take a coloured flame. These coloured flames are called Flames of Fate. If Players raise their Lantern by another Lantern, they can ignite it with a coloured Flame of Fate, or pick a coloured Flame from it instead.

Lanterns can also be used to light Beacons on Large Islands, which can then be seen from afar on the Seas.

Players are required to raise their lit Lanterns to make Shadow Skeletons vulnerable to damage at night. Shadows of Fate Skeletons require a specific coloured Flame matching their colour to be made vulnerable to damage.

Some Riddle Map riddles require the player to raise their Lantern by a specific Landmark. Players need to stand still when performing this action.

List of Lanterns

All new players are equipped with a basic Sailor Lantern by default. Other versions are available for purchase from the Equipment Shop or Companies.

  • Total Items: 92
  • Total Cost: 1,694,270 Gold  5,185 Doubloons  2,390 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Set In-game description
Accomplished Kraken Lantern.png
Accomplished Kraken Lantern 1,500 Doubloons n/a n/a Accomplished "Krakens aren't usually green, but this lantern will turn envious pirates a similar shade."
Admiral Lantern.png
Admiral Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Admiral "Prove you're more than just an entitled dimwit by brightening up your crew's prospects."
Aristocrat Lantern.png
Aristocrat Lantern 15 Doubloons n/a n/a Aristocrat "An elegant lantern, perfect for poetry in the garden at midnight. Or pirate stuff, if you insist."
Azure Ocean Crawler Lantern.png
Azure Ocean Crawler Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Hunter of Trophy Fish emblem.png
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Deliver 25 Trophy Fish.
Azure Ocean Crawler "Some crabs are attracted to light, but they'll think twice if they see what your lantern's made of."
Bilge Rat Lantern.png
Bilge Rat Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Bilge Rat "Don't be too rough with it, or you might find yourself in a bit of a dark place."
Bone Crusher Lantern.png
Bone Crusher Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a
Scourge of Skeleton Ships
Scourge of Skeleton Ships emblem.png
Scourge of Skeleton Ships
Defeat 50 Skeleton Ships.
Bone Crusher "A lantern for the truly macabre, this will light your way in the eeriest fashion."
Castaway Bilge Rat Lantern.png
Castaway Bilge Rat Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Castaway Bilge Rat "Don't be too rough with it, or you might find yourself in a bit of a dark place."
Ceremonial Admiral Lantern.png
Ceremonial Admiral Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a
Merchant Alliance 38
Ceremonial Admiral "Things will shine as bright as your prospects when illuminating this splendid lantern."
Cracked Orb Lantern.png
Cracked Orb Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Orber of Souls
Orber of Souls emblem.png
Orber of Souls
Standalone Cosmetics "Light your way ahead as you see into the future one step at a time!"
Cultured Aristocrat Lantern.png
Cultured Aristocrat Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise emblem.png
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
Curse another crews' ship with Peaceball while flying Reaper's Mark flag.
Cultured Aristocrat "An elegant lantern, perfect for poetry in the garden at midnight. Or pirate stuff, if you insist."
Dark Adventurers Lantern.png
Dark Adventurers Lantern 641,250 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dark Adventurers "Even the darkest of souls sometimes need to light their way in the dead of night."
Dawn Hunter Lantern.png
Dawn Hunter Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Plundered Prizes
Plundered Prizes emblem.png
Plundered Prizes
Sell 600 of any Trading Company items while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
  • 120
  • 240
  • 360
  • 480
  • 600
Dawn Hunter "You spend a lot of time in darkness, so this may come in handy."
Deep Ocean Crawler Lantern.png
Deep Ocean Crawler Lantern 17,100 Gold n/a n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "Some crabs are attracted to light, but they'll think twice if they see what your lantern's made of."
Dreamers' Dust Lantern.png
Dreamers' Dust Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Dreamers' Dust "All you need to banish night terrors is a solid source of light and a steady hand."
Eastern Winds Jade Lantern.png
Eastern Winds Jade Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Generous Giving for Many
Generous Giving for Many emblem.png
Generous Giving for Many
Deliver 25 Generous Gifts.
Eastern Winds Jade "The jade dragons on its handle are just one of the many ways this lantern exudes quality."
Eastern Winds Ruby Lantern.png
Eastern Winds Ruby Lantern
Time-limited item
n/a Eastern Winds Ruby "The ruby dragons on its handle are just one of the many ways this lantern exudes quality."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Lantern.png
Eastern Winds Sapphire Lantern
Time-limited item
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "The golden dragons on its handle are just one of the many ways this lantern exudes quality."
Esteemed Souls Lantern.png
Esteemed Souls Lantern 2,800 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 40
Order of Souls "The highly respected souls of esteemed pirates ignites this shadow banishing lantern ."
Fallen Sea Dog Lantern.png
Fallen Sea Dog Lantern
n/a n/a Standalone Cosmetics "A lantern found in a sunken chest near Sea Dog's Rest. Surprisingly, it still works..."
Fates of Fortune Lantern.png
Fates of Fortune Lantern 150,000 Gold n/a
Fortune's Favour
Fortune's Favour emblem.png
Fortune's Favour
  • 30
  • 60
  • 90
  • 120
  • 150
  • 180
Fates of Fortune "Bring light to the dark with this elegant and spirited lantern."
Fearless Bone Crusher Lantern.png
Fearless Bone Crusher Lantern 15 Doubloons n/a n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "A lantern for the truly macabre, this will light your way in the eeriest fashion."
Festival of the Damned Lantern.png
Festival of the Damned Lantern 10 Doubloons
Time-limited item
n/a Festival of the Damned "A lantern from the Ferry of the Damned, lighting the way through the darkness of death itself."
Firefly Lantern.png
Firefly Lantern 1,500 Doubloons n/a n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Gazing into the flickering flames of this lantern will fill even the rowdiest rogues with a deep sense of serenity."
Flaming Jackal Lantern.png
Flaming Jackal Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a n/a Flaming Jackal "The fire within this lantern is but a reflection of the fire burning within your fighting spirit."
Fog-Piercing Frog Lantern.png
Fog-Piercing Frog Lantern
Time-limited item
Season Eleven70
Standalone Cosmetics "No need to be lily-livered on the lilypad with this amphibian light source."
Forsaken Ashes Lantern.png
Forsaken Ashes Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a
Master Devil's Voyager
Master Devil's Voyager emblem.png
Master Devil's Voyager
Complete all 'Devil's Voyager' Commendations.
Forsaken Ashes "Let this light shine as surely as the flames of a forge."
Frostbite Lantern.png
Frostbite Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Generous Giving for Many
Generous Giving for Many emblem.png
Generous Giving for Many
Deliver 25 Generous Gifts.
Frostbite "Should you have highly flammable fur so close to a flame? Probably not, but you're not going to let that stop you."
Frozen Horizon Lantern.png
Frozen Horizon Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "Despite the raging flame inside, this icy lantern never melts."
Ghost Lantern.png
Ghost Lantern 13,500 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Unrivalled Emissary of Athena
Unrivalled Emissary of Athena emblem.png
Unrivalled Emissary of Athena
Reach Athena's Fortune Emissary Grade 5, 20 times.
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
Ghost "Stand on a distant, foggy cliff with this haunting lantern held high and start a few ghost stories."
Gilded Phoenix Lantern.png
Gilded Phoenix Lantern
Time-limited item
n/a Gilded Phoenix "With this gleaming golden lantern, your light will truly shine like a phoenix."
Glorious Sea Dog Lantern.png
Glorious Sea Dog Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a n/a Glorious Sea Dog "A useful tool, but also a great way to accidently get spotted by your rivals."
Gold Hoarders Lantern.png
Gold Hoarders Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Unrivalled Emissary of Gold
Unrivalled Emissary of Gold emblem.png
Unrivalled Emissary of Gold
Reach Gold Hoarders Emissary Grade 5, 20 times.
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
Gold Hoarders "A sturdy light for when the situation demands you must burn up all of that expensive lantern oil."
Golden Nile Lantern.png
Golden Nile Lantern 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Golden Nile "With an exposed flame burning at its core, this ornate lantern is best handled with great care."
Grand Admiral Lantern.png
Grand Admiral Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Grand Admiral "Prove you're more than just an entitled dimwit by brightening up your crew's prospects."
Guardian Ghost Lantern.png
Guardian Ghost Lantern 13,500 Gold n/a
Spooky Stories
Spooky Stories emblem.png
Spooky Stories
Complete the 'Seabound Soul' Tall Tale while wearing the Ghostly Curse.
Guardian Ghost "Stand on a distant, foggy cliff with this haunting lantern held high and start a few ghost stories."
Hunter Lantern.png
Hunter Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Hunter "You spend a lot of time in darkness, so this may come in handy."
Imperial Sovereign Lantern.png
Imperial Sovereign Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Imperial Sovereign "Hard to tell which shines brighter, its light or the distasteful excess of gold."
Inky Kraken Lantern.png
Inky Kraken Lantern 17,100 Gold n/a n/a Inky Kraken "A lantern made from a real Kraken's eye, or so you tell the new pirates..."
Kraken Lantern.png
Kraken Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a n/a Kraken "A lantern made from a real Kraken's eye, or so you tell the new pirates..."
Lantern of Courage.png
Lantern of Courage
Time-limited item
n/a Courage "Let your courage shine like this lantern for others to follow! Besides, the dark is scary."
Lantern of the Ashen Dragon.png
Lantern of the Ashen Dragon 2,650 Gold n/a n/a Ashen Dragon "Is it your imagination, or does this lantern house a glimmer of dragon fire?"
Lantern of the Bristling Barnacle.png
Lantern of the Bristling Barnacle 25,650 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Bristling Barnacle "Lights up even the dingiest shipwrecks, perfect for some fast looting."
Lantern of the Damned.png
Lantern of the Damned 14,250 Gold n/a
A Spectrum of Shadows
A Spectrum of Shadows emblem.png
A Spectrum of Shadows
Defeat each colour of Shadow of Fate.
Damned "This lantern has lit the way through the darkness of the grave and beyond."
Lantern of the Silent Barnacle.png
Lantern of the Silent Barnacle 25,650 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Silent Barnacle "Lights up even the dingiest shipwrecks, perfect for some fast looting."
Lantern of The Wailing Barnacle.png
Lantern of The Wailing Barnacle 15 Doubloons n/a n/a Wailing Barnacle "Lights up even the dingiest shipwrecks, perfect for some fast looting."
Legendary Lantern.png
Legendary Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legend of the Mystical Order
Legend of the Mystical Order emblem.png
Legend of the Mystical Order
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Legendary "The lantern of a fine corsair, shines a beam through the night air."
Lucky Hand Lantern.png
Lucky Hand Lantern 600 Doubloons n/a n/a Lucky Hand "Good illumination ensures nobody sneaks gold from the pot when you're betting with your crew..."
Lunar Festival Lantern.png
Lunar Festival Lantern 249 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Lunar Festival "This lantern shines with a hopeful light, ready to face the new year."
Magpie's Glory Lantern.png
Magpie's Glory Lantern
Legend tier in Athena's Fortune Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x
Magpie's Glory "The Pirate Lord himself recommends this to light your way in the darkest of places."
Masked Renegade Lantern.png
Masked Renegade Lantern
Master tier in Reaper's Bones Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x
Masked Renegade "A light in the darkness can be used as a lure for all kinds of pirate prey."
Measly Souls Lantern.png
Measly Souls Lantern 700 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 10
Order of Souls "The spirits of measly Skeletons illuminate the first of our mysterious lanterns."
Mercenary Lantern.png
Mercenary Lantern 15 Doubloons n/a n/a Mercenary "Let's face it; you do your best work at night, so this lantern will prove useful."
Merchant Alliance Lantern.png
Merchant Alliance Lantern 300,000 Gold n/a
Merchant Alliance 50
Merchant Alliance "Always keep a lantern handy so you can see exactly what you're signing."
Merchant Ambassador Lantern.png
Merchant Ambassador Lantern
Admiral tier in Merchant Alliance Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x
Merchant Ambassador "Useful for those lonely nights poring over trade routes and delivery plans."
Nightshine Parrot Lantern.png
Nightshine Parrot Lantern 12,825 Gold n/a n/a Nightshine Parrot "When you look this amazing, it pays to bring your own lighting!"
Notable Souls Lantern.png
Notable Souls Lantern 1,400 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 20
Order of Souls "Shining forth from this spectral lantern are the essence of notable Skeletons."
Notorious Souls Lantern.png
Notorious Souls Lantern 3,500 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 50
Order of Souls "Only the most notorious Skeleton souls were used to light this most enigmatic lantern."
Obsidian Lantern.png
Obsidian Lantern
Time-limited item
n/a Black Dog "Illuminate the night, without spoiling your sombre look."
Ocean Crawler Lantern.png
Ocean Crawler Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a n/a Ocean Crawler "Some crabs are attracted to light, but they'll think twice if they see what your lantern's made of."
Parrot Lantern.png
Parrot Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a n/a Parrot "When you look this amazing, it pays to bring your own lighting!"
Prehistoric Plunderer Lantern.png
Prehistoric Plunderer Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Prehistoric Plunderer "It's amazing to think the tiny creature encased in this lantern evolves into a mighty Megalodon. Truly, life finds a way."
Radiant Comet Lantern.png
Radiant Comet Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Radiant Comet "Some say this lantern holds the light of a much-beloved star. May it light your way in dark places."
Rascal Sea Dog Lantern.png
Rascal Sea Dog Lantern
Time-limited item
n/a Rascal Sea Dog "Built to last, a heavy-duty lantern that won't go out even when dropped from the crow's nest."
Reaper's Heart Lantern.png
Reaper's Heart Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "You light up the lives of your crewmates by your mere presence, but the lantern certainly helps too."
Relic of Darkness Lantern.png
Relic of Darkness Lantern
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x
Relic of Darkness "A darkness lantern is a thing of beauty and confusion."
Renowned Souls Lantern.png
Renowned Souls Lantern 2,100 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 30
Order of Souls "Lift the gloom with a lantern infused with the vitality of renowned Skeletons."
Rogue Sea Dog Lantern.png
Rogue Sea Dog Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 38
Rogue Sea Dog "Built to last, a heave duty lantern that won't go out even when dropped from the crow's nest."
Royal Sovereign Lantern.png
Royal Sovereign Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a
Gold Hoarders 38
Royal Sovereign "Hard to tell which shines brighter, its light or the distasteful excess of gold."
Ruffian Sea Dog Lantern.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Ruffian Sea Dog "Built to last, a heavy duty lantern that won't go out even when dropped from the crow's nest."
Sailor Lantern.png
Sailor Lantern
Default item
n/a n/a Sailor "Lights up the dark, but also brings attention to the dullness of your lantern."
Sapphire Blade Lantern.png
Sapphire Blade Lantern
n/a n/a Sapphire Blade "Pierce the gloom and light the way for those who follow you into darkness."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Lantern.png
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a
Captain of Ashen Bones
Captain of Ashen Bones emblem.png
Captain of Ashen Bones
Set fire to 100 Skeletons with the Ashen Winds Skull
Scorched Forsaken Ashes "Let this light shine as surely as the flames of a forge."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Lantern.png
Scurvy Bilge Rat Lantern 5,450 Gold n/a n/a Scurvy Bilge Rat "Don't be too rough with it, or you might find yourself in a bit of a dark place."
Sea Dog Lantern.png
Sea Dog Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Sea Dog "Built to last, a heavy duty lantern that won't go out even when dropped from the crow's nest."
Sea Serpent Lantern.png
Sea Serpent Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sea Serpent "Light your way with a flame stolen from the maw of an ancient beast."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Lantern.png
Seared Forsaken Ashes Lantern 2,650 Gold n/a
Captain of Ashen Bones
Captain of Ashen Bones emblem.png
Captain of Ashen Bones
Set fire to 100 Skeletons with the Ashen Winds Skull
Seared Forsaken Ashes "Let this light shine as surely as the flames of a forge."
Silver Blade Lantern.png
Silver Blade Lantern
n/a n/a Silver Blade "Pierce the gloom and light the way for those who follow you into darkness."
Silver Sepulchre Lantern.png
Silver Sepulchre Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Silver Sepulchre "A stake, fire and silver - everything you need to take down even the most fearsome creatures of the night."
Snowbound Ship Lantern.png
Snowbound Ship Lantern 1,500 Doubloons n/a n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Not only is this a fine tool to light your path, it houses a tiny ship traversing frozen wastes. So hypnotic..."
Snowburned Ship Lantern.png
Snowburned Ship Lantern Equipment Chest
Time-limited item
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Whether it depicts winter in The Devil's Roar or a ruby-red sunset, this makes the season feel a little more toasty."
Soulflame Lantern.png
Soulflame Lantern 150,000 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Soulflame "This lantern seems to resemble the mask of a Soulfire Captain, but it couldn't be - could it?"
Sovereign Lantern.png
Sovereign Lantern 1,900 Gold n/a n/a Sovereign "Hard to tell which shines brighter, its light or the distasteful excess of gold."
Sting Tide Lantern.png
Sting Tide Lantern 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sting Tide "Bathe your surroundings in ethereal light from this delicate crystal lantern."
Sunshine Parrot Lantern.png
Sunshine Parrot Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Legends of the Sea II
Legends of the Sea II emblem.png
Legends of the Sea II
Find Umbra's book on Crescent Isle, where Salty once rested.
Sunshine Parrot "When you look this amazing, it pays to bring your own lighting!"
The Killer Whale Lantern.png
The Killer Whale Lantern
Hunter's Call Shop
1,400 Gold n/a
Hunter's Call 15
The Killer Whale "A lantern from The Killer Whale, a ship that never got lost. Eaten, yes, but not lost."
The Servant's Lantern.png
The Servant's Lantern
Time-limited item
n/a Servant of the Flame "Shine light on dark conspiracies with this lantern, awarded to those who worked to shroud Golden Sands Outpost."
Thriving Wild Rose Lantern.png
Thriving Wild Rose Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Always Yours
Always Yours emblem.png
Always Yours
Legendary Commendation: Complete all Commendations for 'Wild Rose'.
Thriving Wild Rose "The light of this lantern glows as warmly as the light between George and Rose."
Tribute Peak Lantern.png
Tribute Peak Lantern
Captain tier in Gold Hoarders Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x
Tribute Peak "Gold just shines that bit better in your eyes with this lantern."
Triumphant Sea Dog Lantern.png
Triumphant Sea Dog Lantern 11,395 Gold
Time-limited item
Sea Dog Seeker
Sea Dog Seeker emblem.png
Sea Dog Seeker
Dig up 100 Chests with the Glorious Sea Dog Shovel in either Arena or Adventure
Note: This can be achieved by digging up any type of buried treasure.
  • 5
  • 10
  • 30
  • 50
  • 100
Triumphant Sea Dog "A useful tool, but also a great way to accidently get spotted by your rivals."
Twilight Hunter Lantern.png
Twilight Hunter Lantern
Time-limited item
n/a Twilight Hunter "You spend a lot of time in darkness, so this may come in handy."
Venomous Kraken Lantern.png
Venomous Kraken Lantern 25,650 Gold n/a
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Legendary Kraken Hunter emblem.png
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Defeat 10 Krakens
Venomous Kraken "A lantern made from a real Kraken's eye, or so you tell the new pirates..."
Wild Rose Lantern.png
Wild Rose Lantern 15 Doubloons n/a n/a Wild Rose "The light of this lantern glows as warmly as the light between George and Rose."

Pirate Chat

Here is the Pirate Chat Wheel for Lanterns:

Lantern chat.png

Patch history

  • 1.4.1 (December 12, 2018)
    • Lanterns will no longer refresh the Flame of Fate colour when stowing and unstowing.
  • 1.3.0 (September 27, 2018)
    • Light emitted onto the sea from a lantern no longer causes a pixelated effect.
  • 1.2.4 (August 30, 2018)
    • Light It Up - Lanterns must now be lit in order to trigger riddle steps.
  • 1.1.2 (June 13, 2018)
    • Flame VFX on lanterns will now appear correctly.