Lover's Compass

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Disambig.png This article is about the Tall Tale Quest Item. For the Compass Cosmetic, see Rose's Compass.

The Lover's Compass is a magical Compass Quest Item that points to where the players can find the last two locations for the Wild Rose Tall Tale. The Lover's Compass can only be acquired as part of specific Tall Tales and are equipped via the Map Radial Menu.


The Lover's Compass is obtained by bringing the keepsakes of Rose and George to Madame Olive at Sanctuary Outpost.


Player Crews acquire the Lover's Compass during Wild Rose Tall Tale. Unlike your regular compass, the Lover's Compass can only be equipped from the Map Radial Menu (E/360 RB.png) during this specific Tall Tale. The Lover's Compass acts identically to the Player's Compass, with the Primary Use button (Keyboard White Mouse Left.png/360 RT.png) bringing the compass closer to view. When the Lover's Compass is equipped, players will be able to use it to track the next quest location.

Pirate Chat Wheel

Here is the Pirate Chat Wheel for the Lover's Compass:

Lover's Compass Chat.png