Martha the Fierce

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Martha the Fierce is a trader on Devil's Ridge, a possible target for Cargo Run voyages, and stands to the south of the waterfall and in-land pool. Contrary to what her name implies, Martha is quite nervous and paranoid, with a tendency to mistake harmless actions or objects for something more sinister. She has secluded herself on this island to avoid other pirates.


Dialogue icon.png
Oh! You made me jump. I'm Martha the Fierce. You don't plan to rob or shoot me, do you? Honest?
So... Martha the Fierce?
Yes, that's what they call me.
I think it's a bit of a joke, actually.
Sorry, I heard a bird chirping. Thought it might be a skeleton.
You don't have to be afraid.
I disagree.
People make fun of me for being... did you just see a skeleton? Or was it just a chicken?
Anyway, for being a coward.
But I'm still alive!
What made you choose this island?
This island's perfect... because Wild Henry isn't on it.
The man makes me jump out of my skin, always ranting and barking.
Also, I can see pirates coming before they get me!
Oh, false alarm, thought I saw a Skeleton Lord. But it was just the shadow of that tree.

Additionally, the following dialogue becomes available during Lost Shipment Voyages:

Dialogue icon.png
AUGH! Wh-what do you want?
Relax. It's lost cargo I'm after.
O-oh. If you're planning on shooting me and taking it for yourself, you should know I don't have anything!
A crew working for the Merchant Alliance did pass this way with a shipment, as it happens. They were terrifying!
This document I found has more about the route they were taking, so-- AAHH, what was that NOISE?!
Oh. Just a bird. Sorry. I'm a little on-edge today. Please, just take take the parchment and leave me be...

Martha the Fierce

Initiating Conversation

• Don't hurt me!
• Friend or foe?
• I surrender!

Ending Conversation

• Be careful out there.
• Don't attract Skeletons here!
• Please don't tell people I'm here.


  • Martha has a special distrust of Wild Henry, supposedly for his rambling and barking.

Patch history

  • 1.3.0 (September 27, 2018)
    • Introduced.