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Double Quotations Left.png
Nimble, lean cats that take well to life aboard a ship.

Maus are a type of Cat Pet in the Sea of Thieves. Maus can be purchased from the Pirate Emporium for 499 Ancient Coins each. All Mau Cats are essentially the same with the only difference being the colour of their coat.

Maus act and sound identical to other Cat Pets.

Maus can wear different Pet Outfits.

Types of Maus

The following is a list of all the Mau Cats

Image Name Source Cost Set In-game description
Castaway Cat.png
Castaway Cat Pirate Emporium 649 Ancient Coins A Pirate's Life "A mystical moggy that, thanks in part to being dressed as Tia Dalma, is as unpredictable as the sea."
Ivory Mau.png
Ivory Mau Pirate Emporium 499 Ancient Coins Standalone Cosmetics "Mau cats are swift and playful, but have a certain elegance that says 'Worship me!'."
Order of Souls Possessed Cat.png
Order of Souls Possessed Cat Pirate Emporium 649 Ancient Coins Order of Souls "This fearsome feline is a fine match for all cat-loving skeleton headhunters."
Sandchaser Mau.png
Sandchaser Mau Pirate Emporium 499 Ancient Coins Standalone Cosmetics "Mau cats are swift and playful, but have a certain elegance that says 'Worship me!'."
Skeleton Mau.png
Skeleton Mau Pirate Emporium 649 Ancient Coins Skeleton "This pet is just as lively as a flesh-and-blood feline, and won't leave hair on the furniture."
Stormy Mau.png
Stormy Mau Pirate Emporium 499 Ancient Coins Standalone Cosmetics "Mau cats are swift and playful, but have a certain elegance that says 'Worship me!'."
Sunken Sorrow Curse Mau.png
Sunken Sorrow Curse Mau Pirate Emporium 649 Ancient Coins Sunken Sorrow "Few cats can have as much cause to dislike water as this poor, bedraggled beast."
Tabby Mau.png
Tabby Mau Pirate Emporium 499 Ancient Coins Standalone Cosmetics "Mau cats are swift and playful, but have a certain elegance that says 'Worship me!'."
Twilight Mau.png
Twilight Mau Pirate Emporium 499 Ancient Coins Standalone Cosmetics "Mau cats are swift and playful, but have a certain elegance that says 'Worship me!'."

Mau Outfits

Pet Outfits are unlocked for purchase as soon as a Player has purchased the Pet.

Image Name Cost Set In-game description
Mau Bilge Rat Outfit.png
Mau Bilge Rat Outfit 249 Ancient Coins Bilge Rat "Dressing a cat as a Bilge Rat? Surely that's just mean."
Mau Bone Crusher Outfit.png
Mau Bone Crusher Outfit 249 Ancient Coins Bone Crusher "A pet as slinky as a Mau still looks ferocious in this bone-studded outfit."
Mau Ghost Outfit.png
Mau Ghost Outfit 249 Ancient Coins Ghost "Now that's a cat of distinction, who has seen a thing or two and probably bitten them."
Mau Kraken Outfit.png
Mau Kraken Outfit 249 Ancient Coins Kraken "Now that's a Mau that has tussled with a tentacle before!"
Mau Outfit of the Wailing Barnacle.png
Mau Outfit of the Wailing Barnacle 249 Ancient Coins Wailing Barnacle "What Mau wouldn't appreciate a little coat to keep them dry when out at sea?"
Mau Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Mau Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins Legendary "How can a Legend improve on this cat? The obvious choice is a Legendary hat."
Mau Sea Dog Outfit.png
Mau Sea Dog Outfit 249 Ancient Coins Sea Dog "Yes - Sea Dogs can be cats too! Just look at this dapper Mau if you don't believe us."
Mau Sovereign Outfit.png
Mau Sovereign Outfit 249 Ancient Coins Sovereign "The Mau already has a royal bearing; this neat attire will ensure it commands respect."
