Mimic Dart

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The Mimic Dart is an upcoming type of Dart ammunition in Sea of Thieves. The dart allows pirates to mimic other Pirates or Skeletons appearance for up to two minutes. Its maximum ammunition capacity is four, allowing for four darts to be fired before being completely depleted.


  • Shoot Dart: Primary Use will shoot the equipped dart.
  • Aim Blowpipe: Holding Secondary Use will aim the blowpipe while taking a deep breath, shooting farther longer you aim.


  • Mimicing a target lasts two minutes.
  • The mimic effect may be removed by firing another Mimic Dart at a solid surface.
  • The colour of the player's gamertag will change to match the affiliation of the target player, however the gaemertag itself will not change.
  • Pirates may mimic a mimic, and so on.
  • When mimicing another pirate or skeleton, players will be shown a simple set of emotes rather than a full range.


Smile and Wave emblem
Smile and WavePerform the Point Emote at the player you are mimicking.n/a
Undercover emblem
UndercoverSuccessfully repair, bail, load or cook while disguised as an enemy on an enemy ship.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 15
  • Grade IV: 30
  • Grade V: 50
Who's Who emblem
Who's WhoKill an enemy while mimicking them.n/a
Undamaged Doppelganger emblem
Undamaged DoppelgangerSpend the full duration of the mimic effect aboard an enemy ship without taking damage.n/a
Mimic Me Mimic You emblem
Mimic Me Mimic YouComplete all Mimic Dart Commendations.Title reward Rewards the Part of the Hive Title.
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Lucky Hand Blowpipe for purchase.

Patch history

  • 3.2.3 (January 23, 2025)
    • Introduced.