Poison Dart

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The Poison Dart is a type of Dart ammunition in Sea of Thieves. The dart damages and inflicts Poison upon impact. Its maximum ammunition capacity is four, allowing for four darts to be fired before being completely depleted.


  • Shoot Dart: Primary Use will shoot the equipped dart.
  • Aim Blowpipe: Holding Secondary Use will aim the blowpipe while taking a deep breath, shooting farther longer you aim.


  • If fired at a pirate on the same crew, the dart will not damage them.
  • The poison from the dart does not stack on eachother.
  • The dart may be destroyed with damage, removing the effect.


Poisonous Pirate emblem
Poisonous PiratePoison other pirates or enemies with Poison Darts.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 25
  • Grade III: 50
  • Grade IV: 100
  • Grade V: 150
Unlockable rewards Required to unlock the Treasure Chest Disguise for purchase, in conjunction with Repeat Offender.
Oceans of Venom emblem
Oceans of VenomKill Ocean Crawlers with Poison Darts.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 15
  • Grade III: 30
  • Grade IV: 60
  • Grade V: 100
Revenge at Last emblem
Revenge at LastKill a snake with Poison Darts (25 times).Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Shadow Tide Flag for purchase.
Practically Poisonous in Every Way emblem
Practically Poisonous in Every WayComplete all Poison Dart Commendations.Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Sea Dog Blowpipe for purchase.
Bewildering Blowpipes emblem
Bewildering BlowpipesComplete all Commendations for the Lure, Poison and Black Powder Darts.Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Shadow Tide Hull for purchase. (Required to unlock the Chest of Fortune Disguise for purchase, in conjunction with Fortune's Favour (Grade 3).)

Patch history

  • 3.2.2 (December 12, 2024)
    • Players can now quickly cycle through available dart types via a new keybind, Dart Radial Input. This same key can also be held to summon the full Dart Radial. By default, this is bound to ‘H’ on keyboard and Right on D-pad when using a controller – players already using these keys for other actions will need to rebind their controls to prevent issues from occurring.
    • Players now have a choice on how the blowpipe acts when running out of a specific dart type. By default it will switch to the next type, but by using Auto Switch Dart Type in the Input Settings, players can prevent this automatic switch.
  • 3.2.1 (November 18, 2024)
    • The blowpipe’s quickfire has been tuned to ensure that it still provides a quick but accurate shot at close range, without overshadowing the benefits of a more considered charged shot.
    • Even a brief charge will now deliver a strong mid-range shot, while fully charged shot travels the maximum shot range.
  • 3.2.0 (October 17, 2024)
    • Introduced.