Senior Trader Mildred

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Senior Trader Mildred is a representative for the Merchant Alliance on Ancient Spire Outpost.

Mildred, despite her matronly words and older appearance, seems to be more than capable of handling herself as a Merchant representative.


Dialogue icon.png

Hello dearie, I'm Senior Trader Mildred. How can the Merchant Alliance be of assistance to you?

What can you tell me about the Merchant Alliance?

Of course, dear.
We receive orders from our delightful customers to acquire some things for them.
These orders are passed on to you lovely pirates and we pay you gold to fetch what's needed.
Occasionally we get asked for...ah...special cargo, which can also be arranged.

Is being a merchant a good life?

Ooo...yes it is, my lovely.
You get to spend time with some wonderful animals, especially those darling snakes.
The gold is nice too, as are the spyglasses and watches we have to help you on your travels.
There's also other rewards to be had if you are prepared to...ah...sail the extra mile.

What is an Emissary? (After 2.0.14)

It's a good way to get into our good books and make yourself a pretty penny, too.
Sign up and you get to sail under our name, which means you earn a lot more. The longer you can keep it up, the better!
If you should...ah...outperform other Emissaries, you'll get even more. So don't play too nice.

I don't want to be rude, but you look a little bit too nice for this place. (Before 2.0.14)

No offense taken, dearie.
I've been a Merchant for many years and there isn't much I've not seen.
Don't worry about me, I'm more than capable of dealing with...ah...unfortunate incidents that come my way.

Patch history

  • 2.0.14 (April 22, 2020)
    • Added new dialogue.