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Stephen is the shopkeeper at Stephen's Spoils Seapost.


Current Dialogue

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Greetings, fellow cutthroat! If you've been single-handedly slaying Krakens for fun, I'm afraid to say that Merrick isn't here to buy the meat.
I know what you're thinking - surely Stephen, a ferocious pirate, must have had a hand in his disappearance? But no, I'm entirely innocent! For once.
Merrick came back here briefly after that Golden Sands business, and I saw him reading some sort of correspondence.
Next thing I know, he's off over the horizon without so much as a wave goodbye!
The missive should still be somewhere in his belongings. I haven't gotten around to stealing anything yet...


Initiating Conversation

• Spoils for sale!
• Watch your step.
• You! What have you got for me then?

Ending Conversation

• Don't stop for nothing!
• Get on your way, then!
• Give 'em hell!

Previous Dialogue

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Ah, a fellow cutthroat! I'm Stephen, this is Stephen's Spoils. After a hard day's plundering, I make a tidy profit. But don't you get too close!
All your items are the spoils of combat?
Not all of them, no. I'm only one pirate!
But let's just say there's no refund if you buy a compass with a bloodstain on the back.
You may find holes in one or two of these shirts, too!
Complain if you like, just remember how I get my stock...
What brings you to The Ancient Isles?
It's a good place to get the jump on unsuspecting pirates!
And ambush stupid skellies for their boots!
From here, you could easily pillage Ancient Spire Outpost with a jet-black Sloop, sneaking in at midnight to burn the tents and steal their stuff...
To be honest, people prefer me to stay away.
Okay, I won't get too close...
Good! This is my seapost, I stole it fair and square!
A word of advice. You need to find something in this world that's yours, and then you defend it with everything you've got
If you don't stand for something, you'll sit for anything!
Find out what matters to you, pirate, and fight for it with your blood, sweat and tears.
That's the meaning of life!

Patch history

  • 1.3.0 (September 27, 2018)
    • Introduced.