The Bonesmith

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Disambig.svg This article is about the NPC. For the shop run by the NPC, see Bonesmith Shop.

The Bonesmith is the shopkeeper at the Bonesmith Shop in the Reaper's Lair. They sell cosmetics items to use with the Skeleton Curse.


Dialogue icon.png

What can I do to you? I mean "for you". What can I do FOR you?

What's a Bonesmith?

That's a tricky question to answer. But I will do my best.
I am an artiste, creating all manner of amazing works.
My medium is bone. I mean, what I work with, not the size!
The Reapers employ me to craft skeletal works of art.
Walking one, too. Sometimes, talking.

You experiment on skeletons, then?

Well, I wouldn't say experiment as such. It's more art than science.
It's fair to say that they are the canvas on which I perform my art.
Skeletons are what you might call... the bare bones of what I do.
The artistry lies in the additions I make to those bones.
Each scraped scapula, each fractured fibula - like my brushstrokes.

What's the point of your great works?

Do you ask why a mountaineer climbs a mountain, or a pirate sails the seas?
I am inspired to do it! Pure and simple. Death is my muse!
The results may not always be beautiful to the beholder, but they are fascinating.
The more I breathe life into my creations, the more I learn about bonesmithing.
So, I can't help but tinker with favourite artwork - and indeed my greatest achievement: me!

The Bonesmith

Initiating conversation

• Ah, another experiment gone wrong. Oh I apologise, I thought you'd escaped the workshop.
• Have you brought me my delivery of bits, bones and bird beaks? Oh I do love new toys.
• Hello, you look like you need working on, bones and all. Eh heh heh.

Ending conversation

• We'll meet again, I can feel it in my bones you might say. Hah!
• Off you pop, but watch out for those dogs. They're always stealing some part of me to gnaw on.
• You going? I'll believe it when I see it with my own eyes. Well, sockets. Eh heh heh heh heh.


  • It is possible to sell loot items to the Bonesmith on behalf of the Reaper's Bones. Reputation and gold are applied as normal, including Emissary Value and Bonus.

Patch history

  • 2.7.0 (November 22, 2022)
    • Introduced.