Voice of the Flame

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The Voice of the Flame is an NPC who offers the Ritual of the Flame to players in the the Reaper's Lair.

She is located down the central tunnel, in the lower chamber of the Reaper's Lair.


Dialogue icon.png
I am the Voice of the Flame. You may speak, but do not waste my time
What does the Voice of the Flame do?
I am the conduit for Captain Flameheart.
Through me his will is made manifest when you drink deep from the chalice.
Those who seek to serve can be transformed.
Losing their flesh to become Skeleton pirates.
They will go into battle with their true allegiance on full display - their colours nailed to the mast!
But isn't that the Skeleton curse?
What is a curse but a method of change?
I prefer to see it as the greatest gift we can bestow.
One that allows our loyal Reapers show who they truly are.
And to drive the fear of Flameheart into all who encounter them!
If you can see that as a curse, then you have too faint a heart to serve us.
If you are proud of the curse, why do you wear a mask?
Be wary of your tone. You may gaze upon my true features but once.
It is a privilege reserved for those who undertake the Ritual of the Flame.
Only when you become a skeleton yourself are you permitted to perceive me as I am.
Make no mistake. The mask hides no shame. It is not for my benefit!
It is for yours. Only when you are a loyal servant will you understand.
What is your plan with the Reapers?
My plan is the same as Captain Flameheart's plan.
We must take the Sea of Thieves from the interloper that calls himself Lord.
Only then can true piracy rise again to claim the waves.
For the so-called Pirate Lord peddles a twisted reflection of a pirate's life.
Only through service to the Flame can we achieve our goal liberty from that liberal tyrant.

Voice of the Flame

Initiating conversation

• You should kneel to me.

Ending conversation

• Leave me now.
• Disturb me again at your peril.
• Go.

Patch history

  • 2.7.0 (November 22, 2022)
    • Introduced.