Checkmate Clothing Bundle

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The Checkmate Clothing Bundle is a Pirate Emporium bundle containing clothing from the Checkmate Set available for purchase from the Pirate Emporium for Ancient Coins.

List of bundled items

  • The bundle contains 6 items.
  • Total cost of items separately: 1,994 Ancient Coins
  • Savings from bundle purchase: 995 Ancient Coins
Checkmate Clothing Bundle
Image Item Cost Description
Checkmate Gloves.png
Checkmate Gloves 249 Ancient Coins "Strike the perfect balance with gloves that display your understanding of tactical advantages."
Checkmate Hook.png
Checkmate Hook 249 Ancient Coins "Brandish the effigy of a rearing steed and show your enemies how outmatched they are."
Checkmate Pegleg.png
Checkmate Pegleg 249 Ancient Coins "Despite appearances, you're anything but someone else's pawn."
Checkmate Trousers.png
Checkmate Trousers 249 Ancient Coins "Finely crafted and expertly worn, these trousers are a case of style meeting function."
Checkmate Hat.png
Checkmate Hat 499 Ancient Coins "Weigh your options in this feather-adorned hat, a suitable thinking cap for solving the many conundrums of the pirate's life."
Checkmate Jacket.png
Checkmate Jacket 499 Ancient Coins "Only a master of strategy has earned the right to wear a jacket so laden with honours and finery."

Patch history

  • 3.0.0 (April 30, 2024)
    • Introduced.