Forest's Blessing Costume Set

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The Forest's Blessing Costume is a collection of Costumes for the Spring Blossom Set available from the Pirate Emporium. The Costume Set was previously earned through the Season Six Plunder Pass.

List of bundled items

  • The bundle contains 4 items.
  • Total cost of items separately: 2,096 Ancient Coins
  • Savings from bundle purchase: 1,097 Ancient Coins
Forest's Blessing Costume Set
Image Item Cost Description
Forest's Blessing Tattoo.png
Forest's Blessing Tattoo 99 Ancient Coins "If you aren't quite up for turning your body into a tree, this intricate ink is the next best thing."
Forest's Blessing Costume 1.png
Forest's Blessing Costume 1 599 Ancient Coins "A forest guardian. Garbed in robes of pink and green. Ready and alert."
Forest's Blessing Costume 2.png
Forest's Blessing Costume 2 599 Ancient Coins "Twisted roots take hold. Blossom falls - gift from the trees. Nature's rich embrace."
Forest's Blessing Costume 3.png
Forest's Blessing Costume 3 799 Ancient Coins "Flesh wooden, skin bark. You are one with the forest. Transformed and complete."

Patch history

  • 2.5.2 (May 12, 2022)
    • Players equipping Forest's Blessing Costume 3 should find that their equipped hair or beard no longer interferes with the costume’s mask.
  • 2.5.0 (March 10, 2022)
    • Introduced, available as a Season Six Plunder Pass reward.