Lionfish Weapon Bundle

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The Lionfish Weapon Bundle is a bundle containing all four weapons from the Lionfish Set available for purchase from the Pirate Emporium for Ancient Coins.

List of bundled items

  • The bundle contains 4 items.
  • Total cost of items separately: 596 Ancient Coins
  • Savings from bundle purchase: 297 Ancient Coins
Lionfish Weapon Bundle
Image Item Cost Description
Lionfish Blunderbuss.png
Lionfish Blunderbuss 149 Ancient Coins "Like the fish it's modelled on, this multicoloured blunderbuss looks harmless but packs a mighty wallop."
Lionfish Cutlass.png
Lionfish Cutlass 149 Ancient Coins "While this cutlass' spines may not be venomous, getting poked with one doesn't half sting."
Lionfish Eye of Reach.png
Lionfish Eye of Reach 149 Ancient Coins "If all else fails, blind your opponent with this weapon's dazzling array of colours. Who needs stealth?"
Lionfish Pistol.png
Lionfish Pistol 149 Ancient Coins "Don't be bamboozled by this kaleidoscopic pistol - you'll be seeing black if you end up on the wrong end of it."

Patch history

  • 3.0.0 (April 30, 2024)
    • Reduced price from 499 Ancient Coins to 299 Ancient Coins.
  • 2.5.2 (May 12, 2022)
    • Introduced.