Stormfish Chaser Ship Bundle

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The Stormfish Chaser Ship Bundle is a bundle containing ship cosmetics from the Stormfish Chaser Set available for purchase from the Pirate Emporium for Ancient Coins.

List of bundled items

  • The bundle contains 8 items.
  • Total cost of items separately: 3,292 Ancient Coins
  • Savings from bundle purchase: 793 Ancient Coins
Stormfish Chaser Ship Bundle
Image Item Cost Description
Stormfish Chaser Cannon.png
Stormfish Chaser Cannon 349 Ancient Coins "The metal might be rusted by endless rain, but it'll hold a while yet."
Stormfish Chaser Cannon Flare.png
Stormfish Chaser Cannon Flare 349 Ancient Coins "Harness the power of a storm and unleash your cannonballs with a surge of elemental fury."
Stormfish Chaser Capstan.png
Stormfish Chaser Capstan 349 Ancient Coins "Maybe relying on a weathervane for directions in a hurricane wasn't your brightest idea."
Stormfish Chaser Flag.png
Stormfish Chaser Flag 349 Ancient Coins "The top of the mast is a bad place to be in a hurricane, but this Stormfish doesn't seem to mind."
Stormfish Chaser Hull.png
Stormfish Chaser Hull 349 Ancient Coins "The paintwork hasn't held up to all the storms it's endured, but at least the scars look cool."
Stormfish Chaser Wheel.png
Stormfish Chaser Wheel 349 Ancient Coins "Sometimes you have to ask yourself if forging a wheel out of iron and sailing into a storm is a good idea."
Stormfish Chaser Figurehead.png
Stormfish Chaser Figurehead 599 Ancient Coins "What better figure to guide you through the wilds of a storm than a Twilight Stormfish?"
Stormfish Chaser Sails.png
Stormfish Chaser Sails 599 Ancient Coins "They might be ragged and rain-soaked, but these sails will get you where you're going even in the worst weather."

See also

Patch history

  • 3.0.1 (May 23, 2024)
    • Introduced.