Champions of Souls

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Champions of Souls
Champions of Souls.jpg
Start date
February 4, 2021
End date
February 18, 2021

Champions of Souls is a 14 day long Order of Souls themed event in Sea of Thieves. The event tasks players to complete challenges to earn points (Soul Fragments) that work toward unlocking weapon cosmetics from the Order of Souls Set and a thematic Title.

Players can track their progress on the official Champions of Souls event page.

Official summary

The Order of Souls have assigned a worth, measured in Soul Fragments, to the deadliest of the deceased that plague the Sea of Thieves. Taking down a terrifying Ashen Lord will release more Soul Fragments back into the ether than defeating a weaker Skeleton Captain, for example. How you choose to free these Fragments is entirely up to you, but reaching the totals listed below will award you with an Order-themed weapon or, should you complete the Event, a new title. As the Order continues its work, Olivia will send word if a specific form of foe should prove particularly valuable, offering a boosted bonus to your total Soul Fragments if they’re destroyed.


Image Reward Requirements
Order of Souls Cutlass promo.jpg Order of Souls Cutlass

Unlocked at 50 Soul Fragments

A Head Start:
Battle skeletons and Ghost Ships, releasing 50 Soul Fragments during the Champions of Souls Event to earn the Order of Souls Cutlass.

Order of Souls Pistol promo.jpg Order of Souls Pistol

Unlocked at 100 Soul Fragments

Making Memories:
Battle skeletons and Ghost Ships, releasing 100 Soul Fragments during the Champions of Souls Event to earn the Order of Souls Pistol.

Order of Souls Eye of Reach promo.jpg Order of Souls Eye of Reach

Unlocked at 200 Soul Fragments

Not Your Usual Order:
Battle skeletons and Ghost Ships, releasing 200 Soul Fragments during the Champions of Souls Event to earn the Order of Souls Eye of Reach.

Order of Souls Blunderbuss promo.jpg Order of Souls Blunderbuss

Unlocked at 350 Soul Fragments

High Spirits:
Battle skeletons and Ghost Ships, releasing 350 Soul Fragments during the Champions of Souls Event to earn the Order of Souls Blunderbuss.

ChoS Hoarder of Souls.jpg Champion of Souls Title

Unlocked at 500 Soul Fragments

Flameheart and Soul:
Battle skeletons and Ghost Ships, releasing 500 Soul Fragments during the Champions of Souls Event to earn the Hoarder of Souls Title.

Repeatable Challenges

The following challenges may be repeated, rewarding Soul Fragments each time they are completed.

Image Reward Requirements
ChoS 2SF Ship.jpg 2 Soul Fragments Destroy a Ghost Ship during a Ghost Ship Voyage or Flameheart battle.
ChoS 10SF Captains.jpg 20 Soul Fragments Defeat a Skeleton Captain during an Order of Souls Bounty Voyage or a natural encounter.
ChoS 25SF Ashen.jpg 25 Soul Fragments Find and defeat an Ashen Guardian or an Ashen Key Master.
ChoS 50SF Fort Lord.jpg 50 Soul Fragments Defeat any Skeleton Lord at an active Skeleton Fort.
ChoS 50SF Ashen Lord.jpg 50 Soul Fragments Find an Ashen Winds Cloud and defeat the arisen Ashen Lord.
ChoS 50SF Burning Blade.jpg 50 Soul Fragments Destroy Flameheart’s flagship, the Burning Blade.