Collector's Pets

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Collector's Pets are special types of Pets available for purchase from the Pirate Emporium for Ancient Coins in Sea of Thieves. Collector's Pets have special skins and features that tie them directly to different Cosmetic Sets or Seasonal Events.

While these Pets share Species and Breeds with other Pets in the game, they cannot be equipped with any Pet Outfits.

List of Collector's Pets

  • Total Items: 56
  • Total Cost: 36,344 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Set In-game description
Ashen Curse Alsatian.png
Ashen Curse Alsatian 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Ashen Dragon "We hope you've fireproofed your cabin for when you're teaching this scorching Alsatian to roll over."
Ashen Curse Macaw.png
Ashen Curse Macaw 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Ashen Dragon "Touched by the fires of The Devil's Roar, this Macaw definitely has the brightest crest."
Ashen Curse Marmoset.png
Ashen Curse Marmoset 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Ashen Dragon "A magical fire burns within this Marmoset, but it's still cursed with cuteness too."
Ashen Curse Owl.png
Ashen Curse Owl 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Ashen Dragon "Many small land critters have learned to keep a wary eye out for the glow of red embers against a night sky."
Ashen Curse Ragamuffin.png
Ashen Curse Ragamuffin 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Ashen Dragon "Nobody wants their cat to shed, even less so when the cat is all ash and bone beneath."
Cardinal Lodestar Cat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cardinal Lodestar "Don't be fooled by the serene majesty of this cosmic kitty. The mess it makes is otherworldly."
Cardinal Lodestar Parrot 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cardinal Lodestar "This astral parrot looks like it knows the secrets of the universe. Maybe it'll tell you - in exchange for a cracker."
Castaway Cat.png
Castaway Cat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a A Pirate's Life "A mystical moggy that, thanks in part to being dressed as Tia Dalma, is as unpredictable as the sea."
Chocolatier's Companion Alsatian.png
Chocolatier's Companion Alsatian 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Chocolatier's Companion "Although he's not best suited to blazing sunshine, this faithful pooch will follow you anywhere."
Chocolatier's Companion Parakeet.png
Chocolatier's Companion Parakeet 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Chocolatier's Companion "You'd think a stone headdress would impede the ability to fly, but this little bird doesn't seem to mind."
Condemned Captain Monkey.png
Condemned Captain Monkey 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cursed Ferryman "This brave but rather miserable pet monkey is risking a trip to the Locker by dressing up as the notorious Davy Jones."
Coral Coven Cat.png
Coral Coven Cat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Coral Coven "This feline familiar would be the best potion brewer on the seas if only they could read the recipes."
Diabolical Dog.png
Diabolical Dog 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Crimson Crypt "Folklore says scarred hounds with red eyes are an omen for storms and calamities, but this one just has belly rubs in its future."
Glacial Curse Alsatian.png
Glacial Curse Alsatian 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "Very fond of fetching snowballs if you have any to spare."
Glacial Curse Fox.png
Glacial Curse Fox 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "No icy curse is going to be enough to stop this fox from curling up in a warm patch of sunshine."
Glacial Curse Inu.png
Glacial Curse Inu 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "This icy Inu is a faithful and affectionate companion - one with a particularly cold nose."
Glacial Curse Owl.png
Glacial Curse Owl 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "This frosty feathered friend may have taken the term Snowy Owl a little too literally."
Glacial Curse Parakeet.png
Glacial Curse Parakeet 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "Beware! A razor-sharp beak made of ice won't stop this little one from nibbling on your fingers."
Glacial Curse Ragamuffin.png
Glacial Curse Ragamuffin 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "While this frosty Ragamuffin enjoys being petted, you might want to consider wearing gloves."
Gold Curse Alsatian.png
Gold Curse Alsatian 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "Who's a gold boy, then? At least this priceless pup seems perfectly content to be cursed..."
Gold Curse Barbary.png
Gold Curse Barbary 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "Even the most intelligent monkeys aren't immune to the irresistible lure of cursed gold."
Gold Curse Capuchin.png
Gold Curse Capuchin 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "Sometimes monkeys just love to steal coins. Sooner or later..."
Gold Curse Inu.png
Gold Curse Inu 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "Being made of solid gold isn't going to be enough to slow this excitable pup down."
Gold Curse Macaw.png
Gold Curse Macaw 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "This magnificent Macaw must have had an encounter with cursed gold, but it seems chirpy enough."
Gold Curse Parakeet.png
Gold Curse Parakeet 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "Okay, you win. You are a pretty boy, then!"
Gold Curse Whippet.png
Gold Curse Whippet 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "It's possible that turning a lightning-fast ball of destruction into solid gold wasn't the safest of ideas."
Gold Curse Wildcat.png
Gold Curse Wildcat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gold Hoarders "The Gold Curse that turns skin golden affects animals too, if they sleep on your coin pile."
Graveyard Grim Cockatoo.png
Graveyard Grim Cockatoo 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Graveyard Grim "The ferryman keeps sending this bird back. Maybe he doesn't like its singing."
Graveyard Grim Marmoset.png
Graveyard Grim Marmoset 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Graveyard Grim "Rumour has it this simian was barred from the Sea of the Damned for his light-fingered crimes."
Graveyard Grim Whippet.png
Graveyard Grim Whippet 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Graveyard Grim "Not even an untimely end is going to keep this protective pooch from its master's side."
Graveyard Grim Wildcat.png
Graveyard Grim Wildcat 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Graveyard Grim "A little spot of death wasn't about to get in the way of this cat's daily nap in the sun."
Hunter's Call Forager Monkey.png
Hunter's Call Forager Monkey 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a The Hunter's Call "This whiskered emperor tamarin prefers the finest foods - just like Merrick and his family."
Hunter's Call Forager Parrot.png
Hunter's Call Forager Parrot 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a The Hunter's Call "The Hunter's Call are trying to train these birds to seek out quarry, without much success."
Lodestar Cat.png
Lodestar Cat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Lodestar "Don't be fooled by the serene majesty of this cosmic kitty. The mess it makes is otherworldly."
Lodestar Parrot.png
Lodestar Parrot 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Lodestar "This astral parrot looks like it knows the secrets of the universe. Maybe it'll tell you - in exchange for a cracker."
Mutinous Mutt.png
Mutinous Mutt 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Royal Revenge "This dapper dog may seem trustworthy, but is best watched closely if you have cursed gold aboard your ship."
Order of Souls Possessed Cat.png
Order of Souls Possessed Cat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Order of Souls "This fearsome feline is a fine match for all cat-loving skeleton headhunters."
Order of Souls Possessed Monkey.png
Order of Souls Possessed Monkey 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Order of Souls "Catch the glowing eyes of this miniature ape and it'll leave your mouth agape."
Painted Cat.png
Painted Cat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Standalone Cosmetics "These markings surely have some greater meaning, but this fascinating feline isn't telling."
Piranha Poodle.png
Piranha Poodle 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Mêlée Island "It may look cute, but the heritage of ferocious Piranha Poodles from the Caribbean gives this loyal pet an endless energy. Keep it contented to avoid... incidents."
Prison Dog.png
Prison Dog 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Eternal Freedom "A faithful pet who always seems to sit just out of reach. Keeps your brig locked up nice and tight."
Prominent Prisoner Monkey.png
Prominent Prisoner Monkey 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a A Pirate's Life "You may now, henceforth, commence with the acquisition and dispersal of bananas. Savvy?"
Reaper's Heart Cat.png
Reaper's Heart Cat 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "Cool, calculating and mysterious... If that's you, this cat will make the perfect companion."
Reaper's Heart Dog.png
Reaper's Heart Dog 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "The dark magic that brought this dog to life doesn't make it any less of a faithful pet."
Reaper's Heart Fox.png
Reaper's Heart Fox 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "No amount of dark magic could ever put an end to this mischievous fox's fun."
Reaper's Heart Monkey.png
Reaper's Heart Monkey 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "This construct of dark magic will follow you forever. Sadly it doesn't fly, my pretty."
Reaper's Heart Parrot.png
Reaper's Heart Parrot 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "Dark magic was used to bring this cursed parrot to life, so it can serve you for eternity."
Skeleton Alsatian.png
Skeleton Alsatian 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Skeleton "It's well known that dogs enjoy bones, but this skeletal sidekick has taken it a bit far."
Skeleton Cockatoo.png
Skeleton Cockatoo 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Skeleton "This skeletal Cockatoo is not only amazing to behold, but it also never poops on your shoulder."
Skeleton Fox.png
Skeleton Fox 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Skeleton "Even when the fur is long gone, no fox could be content without its trademark whiskers."
Skeleton Marmoset.png
Skeleton Marmoset 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Skeleton "If you want an unsettling, eerie, impressive pet that never has to be fed, try a cursed Marmoset!"
Skeleton Mau.png
Skeleton Mau 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Skeleton "This pet is just as lively as a flesh-and-blood feline, and won't leave hair on the furniture."
Skeleton Owl.png
Skeleton Owl 649 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Skeleton "Many a pirate has found themselves on the receiving end of an intimidating bony frown."
Spiffy (pet).png
Spiffy (pet) 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Mêlée Island "Whether you're in the tavern or out at sea, this surprisingly intelligent dog is a faithful companion."
Sunken Sorrow Curse Mau.png
Sunken Sorrow Curse Mau 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sunken Sorrow "Few cats can have as much cause to dislike water as this poor, bedraggled beast."
Sunken Sorrow Curse Whippet.png
Sunken Sorrow Curse Whippet 649 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sunken Sorrow "A loyal companion that has paid the price for its master's meddling."

Patch history
