Creator Crew
The Creator Crew is an official programme for creatively minded Sea of Thieves fans who enjoy making and sharing content around the game.
Joining the Creator Crew is a great move if you’re a very keen Sea of Thieves player, especially if you’re interested in streaming to an audience and showing off your skills, ideas or adventures. You’ll get access to a hub page offering content creation advice and the opportunity to nurture and showcase your creativity.
Once you sign up to become part of the Creator Crew, you gain access to:
- The Creator Crew Forums, where you can join a thriving creator community to share and discuss your latest adventures.
- ‘How To’ tutorials to get you up to speed on all the latest tips and tricks.
- Streaming challenges that offer in-game rewards for getting started and building your audience.
- Asset packs full of high-resolution artwork to help your content shine.
- A chance to step into the spotlight and have your content shared on Sea of Thieves’ official channels.
"Share your adventures and creativity for everyone sailing the Sea of Thieves to behold!"
Share your stories to complete Commendations and earn unique rewards.
Welcome to our growing community of creative pirates!
- Gilded Phoenix Sails → Stream for 5 minutes (Rewards Gilded Phoenix Sails)
- Tale Whisperer Grade I → Stream for 1 hour 30
- Tale Whisperer Grade II → Stream for 5 hours 5,000
- Tale Whisperer Grade III → Stream for 10 hours 30
- Tale Whisperer Grade IV → Stream for 15 hours 5,000
- Tale Whisperer Grade V → Stream for 20 hours (Rewards an in-game title)
- Pirate Storyteller Grade I → Have 5 concurrent viewers 5,000
- Pirate Storyteller Grade II → Have 15 concurrent viewers 30
- Pirate Storyteller Grade III → Have 20 concurrent viewers (Rewards an in-game title)
Watched Time
- Seeker of Tales Grade I → Accumulate 25 hours watch time 30
- Seeker of Tales Grade II → Accumulate 100 hours watch time (Rewards an in-game title)
NOTE: "Seeker of Tales" accumulates time per viewer. (Examples: 5 viewers for 1 hour streamed = 5 hours watched time)