Rogue Tinkerer Weapon Bundle

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The bundle consists of Rogue Tinkerer Set weapons.

List of bundled items

  • The bundle contains 4 items.
  • Total cost of items separately: 596 Ancient Coins
  • Savings from bundle purchase: 297 Ancient Coins
Rogue Tinkerer Weapon Bundle
Image Item Cost Description
Rogue Tinkerer Blunderbuss.png
Rogue Tinkerer Blunderbuss 149 Ancient Coins "A Blunderbuss created by a born inventor, who didn't realise they already existed."
Rogue Tinkerer Cutlass.png
Rogue Tinkerer Cutlass 149 Ancient Coins "As the professionals like to say, 'measure twice, cutlass once'."
Rogue Tinkerer Eye of Reach.png
Rogue Tinkerer Eye of Reach 149 Ancient Coins "Dismantling a gun is easy. Putting it back together is where the challenge lies."
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol.png
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol 149 Ancient Coins "A pistol once owned by a pirate who clearly had a low boredom threshold."

Patch history

  • 3.0.0 (April 30, 2024)
    • Reduced price from 499 Ancient Coins to 299 Ancient Coins.
  • 2.0.22 (February 18, 2021)
    • Introduced.