Rogue Tinkerer Set

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Rogue Tinkerer Set
Collectors Rogue Tinkerer Set Galleon.png
Total items
4,386 Ancient Coins

The Rogue Tinkerer Set is a cosmetic set in Sea of Thieves available from the Pirate Emporium.

Set Components


  • Total Cost: 999 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Rogue Tinkerer Captain Costume.png
Rogue Tinkerer Captain Costume Bundle Only n/a n/a Costume "Dress as the mechanically minded captain of a ship you've tweaked and improved."
Rogue Tinkerer Crew Costume 1.png
Rogue Tinkerer Crew Costume 1 Bundle Only n/a n/a Costume "An inventor's garb, worn by a clever crewmate who's loyal to their captain."
Rogue Tinkerer Crew Costume 2.png
Rogue Tinkerer Crew Costume 2 Bundle Only n/a n/a Costume "An inventor's garb, worn by a clever crewmate who's loyal to their captain."
Rogue Tinkerer Crew Costume 3.png
Rogue Tinkerer Crew Costume 3 Bundle Only n/a n/a Costume "An inventor's garb, worn by a clever crewmate who's loyal to their captain."


  • Total Cost: 596 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Rogue Tinkerer Blunderbuss.png
Rogue Tinkerer Blunderbuss 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Blunderbuss "A blunderbuss created by a born inventor, who didn't realise they already existed."
Rogue Tinkerer Cutlass.png
Rogue Tinkerer Cutlass 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cutlass "As the professionals like to say, 'measure twice, cutlass once'."
Rogue Tinkerer Eye of Reach.png
Rogue Tinkerer Eye of Reach 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Eye of Reach "Dismantling a gun is easy. Putting it back together is where the challenge lies."
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol.png
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Pistol "A pistol once owned by a pirate who clearly had a low boredom threshold."

Ship Customisations

  • Total Cost: 2,791 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Collector's Rogue Tinkerer Figurehead.png
Collector's Rogue Tinkerer Figurehead 499 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Figurehead "A golden, masterful mechanism that spins with a life of its own. Poetry in motion!"
Collector's Rogue Tinkerer Sails.png
Collector's Rogue Tinkerer Sails 499 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sails "Sails befitting a crew who truly take pride in the craftmanship of all that they improve."
Rogue Tinkerer Cannon.png
Rogue Tinkerer Cannon 199 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cannons "Ropes and pulleys don't make the cannon more efficient, but they certainly look impressive."
Rogue Tinkerer Cannon Flare.png
Rogue Tinkerer Cannon Flare 199 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cannon Flares "You can hardly call yourself a true engineer if you don't enjoy large explosions."
Rogue Tinkerer Capstan.png
Rogue Tinkerer Capstan 199 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Capstan "Working the capstan should be child's play for any pirate with a mind full of cogs and levers."
Rogue Tinkerer Figurehead.png
Rogue Tinkerer Figurehead 399 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Figurehead "This fine figurehead is a silvery, spinning delight that's sure to impress any shipwright."
Rogue Tinkerer Flag.png
Rogue Tinkerer Flag 199 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Flags "Raise this flag to show off your creative prowess! Then lower it again to fiddle with it."
Rogue Tinkerer Hull.png
Rogue Tinkerer Hull 199 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Hull Livery "If this hull ever needs repairing, the crew will probably squabble over who gets to patch it."
Rogue Tinkerer Sails.png
Rogue Tinkerer Sails 399 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sails "Striking sails emblazoned with twin hammers, signifying a ship of born builders is sailing the seas."

Patch history

  • 2.0.22 (February 18, 2021)
    • Introduced.