Jack O' Looter Essential Ship Bundle

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The Jack O' Looter Essential Ship Bundle is a Bundle exclusive to the Pirate Emporium. The Bundle allows players to purchase four "essential" ship components, the Figurehead, Sails, Hull and Flag, of the Jack O' Looter Set for a discounted price over purchasing the items individually.

List of bundled items

  • The bundle contains 4 items.
  • Total cost of items separately: 1,196 Ancient Coins
  • Savings from bundle purchase: 197 Ancient Coins
Jack O' Looter Essential Ship Bundle
Image Item Cost Description
Jack O' Looter Flag.png
Jack O' Looter Flag 199 Ancient Coins "Warm autumnal colours seasoned with the promise of seabound larceny."
Jack O' Looter Hull.png
Jack O' Looter Hull 199 Ancient Coins "Paint your ship with the twisting vines of a mythical pilfering trickster."
Jack O' Looter Figurehead.png
Jack O' Looter Figurehead 399 Ancient Coins "Please do not eat the giant pumpkin figurehead. Giant pumpkin figurehead is for decoration only."
Jack O' Looter Sails.png
Jack O' Looter Sails 399 Ancient Coins "Translating the myth of the Jack O' Looter's pumpkin ship into a functional vessel takes some doing."

See also


  • Despite being mentioned in the 2.4.2 patch notes as being added, the bundle was missing from the Pirate Emporium, only to be many patches.

Patch history

  • 2.10.2 (March 14, 2024)
    • Reduced price from 1,499 Ancient Coins to 999 Ancient Coins.
  • 2.4.2 (February 10, 2022)
    • Introduced (intended to be added but missing).