Prehistoric Plunderer Cutlass

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The Prehistoric Plunderer Cutlass is a Cutlass cosmetic from the Prehistoric Plunderer Set in Sea of Thieves.


The Prehistoric Plunderer Cutlass can be obtained by the following methods:


  • The item description references a scene and popular quote from the 1989 action-adventure film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In the film, Indiana Jones attempts to retrieve the Cross of Coronado from an antiquities collector and his hired gang of treasure hunters, but Jones is caught before making a getaway; As the antiquities collector retrieves the Cross from Jones' pocket, Jones declares "That belongs in a museum!" before he is taken away by the hired muscle to be thrown into the sea.


Patch history

  • 2.5.3 (June 26, 2022)
    • Introduced.