A Founder's Merchant Contract

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A Founder's Merchant Contract is a Merchant Contract Voyage for the Merchant Alliance Merchant Alliance in Sea of Thieves.

Quest Table

The Voyage can be found under the Merchant Alliance Merchant Alliance category at the Quest Table.

Before starting the Voyage, players can choose how to travel to their location. They can either Sail to Location or Dive to Location. Both options need to be voted on by the crew, while the latter will cause the ship to dive when reaching open seas and resurface at the correct island.

Voyage stages

Successfully voting on A Founder's Merchant Contract will provide the crew with one Merchant Contract with the names of two animals, the small island where they can be found, the location of Animal Crates on that island used to capture the animals, and the destination at an Outpost with a specific date and time stating when the cargo should be delivered there by.

Upon arriving at the correct island, players can seek out the required Animal Crates by using the hint on the Merchant Contract detailing their location. Players must then collect the necessary animals and then sail to the Outpost mentioned on the Merchant Contract to deliver the animals by a specific date and time. The Voyage is considered completed once the cargo has been successfully handed into the correct Senior Trader before the date and time on the Contract expires.


Please note that the rewards offered by this Voyage are still under investigation.

Patch history

  • 2.10.0 (January 23, 2024)
    • Introduced.