An Introduction to the Gold Hoarders

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An Introduction to the Gold Hoarders is a Buried Treasure and Tutorial Voyage for the Gold Hoarders in Sea of Thieves.

Quest Table

The Voyage can be found under the Gold Hoarders category at the Quest Table's voyage menu.

For Tutorial Voyages, Diving to Location is not available.

The Voyage

Successfully voting on An Introduction to the Gold Hoarders will provide the crew with one X Marks the Spot Map leading to one digging spot on a small island.

The Pirate Lord will accompany the crew on their journey and will guide them through several gameplay mechanics by providing dialogue.

The Voyage is considered completed when the chest has been delivered to the Gold Hoarders.

Pirate Lord Dialogue

Pirate Lord


A Voyage for the Gold Hoarders! A grand choice for a pirate hungering for trinkets and treasure!
Emerald green attire, a golden curse on their skin and a keen eye for a profit mark these traders from the others.
They offer Voyages that test your wit and wisdom, asking you to solve riddles and follow maps to buried treasure.
Dig up hidden hauls and return to the Gold Hoarder's green tents. They'll reward you handsomely for your efforts.
To get you starrted they've given you a map, but it's up to you to follow the clues.
Now, study that parchment! See if you can discern where it leads and claim the prize they seek.

After setting sail.

Sailing across open waves in search of lost treasure. Nothing stirs the soul quite like it!
You must have your wits about you, though… Keep a weather eye pn your map and another on the horizon!
You now share the sea with other pirates: some friendly, others not so much.
Once you have the hidden treasure aboard your ship I will see you again!

After bringing the Sailor's Chest onboard of your ship.

Well done indeed! Youi followed the clues and unearthed a treasure chest, but your quest for riches is not over yet.
If you want to be properly rewarded, sail to any Outpost or Port and seek the green canvas of a Gold Hoarders tent.
They'll take care of any chests you bring them and pay you a wealth of gold for your services!
And, as always, keep a sharp lookout for pirates as you bring your haul to the Outpost safely! I'll be waiting for you there.

After setting foot on the Outpost.

Bravo! Now, make your way to me.
Not much further now!

After arriving at the Gold Hoarders Representative.

Over here! You made it! Not all journeys end in gold and glory. Luckily for you, this one assuredly does!
You'll find the Gold Hoarders in surroundings such as these at any Outpost or Port. Hand them that chest you found and they'll pay you well.
Bringing treasure to these gold-hungry traders will also increase your reputation with the Company and will earn promotion through their ranks.
Do this, and you'll earn more rewarding Voyages, grander treasures, as well as the chance to buy Gold Hoarders clothing and equipment.
As soon as you're ready, return to your ship to embark on your next Voyage!

After selling the Sailor's Chest.

With that, your first quest upon the Sea of Thieves is complete! Out across the waves, a world of adventures, mystery and wonder now awaits you.
Each of the Trading Companies represents an opportunity to pursue your own pirate story.
As your reputation grows, promotion will beckon – alongside greater wealth and the chance to gain clothing and quipment befitting your status.
Like all opportunites on these waters, it's up to you to make your own path, and decide what experiences you want each time you set sail.
Feel free to explore and meet the other folk that call this place home. Return to your ship when you're ready to start your next adventure!

Tutorial notifications

Headline Explanation
VIEW YOUR VOYAGE Press Space Bar to view your Quests.
Select the map using Mouse and release Q to confirm selection.
Hold Keyboard White Mouse Left.png to raise the map.
LOCATE THE ISLAND Use your ship's Map Table to find the island that matches your Voyage map.
Use Keyboard White Mouse Middle.png to zoom in.
Use Keyboard White Mouse Middle.png to zoom out.
Use Mouse to move the map.
Search the map to find the island. Use Keyboard White Mouse Left.png to mark it.
SET SAIL Sail your ship to the island you marked on your Map Table.
RAISE ANCHOR Use the capstan to raise the anchor and allow your ship to set sail.
SET SAIL Lower the sails to catch the wind and set sail.
Use your ship's wheel to sail towards the island.
KEEP AN EYE ON THE HORIZON Stay alert for dangers that may arise as you travel to your destination
CHECK YOUR BEARINGS Check your Map Table and the compass next to your ship's wheel to sail in the right direction.
EXPLORE THE ISLAND Disembark and search the island for the buried treasure!
X MARKS THE SPOT Use your Voyage Map to find the spot to dig for treasure!
UNEARTH YOUR TREASURE Press Keyboard White Mouse Left.png to dig up the chest
COLLECT YOUR TREASURE Pick up the Sailor's Chest and take it back to your ship.
RETURN TO AN OUTPOST Take the Sailor's Chest back to the Gold Hoarders. Use your Map Table to locate a nearby Outpost or Port.
VISIT THE GOLD HOARDERS Take the Sailor's Chest and meet the Pirate Lord near the Gold Hoarders representative.
EARN FAME AND FORTUNE Handing in Treasures to the Trading Company will reward you with gold and reputation. Talk to the Trader to learn about Promotions and spend your wealth!


Patch history

  • 2.10.0 (January 23, 2024)
    • Introduced.