Ancient Skeleton

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Ancient Skeletons are a rare type of skeleton that drop Ancient Coins upon death. Ancient Skeletons are one of the few methods of acquiring Ancient Coins through gameplay.

These skeletons have a blue and gold body with a large sack of Ancient Coins strapped on their back. A distinct, ominous tune plays as they spawn, followed by loud clattering of coins. As a Player approaches, they will begin to run away while jovial music plays. The Ancient Skeleton does not have a lot of health, making them easy to kill. However, if not defeated within 20 seconds, the Ancient Skeleton will burrow back into the ground. Once defeated, a popup message will tell the player that they have received Ancient Coins.

Where to find

Ancient Skeleton emerging.png

Ancient Skeletons have a random chance to spawn near players on any island, fort, or Sea Fort. Their spawn chance is rare, yet more frequent than The Shrouded Ghost. They will often spawn alone, appearing in place of a regular Emergent Skeleton wave spawn. They have been reported to have a higher spawn rate in areas with higher player concentrations. Similarly to Reaper's Chests they seem to stop spawning once a server is locked down for merger to prevent PvE Servers from farming them. When spawning, you'll have 20 seconds to defeat them, otherwise you'll lose your opportunity and it will return underground.


Upon defeat, Ancient Coins are awarded to the crew that kills the Ancient Skeleton; This reward is not shared with other crews within an Alliance

Reward Tiers

The Ancient Coin reward will be a random amount falling within one of three reward tiers. Each tier has its own unique name and graphic. Skeleton's Ancient Stash (Tier 1) is by far the most common, with Skeleton's Ancient Fortune (Tier 2) and Skeleton's Ancient Hoard (Tier 3) being much more rare.

Note: The exact price range of each tier are estimates based on user reports, and are subject to change.

Tier 1
AC Stash.png
Skeleton's Ancient Stash100 - 200 Ancient Coins
Tier 2
AC Fortune.png
Skeleton's Ancient Fortune200 - 400 Ancient Coins
Tier 3
AC Hoard.png
Skeleton's Ancient Hoard400 - 800 Ancient Coins


  • They have approximately 70 to 100 health.
  • The Ancient Skeleton model appears to be unaffected by an environment's lighting, in effect allowing them to be brighter in darkness and seen more easily.
  • Ancient Skeletons are not damaged by Firebombs, possibly to prevent similar environmental damage from killing them (volcanoes, Ashen Lords, etc...). However they remain vulnerable to Blunderbombs.
  • It is unknown whether they are affected by Cursed Cannonballs or not.
  • Although phantoms and Ocean Crawlers will target Ancient Skeletons, if defeated by their hands, no reward will be provided to the player.


Patch history

  • 2.0.7 (September 11, 2019)
    • Introduced.
