The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom

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The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom is a unique Special Voyage in Sea of Thieves. The voyage sends pirates deep below the waves in order to uncover a secret of the Sunken Kingdom. The voyage can be voted on at the Quest Table, requiring that the player selecting it has first earned The Mysteries of the Sunken Kingdom Commendation.


Upon their first time completing the voyage, players will receive The Curse of the Sunken Kingdom Commendation and the Curse of Sunken Sorrow curse. In addition to these guaranteed rewards, players may wish to loot visited Siren Shrines for Coral Treasure and Chests of Ancient Tributes

Voyage stages

Starting the voyage will give players a Golden Wayfinder Compass and a Note from Humphrey the Hoarder directing them to a chest that he, with the assistance of an unnamed scholar, buried with intent to keep hidden.

Finding the Forbidden Coral Chest and Scholar's Notes

Following the Golden Wayfinder will lead players to the burial site of a Forbidden Coral Chest which players must dig up to progress the voyage. Doing so will cause 3 Ocean Crawlers to spawn; always one of each kind. Upon digging up the chest, players will receive a note from another note from Humphrey explaining a Scholar has buried notes detailing the locations of the chest's keys. Collect the Chest and continue following the Golden Wayfinder.
Following the Golden Wayfinder a second time will lead players to the Scholar's buried notes. Players must again dig up and collect the notes to progress the voyage. Similar to the Chest, digging up the notes causes 3 Ocean Crawlers to spawn.

Finding the Gold Hoarders Medallions and Forbidden Keys

The Scholar's Notes and Golden Wayfinder lead players to the Shrine of Hungering. Within the shrine players must search for a Coin of Gold to unlock an alcove containing a Forbidden Key. The coin can be found by first locating the Forbidden Key alcove marked by a golden circle containing a triangle and following a trail of coins leading away from the alcove's stone door. Once found, the Coin may be placed on a matching golden button near the Alcove to retrieve the key. This process is then repeated in the Shrine of Ocean's Fortune and Shrine of Ancient Tears. Each key can be inserted into the Forbidden Coral Chest to unlock it.

Using the Mysterious Ancient Key and Finishing the Voyage

Unlocking and opening the Forbidden Coral Chest rewards a Mysterious Ancient Key, a large triangular stone artifact used to open a hidden door within the Shrine of Ancient Tears. Players are challenged to find a slot for the key within the Shrine's main chamber. Using the key will open a burial chamber containing a Journal, reading which will finish the voyage.

Voyage notes

This voyage utilizes Notes throughout. The Voyage's five notes have been transcribed below.

Note Text
The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Note 1.png
Gold Hoarder Eyes Only!
I've buried the chest where we agreed. The compass knows the way, but don't go digging it up without good reason. Master's orders! -Humphrey
The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Note 2.png
Handle with care!
I made the scholar scrawl down where he hid the keys, then buried the notes for safekeeping! The compass will guide you to his secrets. -Humphrey
The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Note 3.png
Seek the Shrine of Hungering!
Door sealed tight by coin of gold... Find the coin, as was foretold! Place it near the door to stay. A trail of riches leads the way...
The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Note 4.png
Seek the Shrine of Ocean's fortune!
Take the key and pass the test! Put the shining coin to rest. Where does it lie? I do not know. The answer, scattered gold will show...
The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Note 5.png
Seek the Shrine of Ancient Tears!
How to pass the sealed door? Cast your gaze upon the floor! Fallen treasure you can trace. Put the coin back in its place.


The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom contains one Journal which is divided into four parts.

'War Below the Waves'

Dialogue icon.png

This journal seems to belong to the scholar who wrote the warning...

Read 'War Below the Waves', Part I

It has taken most of my strength, not to mention the last of my breath, to reach this place. Now that I am here, I finally understand the truth.

Strange as it may sound, I believe that this entire shrine was once above the waves like any other island. The central chamber would have been at sea level.

This made it an ideal meeting place, both for the ancient people who once made these seas their home and for their allies — the merfolk.

I do not know for certain what they discussed here. Few Ancient texts remain, and I lack the fabled means to commune with the mer themselves.

I have deduced, however, that there was a gathering here. An assembly, on the eve of the plague.

Dialogue icon.png

I have deduced, however, that there was a gathering here. An assembly, on the eve of the plague.

Read 'War Below the Waves', Part II

What if your entire being, all that you were or had ever been, was held in a song? So it is for those who dwell below the surface of the sea.

And what, then, if you could no longer find a voice with which to sing?

Divergence was inevitable. Exile, absolute. And, in time, one culture became two. Merfolk and Sirens, connected by a forgotten past.

The Sirens had to change to survive. And when they found their voices once more, theirs was now a song of sorrow. Grief for all that they had lost.

Their sorrow crystallising into anger — a righteous fury, urging them onward to war.

Dialogue icon.png

Their sorrow crystallising into anger — a righteous fury, urging them onward to war.

Read 'War Below the Waves', Part III

Perhaps the Ancients would have left the merfolk to fight their war alone, if they could have. They soon found themselves embroiled, regardless.

The chaining of Old Mother, the mighty Kraken that the Sirens had begun to treat with a devotion that bordered on worship, saw to that.

The Sirens launched attacks against Ancients and the merfolk with equal ferocity, clawing at their ships and stealing away anyone who fell overboard.

The Ancients possessed much knowledge, but their life within the Devil's Shroud had made them complacent. Many had forgotten how to fight.

There was one among them, however, a warrior... She took up her blade and strode fearlessly into the sea, vowing to end the war once and for all...

Dialogue icon.png

There was one among them, however, a warrior... She took up her blade and strode fearlessly into the sea, vowing to end the war once and for all...

Read 'War Below the Waves', Part IV

The warrior returned to her home victorious, having forced the Sirens to retreat into the darkness, where they slumbered and dreamed of revenge.

The cost of her triumph was all too clear, for the Ancients were masters of the arcane, and sensed the curse of a sunken sorrow within her heart.

They decreed that this island become a shrine to her sacrifice, and entombed her remains here before departing, perhaps forever.

And now, as I watch the light shimmer beneath my skin, and feel the weight in my own heart, I too understand the power of this curse.

I must seal this shrine once again. Hide the key. Warn others of the danger within, before it is too late...



The Curse of the Sunken Kingdom emblem.png
The Curse of the Sunken KingdomComplete Larinna's Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage and uncover the final mystery of the Sunken Kingdom.Lock icon.png Unlocks the Curse of Sunken Sorrow.


Patch history

{{patch|2.10.0 | Moved from the Bilge Rats to the Quest Table.

  • 2.3.0 (September 23, 2021)
    • Introduced.