A Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny
A Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny is a Legendary Search Voyage for Athena's Fortune in Sea of Thieves. The voyage sends players to retrieve the fabled Skull of Destiny. It requires the Pirate Legend title before it is unlocked at the Quest Table. The voyage is periodically available for all players to start, regardless of legendary status, during special events.
- Pirate Legends can use the voyage at any time from the
Athena's Fortune category of the Quest Table.
The voyage is periodically available for all players during the following special events:
- Earned as a log-in bonus during Community Weekend between 10:00 UTC March 25, 2023 and 10:00 UTC March 27, 2023.
- Earned as a log-in bonus between 10:00 UTC April 6, 2023 and 10:00 UTC April 11, 2023. [1]
- Earned as a log-in bonus during the Ghoul & Glory event between 00:00 UTC October 27, 2023 and 23:59 UTC November 1, 2023.
- Earned as a Limited Voyage log-in bonus during the Ghoul & Glory event between 10:00 UTC October 31, 2024 and 10:00 UTC November 4, 2024.
- Can be used 3 times until the end of the event.
Voyage stages
The Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny is not composed of Chapters, and instead gives the crew access to a Wayfinder of Legends Compass in their Quest Radial Menu. With the help of the Compass, they will be able to locate and dig up the Skull of Destiny.
The Wayfinder of Legends Compass
At the start of the Voyage, players will gain access to a Gold and Purple Compass that is located at the top of the Quest Radial Menu. This Compass can be interacted with the same way players interact with their own Compass, however, instead of showing Compass directions, the Compass needle of the Wayfinder of Legends always points towards the location of the buried Skull of Destiny. The needle points towards the general direction of the Skull, swaying left and right. The closer the Player is to the location of the Skull, the narrower and faster the needle moves. When the Player is above the digging location, the needle will start circling around as if it lost its direction. Players need to use their Shovel to dig up the Skull at this location. Once the Skull of Destiny is discovered, the Wayfinder of Legends Compass will be removed from the Quest Radial Menu and a small number of Shadows of Fate will appear nearby.
The only reward for this voyage is access to the Skull of Destiny, a powerful Ritual Skull that is also imbued with the Flames of Fate, allowing for one to easily start a Fort of the Damned (Raid) without acquiring all the Flames of Fate beforehand.
The following achievements are related to this voyage:
Getting A Head
Uncover a Skull of Destiny.
Patch history
- (October 30, 2023)
- The Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyages are once again available for purchase from shipwrights.
- Decreased price from 300
to 100
- Voting on the Voyage should no longer cause it to automatically complete.
- 2.9.0 (October 19, 2023)
- 2.8.6 (September 28, 2023)
- (Undocumented) The ‘A Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny’ voyage is temporarily disabled due to issues.
- 2.8.0 (March 16, 2023)
- Introduced.
- ↑ Sea of Thieves Official Twitter, April 6,2023, "To mark the Fort of the Damned being beaten 200k times so far in Season Nine..."