Pirate Legend

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Double Quotations Left.png
You've fought long and hard to prove your worth and battled the odds all across the Sea of Thieves. You're a true Pirate Legend and no mistake!

Don't think you can afford to take it easy though. Now that you're a Pirate Legend, your journey's only just begun…

— Mysterious Stranger

Pirate Legend is a milestone Title that, once earned, grants players additional perks within Sea of Thieves.

The title is awarded to players that have reached level 50 in three different Trading Companies, and claimed the corresponding level 50 promotions. Players must then speak to the Mysterious Stranger, who will reward the Title, the Legendary Set clothing, and the Shanty of Legends that's used to access the Athena's Fortune Hideout.


Title and Clothes

The player will immediately acquire the Pirate Legend Title and the Legendary Set clothing and vanity items for free to equip at the Clothing Chest and Vanity Chest.

Athena's Fortune Hideout

Access to the Athena's Fortune Hideout is the main benefit of a Pirate Legend. Legends can approach the Mysterious Stranger to assess their reputation. He will teach the Shanty of Legends, which can be played with Instruments only by the ground in the middle of the Tavern, near the stairs, opening up a passage to the Hideout.

At the hideout, Pirate Legends can buy Legendary Athena's Fortune Voyages or the Athena's Fortune Emissary Flag allowing them to access various high value treasure items and better gains. Additionally, Pirates can talk to the Shopkeepers to unlock and purchase other Legendary Set, Ghost Set, Dark Adventurers Set, or other cosmetics.

Legendary Commendations and Titles

While not necessarily tied to being a Pirate Legend, many of Athena's Fortune Commendations and Titles become available once a player has acquired the Pirate Legend Title and completes certain feats at The Sea of Thieves. Most of these Commendations have five Grades, some of which unlock various Legendary or Ghost items for purchase, or unlock a Title of the same name in the Vanity Chest.

Legendary Voyages

Previously, every major Content Update brings along with it a handful of Mercenary Voyages, where one was always locked for Pirate Legends. These Legendary Voyages always had greater rewards and challenges than the regular versions of the Voyages.

Additionally, prior to Season 11, there were a handful of permanent voyages exclusive to pirate legends.

As well as a handful of exclusive Captain's Voyages for those who owned a Captained ship.

With the implementation of Season 11's quest and voyage rework, various Athena's Fortune voyages and Captain's Voyages were removed and replaced.

Seasonal Rewards

Every season there are at least two unique rewards granted to those who manage to reach the requisite season level while also achieving Pirate Legend before the end of the season. These rewards are often themed after key figured in the Sea of Thieves Universe, such as Merrick and Captain Flameheart.

Multiple Other Cosmetics

In addition to all the aforementioned rewards, there are a handful of exclusive items which are only available to pirate legends regardless of their progress in the Athena's Fortune emissary.

  • Total Cost: 99,428,385 Gold  35,600 Doubloons  2,988 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Requires Type Set In-game description
Alsatian Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Alsatian Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "This outfit is perfect for a Legend's Alsatian, that needs a costume transformation."
Ancient Blunderbuss.png
Ancient Blunderbuss 67,775 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Tower Defence
Tower Defence emblem.png
Tower Defence
Defeat 150 Ghost Garrison emplacements.
  • 15
  • 30
  • 45
  • 75
  • 150
Blunderbuss Veil of the Ancients "This Blunderbuss shares the power of the Veil of the Ancients, it too can send pirates to the Sea of the Damned."
Ancient Cutlass.png
Ancient Cutlass 49,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Veil Seeker
Veil Seeker emblem.png
Veil Seeker
Complete 100 Legend of the Veil Voyages.
  • 5
  • 15
  • 25
  • 50
  • 100
Cutlass Veil of the Ancients "The Ancients strived for balance in all things, especially swords."
Ancient Eye of Reach.png
Ancient Eye of Reach 67,595 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Loot Seller
Legendary Loot Seller emblem.png
Legendary Loot Seller
Sell 500 Legendary Loot.
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 400
  • 500
Eye of Reach Veil of the Ancients "The Veil may open portals to the Sea of the Damned, but this Eye of Reach will send your enemies there just as quick!"
Ancient Flintlock.png
Ancient Flintlock 67,850 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Obliquity of the Ecliptic
Obliquity of the Ecliptic emblem.png
Obliquity of the Ecliptic
Solve 25 puzzles from Sudds.
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
Pistol Veil of the Ancients "There's more than one way for pirates to enter the Sea of the Damned... and a good pistol is one of them."
Ashen Dusk Hair.png
Ashen Dusk Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "Whisps of grey among deep reds create a mysterious and wise appearance."
Athena Cannon Flare.png
Athena Cannon Flare 496,125 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cannon Flares Legendary "Each burst from your cannons glows the ghostly green of the Pirate Lord."
Athena's Fortune Costume.png
Athena's Fortune Costume 68,300 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Costume Ghost "This complete outfit is a ready-made style, for Legends who fight and drink all the while."
Athena's Fortune Emissary Flag.png
Athena's Fortune Emissary Flag 20,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Emissary Flag Legendary "The glory of the pirate's life in the Sea of Thieves shines bright by representing Athena's Fortune, earning more gold and reputation with the blessing of the Pirate Lord himself."
Athena's Might Cutlass.png
Athena's Might Cutlass 2,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cutlass Standalone Cosmetics "Becoming a Pirate Legend isn't easy, and neither is wielding this heavy sword. Put your back into it!"
Barbary Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Barbary Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "If your Barbary is as Legendary as you, buy this outfit of a purple hue."
Beast Black Hair.png
Beast Black Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "Black hair with highlights of ruddy brown, to make you look like a feral pirate!"
Belle's Hat.png
Belle's Hat 2,200 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hat Belle "Belle's arrival on the Sea of Thieves caused such a stir, it was only a matter of time until her style caught on."
Belle's Mysterious Dress.png
Belle's Mysterious Dress
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dress Belle "Pay tribute to the legendary Belle with a dress that keeps you feeling bold and buoyant."
Briggsy's Weatherbeaten Gloves.png
Briggsy's Weatherbeaten Gloves
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Gloves Briggsy "Grasp the essence of the Rogue herself with these magnificent gloves and rings."
Capuchin Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Capuchin Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "The monkey of a Legend must be dressed with equal effort to impress"
Cockatoo Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Cockatoo Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "A Legend who owns a Cockatoo, must surely buy this outfit too."
Cursed Adventurer Cutlass.png
Cursed Adventurer Cutlass 2,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cutlass Briggsy "A gem-studded, gold-bladed weapon inspired by the legend of Captain Briggsy. It never asked to be curved!"
Dark Adventurers Banjo.png
Dark Adventurers Banjo 1,181,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Banjo Dark Adventurers "This gothic take on the humble banjo lends a sobering edge to any shanty."
Dark Adventurers Belt.png
Dark Adventurers Belt 546,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Belt Dark Adventurers "A blisteringly expensive belt, yes, but can it really be considered an evil ensemble without one?"
Dark Adventurers Blowout Hair.png
Dark Adventurers Blowout Hair 202,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dark Adventurers "It takes real skill to shave such an ominous emblem into hair. Especially when it's your own hair."
Dark Adventurers Blunderbuss.png
Dark Adventurers Blunderbuss 2,551,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Blunderbuss Dark Adventurers "Designed by Reapers. Wielded by Pirate Legends. Now that's a scary blunderbuss."
Dark Adventurers Boots.png
Dark Adventurers Boots 546,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Boots Dark Adventurers "Don these boots to set other pirates quaking in theirs."
Dark Adventurers Bucket.png
Dark Adventurers Bucket 641,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Bucket Dark Adventurers "When pirates see you wielding a bucket this expensive, they might turn a little pale."
Dark Adventurers Cannons.png
Dark Adventurers Cannons 4,134,375 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cannons Dark Adventurers "These cannons strike fear into the hearts of all who spy them - and that's before they start firing."
Dark Adventurers Capstan.png
Dark Adventurers Capstan 4,134,375 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Capstan Dark Adventurers "Weigh anchor - carefully - with this intimidating but potentially hazardous capstan."
Dark Adventurers Compass.png
Dark Adventurers Compass 945,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Compass Dark Adventurers "Splash out on a compass to chart a course toward your many malevolent misdeeds."
Dark Adventurers Concertina.png
Dark Adventurers Concertina 961,875 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Concertina Dark Adventurers "How is it possible for a musical instrument to look so menacing? The Reapers found a way."
Dark Adventurers Cutlass.png
Dark Adventurers Cutlass 2,551,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cutlass Dark Adventurers "The skull sigil on the blade offers your foes a glimpse of their imminent demise."
Dark Adventurers Dress.png
Dark Adventurers Dress 2,187,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dress Dark Adventurers "Not so much 'dress to impress' as 'dress to distress' thanks to this intimidating garment."
Dark Adventurers Drum.png
Dark Adventurers Drum 1,181,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Drum Dark Adventurers "The Reapers comprehend a forbidden truth: everyone prefers drummers."
Dark Adventurers Eye of Reach.png
Dark Adventurers Eye of Reach 2,551,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Eye of Reach Dark Adventurers "An Eye of Reach covered in spikes? Good thing there's a matching eyepatch available."
Dark Adventurers Eyepatch.png
Dark Adventurers Eyepatch 1,235,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Eyepatch Dark Adventurers "This premium patch will plunder your pockets, but it's better than a poke in the eye."
Dark Adventurers Figurehead.png
Dark Adventurers Figurehead 8,268,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Figurehead Dark Adventurers "Part of a ship set designed by The Reaper's Bones to lure Pirate Legends to their cause..."
Dark Adventurers Fishing Rod.png
Dark Adventurers Fishing Rod 2,160,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Fishing Rod Dark Adventurers "If this fishing rod were any more intimidating, not even Splashtails would be fooled into biting."
Dark Adventurers Flag.png
Dark Adventurers Flag 590,625 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Flags Dark Adventurers "Any crew flying this flag must have spent much of their gold. Now they're coming for yours."
Dark Adventurers Gloves.png
Dark Adventurers Gloves 546,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Gloves Dark Adventurers "The perfect accessory for steering the ship while staring moodily at the horizon."
Dark Adventurers Hat.png
Dark Adventurers Hat 2,754,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hat Dark Adventurers "Wear this hat at a jaunty angle and show your contempt for those who follow the rules."
Dark Adventurers Hook.png
Dark Adventurers Hook 1,640,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hook Dark Adventurers "A hook hints at a Pirate Legend's history of infamy and injury in equal measure."
Dark Adventurers Hull.png
Dark Adventurers Hull 8,268,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hull Livery Dark Adventurers "Rumour has it the price of this ship set is the Pirate Lord seeking to dissuade Legendary Reapers."
Dark Adventurers Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Dark Adventurers Hurdy-Gurdy 961,875 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hurdy-Gurdy Dark Adventurers "Even a jolly hurdy-gurdy can be used to intimidate others, given the right coat of paint."
Dark Adventurers Jacket.png
Dark Adventurers Jacket 2,733,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Jacket Dark Adventurers "From the heavy gauntlet to the skull shoulder-patch, this jacket simply screams 'fight me'."
Dark Adventurers Lantern.png
Dark Adventurers Lantern 641,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Lantern Dark Adventurers "Even the darkest of souls sometimes need to light their way in the dead of night."
Dark Adventurers Pegleg.png
Dark Adventurers Pegleg 1,640,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pegleg Dark Adventurers "What could have left a Pirate Legend with a pegleg? Pirates will be too afraid to ask."
Dark Adventurers Pistol.png
Dark Adventurers Pistol 2,551,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pistol Dark Adventurers "Pirate Legends will know how to make every last shot from this pricey pistol count."
Dark Adventurers Plaited Hair.png
Dark Adventurers Plaited Hair 202,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dark Adventurers "If you're feeling particularly twisted and evil, this hairstyle is the perfect way to express yourself."
Dark Adventurers Pocket Watch.png
Dark Adventurers Pocket Watch 945,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pocket Watch Dark Adventurers "A costly pocket watch that stares right back at you with a death's-head gaze."
Dark Adventurers Sails.png
Dark Adventurers Sails 8,268,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Sails Dark Adventurers "The sails are unfurled, a heading set. There may be no turning back from this dark course."
Dark Adventurers Severe Makeup.png
Dark Adventurers Severe Makeup 200,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Makeup Dark Adventurers "Is this facepaint, warpaint or something in between? Either way, it shows that you mean business."
Dark Adventurers Shirt.png
Dark Adventurers Shirt 1,093,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Shirt Dark Adventurers "Fabulous fabrics and deadly design unite to create a shirt with a seriously steep sale price."
Dark Adventurers Shovel.png
Dark Adventurers Shovel 624,375 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Shovel Dark Adventurers "Perfect for digging up Chests of Legends. Oh, and all the other less legendary loot."
Dark Adventurers Sombre Makeup.png
Dark Adventurers Sombre Makeup 200,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Makeup Dark Adventurers "Malicious, moody and mysterious? Then you can definitely pull off this look."
Dark Adventurers Speaking Trumpet.png
Dark Adventurers Speaking Trumpet 776,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Speaking Trumpet Dark Adventurers "Carry your voice across the waves to demand surrender or issue your best evil laugh."
Dark Adventurers Spyglass.png
Dark Adventurers Spyglass 1,282,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Spyglass Dark Adventurers "Spot your next targets at a distance while they're still blissfully unaware of you..."
Dark Adventurers Stalwart Hair.png
Dark Adventurers Stalwart Hair 202,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dark Adventurers "Just because you're the scourge of the seas, it doesn't mean you can't also have fantastic hair."
Dark Adventurers Stately Beard.png
Dark Adventurers Stately Beard 202,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Beard Dark Adventurers "This magnificent beard will only enhance your dark and brooding countenance."
Dark Adventurers Stylish Hair.png
Dark Adventurers Stylish Hair 202,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dark Adventurers "A hairstyle that practically screams 'go ahead, just try to trim me...'"
Dark Adventurers Surly Makeup.png
Dark Adventurers Surly Makeup 200,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Makeup Dark Adventurers "You don't wear this just to look good. You wear this to look utterly terrifying, but also good."
Dark Adventurers Tankard.png
Dark Adventurers Tankard 303,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Tankard Dark Adventurers "Can it really be happy hour when you drink from a tankard that looks this foreboding?"
Dark Adventurers Tattoo.png
Dark Adventurers Tattoo 992,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Tattoo Dark Adventurers "Keep the creed of the Dark Adventurers, not to mention their distinctive emblem, close to your heart."
Dark Adventurers Trousers.png
Dark Adventurers Trousers 1,093,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Bottoms Dark Adventurers "Imposing trousers that cost an arm and a leg for the traditional form: no arms and two legs."
Dark Adventurers Wheel.png
Dark Adventurers Wheel 4,134,375 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Wheel Dark Adventurers "Take the helm and set sail in pursuit of dark and dangerous deeds."
Deep Sea Hair.png
Deep Sea Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "Reminds many of the mysterious, briny depths. Let's hope your hair doesn't smell the same."
Devil's Night Hair.png
Devil's Night Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "This bold dye creates a blend reminiscent of the night sky over the Devil's Roar."
Devilish Duchess Dress.png
Devilish Duchess Dress
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dress Standalone Cosmetics "Donning this dress will undoubtedly make you feel like a duchess!"
Dusty Shadow Hair.png
Dusty Shadow Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "When you just have to be the most enigmatic pirate on board."
Ferry of the Damned Figurehead.png
Ferry of the Damned Figurehead 3,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Figurehead Damned "A haunting figurehead depicting a hippocampus, a mythical sea-creature who helped lost souls..."
Flameheart's Cutlass.png
Flameheart's Cutlass
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cutlass Flameheart "A particularly cruel cutlass, and the last thing many pirates who stood against Flameheart ever got to see."
Flameheart's Hat.png
Flameheart's Hat
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hat Flameheart "You could use this to impersonate the sea's most infamous Skeleton Lord, but do so at your own risk..."
Forsaken Ashes Hair.png
Forsaken Ashes Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "A blend of reds that gives a fiery impression, perfect for a wild pirate."
Ghastly Graymarrow Beard.png
Ghastly Graymarrow Beard
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Beard Graymarrow "Impress all the beard fanciers with these wonderful whiskers!"
Ghost Bucket.png
Ghost Bucket 13,350 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Villainous Loot of Legends
Villainous Loot of Legends emblem.png
Villainous Loot of Legends
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
Bucket Ghost "Apparently this bucket had unfinished business in life."
Ghost Cannon.png
Ghost Cannon 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Collector of Legendary Chalices
Collector of Legendary Chalices emblem.png
Collector of Legendary Chalices
Collector of Legendary Relics
Collector of Legendary Relics emblem.png
Collector of Legendary Relics
Cannons Ghost "These cannons may look ghostly, but the huge balls of iron they fire are very, very corporeal."
Ghost Capstan.png
Ghost Capstan 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Collector of Legendary Skulls
Collector of Legendary Skulls emblem.png
Collector of Legendary Skulls
Collector of Legendary Villainous Skulls
Collector of Legendary Villainous Skulls emblem.png
Collector of Legendary Villainous Skulls
Capstan Ghost "This spooky capstan looks like it could raise the dead as well as the anchor!"
Ghost Captain's Bed.png
Ghost Captain's Bed 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Captain's Bed Ghost "You could try storing treasure under this bed, but who knows what else might be hiding underneath?"
Ghost Captain's Chair.png
Ghost Captain's Chair 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Captain's Chair Ghost "Don't worry - this chair is perfectly solid and won't disappear from under you."
Ghost Captain's Chandelier.png
Ghost Captain's Chandelier 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Captain's Chandelier Ghost "This gloomy chandelier shines with a surprisingly cheerful light."
Ghost Captain's Curtains.png
Ghost Captain's Curtains 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Captain's Curtains Ghost "These creepy curtains feel unnaturally cold to the touch. Handle with care..."
Ghost Captain's Drapes.png
Ghost Captain's Drapes 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Captain's Drapes Ghost "Best to keep these tied back, so that nothing can skulk behind them..."
Ghost Captain's Rugs.png
Ghost Captain's Rugs 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Captain's Rugs Ghost "Who knows what dark secrets this rug might be obscuring? Best not to wonder..."
Ghost Captain's Table.png
Ghost Captain's Table 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Captain's Table Ghost "The shipwright seemed really keen to sell this unsettling piece of furniture..."
Ghost Fishing Rod.png
Ghost Fishing Rod 45,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legend of the Deep
Legend of the Deep emblem.png
Legend of the Deep
Deliver 50 Fish as a Pirate Legend
  • 1
  • 10
  • 20
  • 35
  • 50
Fishing Rod Ghost "You'd think it would scare away the fish."
Ghost Lantern.png
Ghost Lantern 13,500 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Unrivalled Emissary of Athena
Unrivalled Emissary of Athena emblem.png
Unrivalled Emissary of Athena
Reach Athena's Fortune Emissary Grade 5, 20 times.
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
Lantern Ghost "Stand on a distant, foggy cliff with this haunting lantern held high and start a few ghost stories."
Ghost Pocket Watch.png
Ghost Pocket Watch 19,875 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Explosive Loot of Legends
Explosive Loot of Legends emblem.png
Explosive Loot of Legends
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
Pocket Watch Ghost "A ghostly watch, ticking away the moments of your life. What happens if it stops?"
Ghost Shovel.png
Ghost Shovel 13,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Riches
Legendary Riches emblem.png
Legendary Riches
  • 60
  • 120
  • 180
  • 240
  • 300
Shovel Ghost "Now here's a shovel that has dug more graves than it has dug up treasures."
Ghost Speaking Trumpet.png
Ghost Speaking Trumpet 16,350 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Peerless Legend
Peerless Legend emblem.png
Peerless Legend
  • 20
  • 40
  • 60
  • 80
  • 100
Speaking Trumpet Ghost "Make your voice loud enough to wake the dead!"
Ghost Tankard.png
Ghost Tankard 6,350 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Gilded Loot of Legends
Gilded Loot of Legends emblem.png
Gilded Loot of Legends
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
Tankard Ghost "The ghost of a tankard that was smashed over Duke's head in a bar fight. Don't worry, it was empty!"
Ghost Wheel.png
Ghost Wheel 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Collector of Legendary Voyages
Collector of Legendary Voyages emblem.png
Collector of Legendary Voyages
Collector of Legendary Black Powder
Collector of Legendary Black Powder emblem.png
Collector of Legendary Black Powder
Wheel Ghost "Rumour has it that this wheel was used to torture a pirate... by steering him to a grogless tavern."
Golden Legendary Blunderbuss.png
Golden Legendary Blunderbuss
Commemorative gift
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Blunderbuss Golden Legendary "For the Legends who voyaged from the start, this gun will blow your foes apart!"
Golden Legendary Figurehead.png
Golden Legendary Figurehead
Commemorative gift
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Figurehead Golden Legendary "With a horn that glows an eerie green, no finer figurehead have pirates seen."
Golden Legendary Hull.png
Golden Legendary Hull
Commemorative gift
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hull Livery Golden Legendary "This bright hull gives a Legendary thanks, to mark a year of earning ranks."
Golden Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Golden Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy
Commemorative gift
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hurdy-Gurdy Golden Legendary "Play a tune for foe or friend, for Legends who sailed before year's end."
Golden Legendary Sails.png
Golden Legendary Sails
Commemorative gift
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Sails Golden Legendary "With proud mark shining bright at night, these Legendary Sails give foes a fright."
Golden Legendary Tankard.png
Golden Legendary Tankard
Commemorative gift
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Tankard Golden Legendary "A finer tankard there may never be, a golden reward for a year at sea."
Golden Sands Hair.png
Golden Sands Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "A pale hair dye that suits an enigmatic and experienced pirate."
Graymarrow's Boots.png
Graymarrow's Boots
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Boots Graymarrow "Feel the sun and wind on your toes with the boots of a Skeleton Lord!"
Grimm's Jacket.png
Grimm's Jacket 3,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Jacket Standalone Cosmetics "A coat modelled after the fiery finery worn by Captain Grimm. Impersonate him at your own risk..."
Inu Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Inu Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "Clothes for a truly legendary dog, plus they're easy to spot in the fog."
Kraken Beard.png
Kraken Beard 27,200 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Beard Kraken "The beard of a pirate who fears no sea monster - until a tentacle grabs hold of it."
Kraken Hair.png
Kraken Hair 27,200 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Kraken "Like the great Kraken, your hair is a tangled mass of grasping arms. No, wait, it's a compliment!"
Larinna Tribute Tattoo.png
Larinna Tribute Tattoo
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Tattoo Standalone Cosmetics "Emulate your favourite fan of mangos and large drinks by sporting a Bilge Rat on your back."
Legendary Banjo.png
Legendary Banjo 4,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Banjo Legendary "Even tone-deaf Legends can strum this banjo, then soon the shanties will flow!"
Legendary Belt.png
Legendary Belt
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Belt Legendary "Buckle up you legend this worthy belt, from materials of highest quality smelt."
Legendary Blunderbuss.png
Legendary Blunderbuss 9,450 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Sea Dog
Legendary Sea Dog emblem.png
Legendary Sea Dog
Place first in an Arena Contest 240 times as a Pirate Legend.
Blunderbuss Legendary "When meeting a legend don't make a fuss, or you may feel the sting of this blunderbuss."
Legendary Bone Hunter Jacket.png
Legendary Bone Hunter Jacket
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Jacket Legendary Bone Hunter "Each one of these bones has a story behind it. Try not to become the next chapter."
Legendary Bone Hunter Spyglass.png
Legendary Bone Hunter Spyglass
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Spyglass Legendary Bone Hunter "A stout spyglass with a skull-shaped lens - just the thing for spotting your next target."
Legendary Boots.png
Legendary Boots
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Boots Legendary "You've proved your worth in collecting loot, so step your feet into a befitting boot."
Legendary Bound Beard.png
Legendary Bound Beard 1,800 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Beard Legendary "An intricately twined and twisted facial hair arrangement, kept in place with golden clasps."
Legendary Bucket.png
Legendary Bucket 2,650 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Bucket Legendary "Nothing compares to this legendary bucket, please make sure you never chuck it."
Legendary Cannons.png
Legendary Cannons 69,550 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legend of The Sea of Thieves
Legend of The Sea of Thieves emblem.png
Legend of The Sea of Thieves
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Cannons Legendary "Handsome cannons such as these, will bring lesser pirates to their knees!"
Legendary Capstan.png
Legendary Capstan 69,550 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Sailor of Athena's Fortune
Sailor of Athena's Fortune emblem.png
Sailor of Athena's Fortune
Sail 1000 nautical miles on Athena's Fortune Voyages.
  • 10
  • 75
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1,000
Capstan Legendary "When the anchor must be quickly raised, this legendary capstan will be praised."
Legendary Compass.png
Legendary Compass 3,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Gold Hoarder
Legendary Gold Hoarder emblem.png
Legendary Gold Hoarder
Sell 500 Chests as a Pirate Legend
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Compass Legendary "Find your way through fog and storm, with a compass fit for your legendary form."
Legendary Concertina.png
Legendary Concertina 4,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Concertina Legendary "From this concertina a tune you squeeze, your stunning talent never fails to please."
Legendary Cutlass.png
Legendary Cutlass 7,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Sea Dog
Legendary Sea Dog emblem.png
Legendary Sea Dog
Place first in an Arena Contest 240 times as a Pirate Legend.
Cutlass Legendary "With this handsome and deadly sword, how could a legend be ignored?"
Legendary Dress.png
Legendary Dress
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dress Legendary "Be prepared to make your crew look a mess, as they marvel in awe at this legendary fine dress."
Legendary Drum.png
Legendary Drum 4,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Drum Legendary "When a pirate like you deigns to drum a beat, all who hear will tap their feet."
Legendary Eye of Reach.png
Legendary Eye of Reach 9,450 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Sea Dog
Legendary Sea Dog emblem.png
Legendary Sea Dog
Place first in an Arena Contest 240 times as a Pirate Legend.
Eye of Reach Legendary "Your fame lives on, your foe does not, they don't even see you take the shot."
Legendary Eyepatch.png
Legendary Eyepatch
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Eyepatch Legendary "Others will crave what they can't hope to match, so gaze down upon them wearing this eyepatch."
Legendary Figurehead.png
Legendary Figurehead 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Figurehead Legendary "Proudly shows a legend arriving, while others flounder hopelessly striving."
Legendary Fishing Rod.png
Legendary Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Fishing Rod Legendary "When a pirate of your stature casts a line, the crew knows it's time to dine."
Legendary Flag.png
Legendary Flag 30,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Flags Legendary "You're a Pirate Legend and you know it. Now they will, too."
Legendary Flintlock.png
Legendary Flintlock 9,450 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Sea Dog
Legendary Sea Dog emblem.png
Legendary Sea Dog
Place first in an Arena Contest 240 times as a Pirate Legend.
Pistol Legendary "Ornate and precise is this deadly gun, in your skilled hands it's also great fun."
Legendary Gloves.png
Legendary Gloves
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Gloves Legendary "A legend on their crew everyone loves, wave your thanks with these prime gloves."
Legendary Hat.png
Legendary Hat
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hat Legendary "Whoever becomes legend the Pirate Lord said, shall henceforth be allowed this hat on head."
Legendary Hook.png
Legendary Hook
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hook Legendary "Don't be surprised when swinging this hook, that lesser pirates can't help but look."
Legendary Hull.png
Legendary Hull 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hull Livery Legendary "Spectacle for others made from planks, when compliments come just nod your thanks."
Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hurdy-Gurdy Legendary "Ornate, finely-tuned and sturdy, this is a real pirate's hurdy gurdy."
Legendary Jacket.png
Legendary Jacket
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Jacket Legendary "Now joined the legends you can choose to gloat, if this is your wish here's the perfect coat."
Legendary Lantern.png
Legendary Lantern 2,650 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legend of the Mystical Order
Legend of the Mystical Order emblem.png
Legend of the Mystical Order
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Lantern Legendary "The lantern of a fine corsair, shines a beam through the night air."
Legendary Lengthy Hair.png
Legendary Lengthy Hair 1,800 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Legendary "Long, luxurious locks which prove that Pirate Legends don't often have time for a trim."
Legendary Pegleg.png
Legendary Pegleg
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pegleg Legendary "A moment of your time others will beg, when see you standing on this special leg."
Legendary Pocket Watch.png
Legendary Pocket Watch 3,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Merchant Trader
Legendary Merchant Trader emblem.png
Legendary Merchant Trader
Deliver 500 Cargo Crates on time and in perfect condition, as a Pirate Legend
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Pocket Watch Legendary "Count the seconds, minutes and hours, until your legendary status towers."
Legendary Sails.png
Legendary Sails 300,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Sails Legendary "A stirring moment that forever lasts, seeing these billowing from your masts."
Legendary Shovel.png
Legendary Shovel 2,600 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Gold Hoarder
Legendary Gold Hoarder emblem.png
Legendary Gold Hoarder
Sell 500 Chests as a Pirate Legend
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Shovel Legendary "Shovel of a pirate beyond measure, ideal for digging lovely treasure."
Legendary Smith of Bones Belt.png
Legendary Smith of Bones Belt
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Belt Legendary Smith of Bones "Previously worn by models who only had hipbones, now yours to drape round your waist."
Legendary Smith of Bones Hook.png
Legendary Smith of Bones Hook
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hook Legendary Smith of Bones "Fashioned from the sharpest bone-slicing tools and maybe a few teeth..."
Legendary Speaking Trumpet.png
Legendary Speaking Trumpet 3,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Speaking Trumpet Legendary "Ensure your legendary voice is loud, with a trumpet so clear and proud."
Legendary Spyglass.png
Legendary Spyglass 5,350 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Merchant Trader
Legendary Merchant Trader emblem.png
Legendary Merchant Trader
Deliver 500 Cargo Crates on time and in perfect condition, as a Pirate Legend
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Spyglass Legendary "This spyglass spots all trouble in view, yet all people want to see is you."
Legendary Tankard.png
Legendary Tankard 1,250 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legend of the Mystical Order
Legend of the Mystical Order emblem.png
Legend of the Mystical Order
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
Tankard Legendary "A tankard fit for a legend's grog, then back tomorrow for hair of the dog."
Legendary Treasure Seeker Costume.png
Legendary Treasure Seeker Costume 68,300 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Treasure Hunter
Legendary Treasure Hunter emblem.png
Legendary Treasure Hunter
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
Costume Legendary "This full outfit for a Pirate Legend is a jaunty combination of swagger, fabric and gold."
Legendary Trousers.png
Legendary Trousers
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Bottoms Legendary "At outpost shops be the envy of browsers, as you stride past in your legendary trousers."
Legendary Updo Hair.png
Legendary Updo Hair 1,800 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Legendary "A hair-raising approach to personal grooming that keeps long locks up and out of the way."
Legendary Wheel.png
Legendary Wheel 69,550 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Voyager
Athena's Voyager emblem.png
Athena's Voyager
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
Wheel Legendary "A true pirate legend must look imperious, with this mighty wheel they'll know you're serious."
Macaw Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Macaw Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "Behold your finely dressed-up Macaw, the most Legendary bird anyone saw!"
Marmoset Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Marmoset Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "This Legendary outfit you must get, to really show off your Marmoset."
Mau Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Mau Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "How can a Legend improve on this cat? The obvious choice is a Legendary hat."
Merrick's Cutlass.png
Merrick's Cutlass 3,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cutlass Merrick "A unique sword design created by Merrick. It looks just as useful for spear-fishing as it does for fighting."
Merrick's Jacket.png
Merrick's Jacket 2,200 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Jacket Merrick "A replica of Merrick's famous jacket. All of the style, none of the splashtail stains."
Merrick's Tankard.png
Merrick's Tankard 1,800 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Tankard Merrick "A toothy tankard designed by Merrick in memory of a Megalodon. Perfect if you're The Thirsting One."
Midnight Oil Hair.png
Midnight Oil Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "A slick, dark look for pirates who do their best work after dark."
Misty Brown Hair.png
Misty Brown Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "The hair of a pirate who stands alone on the prow, gazing stoically into the middle distance."
Mysterious Stranger Tankard.png
Mysterious Stranger Tankard
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Tankard Mysterious Stranger "If you spend all your time in the tavern, you can't be without a stylish tankard to drink from."
Nature's Bounty Hair.png
Nature's Bounty Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "Hair dye like this matches a wild personality, for pirates who like trees as much as masts."
Ocean Crawler Beard.png
Ocean Crawler Beard 27,200 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Beard Ocean Crawler "Are you even a pirate if you don't have a few barnacles in your beard?"
Ocean Crawler Hair.png
Ocean Crawler Hair 27,200 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Ocean Crawler "You've heard of the 'wet look'? Try the 'underwater look'."
Pale Magic Hair.png
Pale Magic Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "This mixture of tones is ideal for a pirate of contradictions."
Pale Souls Hair.png
Pale Souls Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "Both bright and mysterious, reminiscent of the mystical powers wielded by the Order of Souls."
Parakeet Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Parakeet Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "Please dress well your Parakeet - no finer bird will you ever meet."
Parrot Beard.png
Parrot Beard 27,200 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Beard Parrot "A beard that looks perfect, despite having a few seed casings scattered throughout."
Parrot Hair.png
Parrot Hair 27,200 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Parrot "Parrots know how to preen and look great. The same attitude could work wonders for your hair."
Pirate Lord Pegleg.png
Pirate Lord Pegleg 48,850 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legend of the Veil
Legend of the Veil emblem.png
Legend of the Veil
Complete your first Legend of the Veil Voyage.
Pegleg Pirate Lord "Carved of the finest wood, to resemble the claw of a mighty griffin, the Pirate Lord's Peg Leg is a piece for true connoisseurs."
Ragamuffin Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Ragamuffin Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "Your Ragamuffin is dressed for Athena; even its fur is looking cleaner."
Servant of the Flame Cutlass.png
Servant of the Flame Cutlass 49,750 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Master Banisher
Master Banisher emblem.png
Master Banisher
Dispel 25 Haunted Islands.
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
Cutlass Servant of the Flame "A true Reaper requires an illustrious blade. Only the best for the Servant, and for you."
Servant of the Flame Hat.png
Servant of the Flame Hat 68,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Demolition Plan
Demolition Plan emblem.png
Demolition Plan
Defeat 50 Ghost Garrisons.
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 25
  • 50
Hat Servant of the Flame "This is a dark hat, for dark deeds. There's no denying it, the Servant of the Flame has style."
Shackled Phantom Hull.png
Shackled Phantom Hull 3,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hull Livery Standalone Cosmetics "No longer bound to the Sea of the Damned, this ghostly ship still bears the marks of its incarceration."
Silverback Hair.png
Silverback Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "Grey whisps in your hair let pirates feel your wisdom and authority."
Silvered Legendary Eyepatch.png
Silvered Legendary Eyepatch
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Eyepatch Mysterious Stranger "Others still crave what they can't hope to match, so gaze down upon them wearing this eyepatch."
Soulflame Blunderbuss.png
Soulflame Blunderbuss 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Blunderbuss Soulflame "The glow from within this blunderbuss is almost serene... at least until you pull the trigger."
Soulflame Captain Costume.png
Soulflame Captain Costume [[{{{bundle}}}|Bundle Only]]
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Costume Soulflame "An ethereal ensemble befitting the Soulflame Captain, a terrifying Pirate Legend."
Soulflame Cutlass.png
Soulflame Cutlass 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Cutlass Soulflame "A cutlass that glows with damned firelight. Use it to send a few souls the Ferryman's way."
Soulflame Eye of Reach.png
Soulflame Eye of Reach 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Eye of Reach Soulflame "You may not be stealthy when carrying this weapon, but you'll certainly be intimidating!"
Soulflame First Crewmate Costume.png
Soulflame First Crewmate Costume [[{{{bundle}}}|Bundle Only]]
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Costume Soulflame "Ghostly garb worn by a crew loyal to their Soulflame Captain, a Pirate Legend."
Soulflame Lantern.png
Soulflame Lantern 150,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Lantern Soulflame "This lantern seems to resemble the mask of a Soulfire Captain, but it couldn't be - could it?"
Soulflame Pistol.png
Soulflame Pistol 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Pistol Soulflame "The ghostly light shining from this pistol's barrel makes for a seriously scary sidearm."
Soulflame Second Crewmate Costume.png
Soulflame Second Crewmate Costume [[{{{bundle}}}|Bundle Only]]
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Costume Soulflame "Ghostly garb worn by a crew loyal to their Soulflame Captain, a Pirate Legend."
Soulflame Third Crewmate Costume.png
Soulflame Third Crewmate Costume [[{{{bundle}}}|Bundle Only]]
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Costume Soulflame "Ghostly garb worn by a crew loyal to their Soulflame Captain, a Pirate Legend."
Sovereign Ship's Crest.png
Sovereign Ship's Crest
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Ship's Crest Sovereign "To suggest your superiority to everyone else, why not display your ship's name on a classic gold-encrusted Crest?"
Stranger's Cutlass.png
Stranger's Cutlass 3,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Cutlass Mysterious Stranger "The sword of a Mysterious Stranger loyal to Athena's Fortune. She left the tavern, and her current whereabouts are unknown..."
Sudds' Jacket.png
Sudds' Jacket 2,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Jacket Standalone Cosmetics "A jacket made famous by an eccentric stargazer, adorned with the constellations that shine down upon the Sea of Thieves."
Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss.png
Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss Armoury
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Sea Dog
Legendary Sea Dog emblem.png
Legendary Sea Dog
Place first in an Arena Contest 240 times as a Pirate Legend
  • 5
  • 15
  • 60
  • 120
  • 240
Blunderbuss Glorious Sea Dog "A blunderbuss this fine is reserved for someone who never misses. Congratulations!"
Wanda's Spyglass.png
Wanda's Spyglass 3,000 Doubloons
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Spyglass Standalone Cosmetics "Ever the weaponsmith, Wanda fashioned this tool herself using the barrel of a broken blunderbuss."
Whippet Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Whippet Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "A legendary outfit for a special Whippet, just remember your dog is sure to rip it."
White Rose Hair.png
White Rose Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "When you want to look like a delicate flower, or perhaps like the Shrouded Ghost..."
Wild Orchid Hair.png
Wild Orchid Hair 19,950 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Hair Dye Legendary "A dye reminiscent of beautiful and exotic flowers - who knows what insects you'll attract?!"
Wild Rose Music Box.png
Wild Rose Music Box
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Ornaments Wild Rose "Embrace the romance and sway away the night with this music-lovers' dream."
Wildcat Pirate Legend Outfit.png
Wildcat Pirate Legend Outfit 249 Ancient Coins
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Pet Outfit Legendary "Only a Legend can (without a scratch) make a Wildcat wear a patch."
Ghost Flag.png
Ghost Flag 50,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 3
Flags Ghost "Unlocked by being a 'Pirate Legend' and reaching reputation level 3 in Athena's Fortune."
Ghost Hull.png
Ghost Hull 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 5
Hull Livery Ghost "Unlocked by being a 'Pirate Legend' and reaching reputation level 5 in Athena's Fortune."
Ghost Sails.png
Ghost Sails 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 7
Sails Ghost "Unlocked by being a 'Pirate Legend' and reaching reputation level 7 in Athena's Fortune."
Ghost Figurehead.png
Ghost Figurehead 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 10
Figurehead Ghost "Unlocked by being a 'Pirate Legend' and reaching reputation level 10 in Athena's Fortune."
Legendary Fortune Pistol.png
Legendary Fortune Pistol 9,450 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 21
Pistol Legendary Fortune "Ornate and precise is this deadly gun, in your skilled hands it's also great fun."
Veil of the Ancients Flag.png
Veil of the Ancients Flag 50,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 21
Flags Veil of the Ancients "Legendary Liz designed this flag after being inspired by a rock painting in The Ancient Isles."
Veil of the Ancients Hull.png
Veil of the Ancients Hull 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 22
Hull Livery Veil of the Ancients "A bold hull that makes use of the striking hues preferred by Ancient architects."
Legendary Fortune Eye of Reach.png
Legendary Fortune Eye of Reach 9,450 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 23
Eye of Reach Legendary Fortune "Your fame lives on, your foe does not, they don't even see you take the shot."
Veil of the Ancients Cannons.png
Veil of the Ancients Cannons 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 24
Cannons Veil of the Ancients "They may be old, but these cannons can sink a ship just as well as modern-day models."
Veil of the Ancients Capstan.png
Veil of the Ancients Capstan 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 25
Capstan Veil of the Ancients "A sturdy capstan topped off by an eternally burning flame. Don't scorch your fingers!"
Legendary Fortune Blunderbuss.png
Legendary Fortune Blunderbuss 9,450 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 26
Blunderbuss Legendary Fortune "When meeting a legend don't make a fuss, or you may feel the sting of this blunderbuss."
Veil of the Ancients Wheel.png
Veil of the Ancients Wheel 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 27
Wheel Veil of the Ancients "Wrestling with this heavy stone wheel must have kept Ancient sailors in excellent shape."
Veil of the Ancients Sails.png
Veil of the Ancients Sails 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 28
Sails Veil of the Ancients "A faithful recreation of Ancient artwork, depicting the Veil's power being called upon."
Legendary Fortune Cutlass.png
Legendary Fortune Cutlass 7,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 29
Cutlass Legendary Fortune "With this handsome and deadly sword, how could a legend be ignored?"
Veil of the Ancients Figurehead.png
Veil of the Ancients Figurehead 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 29
Figurehead Veil of the Ancients "A replica of the Veil itself adorns the prow of your ship. Sail with legendary pride!"
Veil of the Ancients Costume.png
Veil of the Ancients Costume 68,300 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 30
Costume Veil of the Ancients "Dressed in Ancient attire and donning a replica of the Veil, you look ready to reach the Sea of the Damned."
Ghost Ship's Crest.png
Ghost Ship's Crest 100,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 50
Ship's Crest Ghost "Carve your name on this ghostly crest as you would a gravestone."
Legendary Ship's Crest.png
Legendary Ship's Crest 100,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 90
Ship's Crest Legendary "Proudly display your ship's name on this crest bearing the mark of Athena's Fortune."
Legendary Herald Costume.png
Legendary Herald Costume 150,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 100
Costume Legendary "Unlocked by reaching Reputation Level 100 in Athena's Fortune."
Blessing of Athena's Fortune.png
Blessing of Athena's Fortune
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Guardians of Fortune 100
Curses Standalone Cosmetics "Almost nobody asks to be cursed, but Pirate Legends can show this magical malady with pride."
Legendary Curse.png
Legendary Curse 500,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Guardians of Fortune 105
Curses Legendary "Almost nobody asks to be cursed, but Pirate Legends can show this magical malady with pride."
Legendary Blessing of Athena's Fortune.png
Legendary Blessing of Athena's Fortune 1,000,000 Gold
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Guardians of Fortune 1000
Curses Standalone Cosmetics "An incredible invocation, only those who have truly brought glory to The Guardians of Fortune will be cursed like this."