Fishing Rod

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The Fishing Rod is an Equipment Item used to catch Fish in Sea of Thieves.


Every Player Pirate acquires a Fishing Rod during their Maiden Voyage, which they can use at any time during their adventures on The Sea of Thieves. The Fishing Rod can be accessed from the Equipment Radial Menu. The Cosmetic design of the Player's Fishing Rod can be switched at Equipment Chests. These designs can be purchased from Equipment Shops and only change the visual appearance of the Item. Players can check out their own Fishing Rod in 3rd person view with the Hook, Line, Sinker Emote, which is available for purchase from the Pirate Emporium for Ancient Coins.

A Fishing Rod can be used to catch Fish. Fish can be caught in most waters in-game, with the exception of a few man-made springs on islands. In order to catch fish, the player needs to throw the fishing line in water and wait until a fish appears in the water. The camera will pan towards the line and fish to notify the player of an approaching fish if the camera is pointed elsewhere. When a fish bites, the player will need to fight the fish by tiring it out. In order to tire out a fish the line needs to be pulled to the opposite side of the pulling fish. At the fighting stage, the player can still reel the fish in little by little, but needs to listen to the feedback or rumble to know when the line is close to breaking. When the fish tires out, the player can safely reel in the fish until it starts fighting again. When the fish is caught, the rod will be raised and the fish will be available to be picked up by either the player or someone else. Note that if a player dies with a fish still on their rod, the fish will disappear. The player can also put different types of Bait on their fishing hook by using the Equipment Radial Menu with the rod in hand and pressing the respective button to see the gathered Bait. Not all fish require Bait to be caught, however, if the location requirements are met, these Fish will also appear with Bait on the hook. In order to see which conditions need to be met to catch specific types of Fish, as well as their location and the type of Bait they prefer, refer to The Hunter's Call Reputation menu.

Fishing Rods can also be used to catch Treacherous Plunder, i.e. junk items. These Items have a chance to get stuck on the Hook of the Rod when no Bait is applied.


If the float collides with terrain, the line retracts automatically, ending the attempt.

  • Primary Use casts and reels the fishing line.
  • Secondary Use retracts the fishing line.
  • Analog controls angle the Fishing Rod during reeling.
  • Item Radial + Secondary Interact selects available bait.
  • Secondary Interact inventories the catch, this can be performed by anyone in range of the fishing rod.

List of Fishing Rods

All new players are equipped with a basic Sailor Fishing Rod by default, other aesthetic versions are available for purchase at the Equipment Shop or Companies.

  • Total Items: 71
  • Total Cost: 3,803,040 Gold  2,350 Doubloons  1,294 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Set In-game description
Admiral Fishing Rod.png
Admiral Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Plentifins
Hunter of Plentifins emblem.png
Hunter of Plentifins
Deliver all types of Plentifin.
Admiral "A fine fishing rod in the hands of a disciplined user. Do you have a license for it?"
Aristocrat Fishing Rod.png
Aristocrat Fishing Rod 50 Doubloons n/a n/a Aristocrat "One does not 'go fishing'. One is a merely an aficionado of maritime cuisine procurement."
Azure Ocean Crawler Fishing Rod.png
Azure Ocean Crawler Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Hunter of Trophy Fish emblem.png
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Deliver 25 Trophy Fish.
Azure Ocean Crawler "Perhaps the oceanic style of this rod will act as camouflage and the fishies won't see it coming."
Bilge Rat Fishing Rod.png
Bilge Rat Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Splashtails
Hunter of Splashtails emblem.png
Hunter of Splashtails
Deliver all types of Splashtail.
Bilge Rat "A bendy stick with a distinct aroma of fish. Close enough, right?"
Bone Crusher Fishing Rod.png
Bone Crusher Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Hunter of Battlegills
Hunter of Battlegills emblem.png
Hunter of Battlegills
Deliver all types of Battlegill.
Bone Crusher "This rod is made from stiff bone and there's really nothing funny about that at all."
Castaway Bilge Rat Fishing Rod.png
Castaway Bilge Rat Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Splashtails
Hunter of Splashtails emblem.png
Hunter of Splashtails
Deliver all types of Splashtail.
Castaway Bilge Rat "A bendy stick with a distinct aroma of fish. Close enough, right?"
Ceremonial Admiral Fishing Rod.png
Ceremonial Admiral Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Plentifins
Hunter of Plentifins emblem.png
Hunter of Plentifins
Deliver all types of Plentifin.
Ceremonial Admiral "A fine fishing rod in the hands of a disciplined user. Do you have a license for it?"
Cultured Aristocrat Fishing Rod.png
Cultured Aristocrat Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise emblem.png
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
Curse another crews' ship with Peaceball while flying Reaper's Mark flag.
Cultured Aristocrat "One does not 'go fishing'. One is a merely an aficionado of maritime cuisine procurement."
Dark Adventurers Fishing Rod.png
Dark Adventurers Fishing Rod 2,160,000 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dark Adventurers "If this fishing rod were any more intimidating, not even Splashtails would be fooled into biting."
Dawn Hunter Fishing Rod.png
Dawn Hunter Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Plundered Prizes
Plundered Prizes emblem.png
Plundered Prizes
Sell 600 of any Trading Company items while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
  • 120
  • 240
  • 360
  • 480
  • 600
Dawn Hunter "Not even little fishies are safe from your hunts. May the ponds run red!"
Deep Ocean Crawler Fishing Rod.png
Deep Ocean Crawler Fishing Rod 57,600 Gold n/a n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "Perhaps the oceanic style of this rod will act as camouflage and the fishies won't see it coming."
Eastern Winds Jade Fishing Rod.png
Eastern Winds Jade Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a n/a Eastern Winds Jade "Cast this rod and watch the fishing line dance through the air, like a dragon flying across the sky."
Eastern Winds Ruby Fishing Rod.png
Eastern Winds Ruby Fishing Rod
Time-limited item
n/a Eastern Winds Ruby "Cast this rod and watch the fishing line dance through the air, like a dragon flying across the sky."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Fishing Rod.png
Eastern Winds Sapphire Fishing Rod
Time-limited item
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "Cast this rod and watch the fishing line dance through the air, like a dragon flying across the sky."
Fates of Fortune Fishing Rod.png
Fates of Fortune Fishing Rod 150,000 Gold n/a
Fortune's Favour
Fortune's Favour emblem.png
Fortune's Favour
  • 30
  • 60
  • 90
  • 120
  • 150
  • 180
Fates of Fortune "This happy-go-lucky fishing rod is as easy on the eye as it is alluring to the fish."
Fearless Bone Crusher Fishing Rod.png
Fearless Bone Crusher Fishing Rod 50 Doubloons n/a n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "This rod is made from stiff bone and there's really nothing funny about that at all."
Fishing Rod of the Ashen Dragon.png
Fishing Rod of the Ashen Dragon 9,140 Gold n/a
Tome of Power V
Tome of Power V emblem.png
Tome of Power V
Sell the Tome of Power V.
Ashen Dragon "Dragons are not famed for catching fish, but they'd be so good at it."
Fishing Rod of the Bristling Barnacle.png
Fishing Rod of the Bristling Barnacle 86,400 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Bristling Barnacle "Somewhat ironically, this fishing rod first had to be fished out of the sea."
Fishing Rod of the Silent Barnacle.png
Fishing Rod of the Silent Barnacle 86,400 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Silent Barnacle "Somewhat ironically, this fishing rod first had to be fished out of the sea."
Fishing Rod of The Wailing Barnacle.png
Fishing Rod of The Wailing Barnacle 50 Doubloons n/a n/a Wailing Barnacle "Somewhat ironically, this fishing rod first had to be fished out of the sea."
Flaming Jackal Fishing Rod.png
Flaming Jackal Fishing Rod 7,500 Gold n/a n/a Flaming Jackal "Reel your way to victory with a rod that isn't going to be bested by any mere fish."
Forsaken Ashes Fishing Rod.png
Forsaken Ashes Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Hunter of Devilfish
Hunter of Devilfishes emblem.png
Hunter of Devilfish
Deliver all types of Devilfish.
Forsaken Ashes "Made by pirates in The Devil's Roar, this rod is built to withstand being dropped in boiling water."
Frostbite Fishing Rod.png
Frostbite Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Stormfishes
Hunter of Stormfishes emblem.png
Hunter of Stormfishes
Deliver all types of Stormfish.
Frostbite "Ice fishing is a popular pastime in many places - but, oddly, not in The Devil's Roar..."
Frozen Horizon Fishing Rod.png
Frozen Horizon Fishing Rod 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "Frozen fish? That'll never take off."
Ghost Fishing Rod.png
Ghost Fishing Rod 45,750 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legend of the Deep
Legend of the Deep emblem.png
Legend of the Deep
Deliver 50 Fish as a Pirate Legend
  • 1
  • 10
  • 20
  • 35
  • 50
Ghost "You'd think it would scare away the fish."
Gilded Phoenix Fishing Rod.png
Gilded Phoenix Fishing Rod
Time-limited item
n/a Gilded Phoenix "Not only is this white and blue rod pretty, it's also camouflaged, from a fish's perspective."
Gold Hoarders Fishing Rod.png
Gold Hoarders Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Wreckers
Hunter of Wreckers emblem.png
Hunter of Wreckers
Deliver all types of Wrecker.
Gold Hoarders "Supposedly created by a confused Gold Hoarder who wanted to catch goldfish in order to extract the ore."
Grand Admiral Fishing Rod.png
Grand Admiral Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Plentifins
Hunter of Plentifins emblem.png
Hunter of Plentifins
Deliver all types of Plentifin.
Grand Admiral "A fine fishing rod in the hands of a disciplined user. Do you have a license for it?"
Guardian Ghost Fishing Rod.png
Guardian Ghost Fishing Rod 45,750 Gold n/a
Ghost Ship
Ghost Ship emblem.png
Ghost Ship
Vanquish Skeleton Ships while wearing the Ghostly Curse.
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
Guardian Ghost "You'd think it would scare away the fish."
Hunter Fishing Rod.png
Hunter Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Hunter of Islehoppers
Hunter of Islehoppers emblem.png
Hunter of Islehoppers
Deliver all types of Islehopper.
Hunter "Not even little fishies are safe from your hunts. May the ponds run red!"
Imperial Sovereign Fishing Rod.png
Imperial Sovereign Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Ancientscales
Hunter of Ancientscales emblem.png
Hunter of Ancientscales
Deliver all types of Ancientscale.
Imperial Sovereign "Fishing is the most refined of waterside pursuits - ensure you use a refined rod."
Inky Kraken Fishing Rod.png
Inky Kraken Fishing Rod 57,600 Gold n/a n/a Inky Kraken "Not tempting fate at all, nope, not one bit, you chose a fishing rod that looks like a Kraken."
Kraken Fishing Rod.png
Kraken Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Hunter of Stormfishes
Hunter of Stormfishes emblem.png
Hunter of Stormfishes
Deliver all types of Stormfish.
Kraken "Not tempting fate at all, nope, not one bit, you chose a fishing rod that looks like a Kraken."
Legendary Fishing Rod.png
Legendary Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary "When a pirate of your stature casts a line, the crew knows it's time to dine."
Lucky Hand Fishing Rod.png
Lucky Hand Fishing Rod 600 Doubloons n/a n/a Lucky Hand "When on the hunt for an elusive Trophy Fish, most pirates will take any extra bit of luck they can find."
Magpie's Glory Fishing Rod.png
Magpie's Glory Fishing Rod
Guardian tier in Athena's Fortune Emissary Ledger 9 times 9x
Magpie's Glory "A surprisingly subdued fishing rod. Well, not even Pirate Legends need to show off all the time..."
Masked Renegade Fishing Rod.png
Masked Renegade Fishing Rod
Keeper tier in Reaper's Bones Emissary Ledger 9 times 9x
Masked Renegade "Made from the twisted branch of a gnarled tree, it's surprising that fish are brave enough to go near this."
Mercenary Fishing Rod.png
Mercenary Fishing Rod 50 Doubloons n/a n/a Mercenary "For the right price, you'd even catch a poor, defenceless fish. Have you no heart?!"
Merchant Alliance Fishing Rod.png
Merchant Alliance Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Islehoppers
Hunter of Islehoppers emblem.png
Hunter of Islehoppers
Deliver all types of Islehopper.
Merchant Alliance "The Merchants know the importance of being able to catch fish - it stops starving pirates from eating valuable cargo."
Merchant Ambassador Fishing Rod.png
Merchant Ambassador Fishing Rod
Commander tier in Merchant Alliance Emissary Ledger 9 times 9x
Merchant Ambassador "The Merchant Alliance once considered fishing to be a spurious waste of time, until they saw how much profit the shipwrights made selling bait to Captains."
Mistletoe Fishing Rod.png
Mistletoe Fishing Rod 1,500 Doubloons n/a n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Dangle this over the water and wait for a lovelorn fish to appear in hopes of a smooch."
Nightshine Parrot Fishing Rod.png
Nightshine Parrot Fishing Rod 57,600 Gold n/a n/a Nightshine Parrot "Why should the fish be the most colourful ones at the waterfront?"
Obsidian Fishing Rod.png
Obsidian Fishing Rod
Time-limited item
n/a Black Dog "A dark fishing rod perfect for intimidating the Splashtails."
Ocean Crawler Fishing Rod.png
Ocean Crawler Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Hunter of Wreckers
Hunter of Wreckers emblem.png
Hunter of Wreckers
Deliver all types of Wrecker.
Ocean Crawler "Perhaps the oceanic style of this rod will act as camouflage and the fishies won't see it coming."
Order of Souls Fishing Rod.png
Order of Souls Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Battlegills
Hunter of Battlegills emblem.png
Hunter of Battlegills
Deliver all types of Battlegill.
Order of Souls "You don't need mystical powers to see Splashtails in your future, should you forget to add bait to the hook."
Parrot Fishing Rod.png
Parrot Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Hunter of Pondies
Hunter of Pondies emblem.png
Hunter of Pondies
Deliver all types of Pondie.
Parrot "Why should the fish be the most colourful ones at the waterfront?"
Rascal Sea Dog Fishing Rod.png
Rascal Sea Dog Fishing Rod
Time-limited item
n/a Rascal Sea Dog "From Sailor's Bounty to Ashen Reaches, a stalwart rod like this can keep a pirate well-fed."
Reaper's Heart Fishing Rod.png
Reaper's Heart Fishing Rod 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "A romantic Splashtail dinner could be on the cards courtesy of this fancy fishing rod."
Relic of Darkness Fishing Rod.png
Relic of Darkness Fishing Rod
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 9 times 9x
Relic of Darkness "Created by an easily distracted weaponsmith who thought she was working with the Order of Shoals."
Rogue Sea Dog Fishing Rod.png
Rogue Sea Dog Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Wildsplashes
Hunter of Wildsplashes emblem.png
Hunter of Wildsplashes
Deliver all types of Wildsplash.
Rogue Sea Dog "From Sailor's Bounty to Ashen Reaches, a stalwart rod like this can keep a pirate well-fed."
Royal Sovereign Fishing Rod.png
Royal Sovereign Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Ancientscales
Hunter of Ancientscales emblem.png
Hunter of Ancientscales
Deliver all types of Ancientscale.
Royal Sovereign "Fishing is the most refined of waterside pursuits - ensure you use a refined rod."
Rubber Chicken Fishing Rod.png
Rubber Chicken Fishing Rod 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Mêlée Island "Inspired by a useful traversal mechanism, this rod will soon have fish soaring through the air."
Ruby Splashtail Fishing Rod.png
Ruby Splashtail Fishing Rod 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Ruby Splashtail "This rod honours the Splashtail, many a proud pirate's first catch. And second. And third..."
Ruffian Sea Dog Fishing Rod.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Wildsplashes
Hunter of Wildsplashes emblem.png
Hunter of Wildsplashes
Deliver all types of Wildsplash.
Ruffian Sea Dog "From Sailor's Bounty to Ashen Reaches, a stalwart rod like this can keep a pirate well-fed."
Sailor Fishing Rod.png
Sailor Fishing Rod
Default item
n/a n/a Sailor "A sturdy rod that can catch any fish, with the right bait. May also catch the occasional earring."
Sapphire Blade Fishing Rod.png
Sapphire Blade Fishing Rod
n/a n/a Sapphire Blade "Ensure that you have a full belly before your voyage of discovery, with this pristine, polished rod."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Fishing Rod.png
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Captain of Ashen Bones
Captain of Ashen Bones emblem.png
Captain of Ashen Bones
Set fire to 100 Skeletons with the Ashen Winds Skull
Scorched Forsaken Ashes "Made by pirates in The Devil's Roar, this rod is built to withstand being dropped in boiling water."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Fishing Rod.png
Scurvy Bilge Rat Fishing Rod 12,800 Gold n/a
Hunter of Splashtails
Hunter of Splashtails emblem.png
Hunter of Splashtails
Deliver all types of Splashtail.
Scurvy Bilge Rat "A bendy stick with a distinct aroma of fish. Close enough, right?"
Sea Dog Fishing Rod.png
Sea Dog Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Wildsplashes
Hunter of Wildsplashes emblem.png
Hunter of Wildsplashes
Deliver all types of Wildsplash.
Sea Dog "From Sailor's Bounty to Ashen Reaches, a stalwart rod like this can keep a pirate well-fed."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Fishing Rod.png
Seared Forsaken Ashes Fishing Rod 9,140 Gold n/a
Captain of Ashen Bones
Captain of Ashen Bones emblem.png
Captain of Ashen Bones
Set fire to 100 Skeletons with the Ashen Winds Skull
Seared Forsaken Ashes "Made by pirates in The Devil's Roar, this rod is built to withstand being dropped in boiling water."
Silver Blade Fishing Rod.png
Silver Blade Fishing Rod
n/a n/a Silver Blade "Ensure that you have a full belly before your voyage of discovery, with this pristine, silver rod."
Sovereign Fishing Rod.png
Sovereign Fishing Rod 6,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Ancientscales
Hunter of Ancientscales emblem.png
Hunter of Ancientscales
Deliver all types of Ancientscale.
Sovereign "Fishing is the most refined of waterside pursuits - ensure you use a refined rod."
Spring Blossom Fishing Rod.png
Spring Blossom Fishing Rod 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Spring Blossom "With its line spun from sacred twine, any angler would be blessed to use this gnarled fishing rod."
Sunshine Parrot Fishing Rod.png
Sunshine Parrot Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Legends of the Sea II
Legends of the Sea II emblem.png
Legends of the Sea II
Find Umbra's book on Crescent Isle, where Salty once rested.
Sunshine Parrot "Why should the fish be the most colourful ones at the waterfront?"
The Killer Whale Fishing Rod.png
The Killer Whale Fishing Rod
Hunter's Call Shop
700 Gold n/a
Hunter's Call 5
The Killer Whale "Merrick himself prefers this quality rod... but his history with sea life isn't very encouraging."
Thriving Wild Rose Fishing Rod.png
Thriving Wild Rose Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Always Yours
Always Yours emblem.png
Always Yours
Legendary Commendation: Complete all Commendations for 'Wild Rose'.
Thriving Wild Rose "Rose had a fishing rod just like this, but saved it for special occasions. It's too nice to get wet!"
Tribute Peak Fishing Rod.png
Tribute Peak Fishing Rod
Marauder tier in Gold Hoarders Emissary Ledger 9 times 9x
Tribute Peak "A fishing rod makes an excellent tool for any Gold Hoarder who refuses to pay for their next meal."
Twilight Hunter Fishing Rod.png
Twilight Hunter Fishing Rod
Time-limited item
n/a Twilight Hunter "Not even little fishies are safe from your hunts. May the ponds run red!"
Venomous Kraken Fishing Rod.png
Venomous Kraken Fishing Rod 86,400 Gold n/a
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Legendary Kraken Hunter emblem.png
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Defeat 10 Krakens
Venomous Kraken "Not tempting fate at all, nope, not one bit, you chose a fishing rod that looks like a Kraken."
Wild Rose Fishing Rod.png
Wild Rose Fishing Rod 50 Doubloons n/a n/a Wild Rose "Rose had a fishing rod just like this, but saved it for special occasions. It's too nice to get wet!"
Wrecker Wrangler Fishing Rod.png
Wrecker Wrangler Fishing Rod 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Wrecker Wrangler "The object of a bizarre ritual to create a rod that only attracts Wreckers, this rod... doesn't do that at all."

Pirate Chat

Here is the Pirate Chat Wheel for Fishing Rods:

Fishing Rod chat.png

Patch history

  • 2.4.0 (December 2, 2021)
    • Fishing Rods should now have a fishing line colour that better matches the colour of the line in the spool.
  • 2.2.1 (August 17, 2021)
    • Players will now be told that their inventory is full when trying to remove a Fish from their Fishing Rod with no space to do so.
    • Players’ fingers should no longer clip through their Fishing Rods.
  • 2.0.2 (May 23, 2019)
    • Getting a bite while using a fishing rod near the end of a contest will no longer force the controller to rumble and lock the player’s camera upon return to the Sea Dogs Tavern.
  • 2.0.1 (May 8, 2019)
    • Casting a line while swimming underwater is now prevented.
  • 2.0 (April 30, 2019)
    • Introduced.