Wild Rose

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Disambig.svg This article is about the Tall Tale. For the Set of themed Cosmetics, see Wild Rose Set.

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Continue your search for Briggsy's old crewmates. These two lovers may hold the key to your journey to the Shores of Gold...

Wild Rose is the fifth Tall Tale in the Shores of Gold arc. Madame Olive is worried about the fate of the engaged couple Rose and George.

The tale can be started from the cabinet beside Madame Olive's desk, or on the Quest Table (it may also be cancelled here).


Rose and George have gone missing days before their wedding day. Rose's best friend, Madame Olive enlists your help tracking them down.

This romantic tale takes you across the seas to find the memories of the couple and ultimately discover their fate.


A full, step-by-step walkthrough can be found at Wild Rose Walkthrough

The Tale Book

Once the Crew has voted on the Tall Tale and listened to the Madame Olive, they are given the Tale Book, which they can find and take out in the Map Radial menu. Any Tale Book can be viewed with the Primary Use button (Left Mouse Button/Right Trigger). Once taking a closer look at the Tale Book, its pages can be turned with the Q and E keys on a Keyboard and the Left and Right buttons on a Controller.

Pages 1-14 of the Tall Tale book are always the same:



Madame Olive

Did Olivia send you? Oh, thank heavens!
I've been beside myself, out here all alone with no-one to confide in but that beastly Humphrey.
There's nothing I can do, you see, not really.
I'm no pirate, not like my best friend Rose. She's amazing!
I once saw her bite a rope clean in half, you know.
She's so fierce! Unless she's with George...
He's her fiance now, and she sent me this beautiful diary! All about how they both met and fell in love.
They've even asked me to officiate their wedding! It's such an honor.
Except... You see...
They were due to be married three days ago, but they never arrived and I've been worried sick ever since.
I just know something must be wrong.
Olivia told me her compass helped you locate a Skeleton Lord.
I'm not as skilled with the Ritual, but... Yes, perhaps the same magic might help locate Rose and George!
Rose wrote about burying precious keepsakes in her diary.
Find their Chest of Memories and bring me any memories it leads you to!
Please, hurry, I'm begging you!

Madame Olive

Madame Olive

That looks like the music box Rose spoke of...
And these must be George's secret cooking spices!
I'm not as skilled at the Rite as Madame Olivia, but Rose is counting on me, so this has to work.
I'll make it work!

(Madame Olive adds the mementos and some ingredients into a transmutation box, which processes them into an Enchanted Compass.)

This compass will lead the way towards Wild Rose and George.
Wherever they may be.
Please, do whatever it takes to get them home safely... So they can finally have their wedding day!



My little Georgie. Finally, I have you to myself.
You could be a little nicer to me, given everything I've sacrificed.
Graymarrow doesn't give away secrets easily, you know.
Still... it was worth it.
Binding that silly girl's spirit and watching the light fade from her eyes.
I wish you could've been there, Georgie.
I was magnificent.
Oh now don't sulk.
You'll see things my way in time.
After all..
I'm all you've got left.


Madame Olive

By the heavens, I can hear them crying out from the pendants.
I've never seen a curse this powerful before... I... I don't know what to do.
Come on Olive! Rose was always there for you, even if it meant she got hurt so you'd be okay.
Well you're grown up now! Your turn to take the blow!
I thank you for all you've done for me, but whatever happens now you must not interfere.
There's one last ritual I can attempt, but it's forbidden.
Because... Because few can take the pain.
But even if I don't survive, Rose? Well... She'd do the same for me.

(Madame Olive adds the pendants and some materials into the transmutation box, and processes them at the apparent cost of her welfare. The souls rise from the box and unite before dissipating.)

I did it!
Wild Rose!
They're together, at last. They're free from Rooke's curse.
I don't think they'll be returning anytime soon.
But they've found one another, thanks to you!
They're eternally grateful and so am I!
I'll make sure everyone in the Order knows what you did for two lost souls today.
If anyone can make it to the Shores of Gold, it's you!


  • Rare has made the full-length version of the tale's soundtrack available on Spotify and other streaming services.

The Lovers' Notes


I Want to Fight! - By Rose

(Rapier Cay)

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She was following us again all day. I could see her sails on the horizon. Just out of reach of the cannons. COWARD.
I knew I wanted this life. Ever since I fell from my parents' sloop as a nipper and got saved by Captain Briggsy herself!
She looked me up and down and said I was going to be the sort of pirate who never let danger scare her away.
And thanks to her I never have. But they all say it's still too dangerous to take on Rooke.
I guess to keep George happy I will just keep writing my feelings down instead of wasting all our ammo. Ugh.
I wish things were simple again like they were back at Cannon Cove...
The Lovers' Note 01.png

He'll Get Himself Killed! - By Rose

(Bay campfire, Cannon Cove)

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So we're at Cannon Cove and there's just gold sat there like a big dumb trap for idiots.
Guess who runs right up to it and gets jumped by an enemy crew lying in wait? YUP!
I had to fight all four of them myself. Lucky I had George's sword and mine also.
I was angry though so it was an easy fight. He never realised it was him I was mad at.
Let's see if we can make it to Lone Cove without me strangling him. I say it's 50–50.
The Lovers' Note 02.png

I Think I Love Her - By George

(Central Rock, Lone Cove)

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We have stopped to rest on our way to the Lagoon of Whispers, but the only whisper I can hear is echoes of the question.
Asked so plainly, the shock of it has completely dulled my senses, and I'm still no closer to the answer.
It's like that game where children pull petals off flowers one at a time.
She loves me, she loves me not. Although it's more like... I love her, I love her not, I love her...
I love her... I... Oh dear.
The Lovers' Note 03.png

A Kiss and a Miss - By George

(East Lagoon of Whispers)

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Only the Captain's Cabin affords any measure of privacy on a galleon such as ours.
I knew that if I were to act, it would have to be while we returned aboard our rowboat.
I leaned closer. Rose tilted her head, quizzically. With my heart in my mouth, I moved nearer still...
My oar struck a sandbar just then. We touched! Or rather, collided. Rose's forehead; my (now rather bloody) nose.
I am dismayed, but not defeated. Once Quickshot is returned to the soil and we reach Sailor's Bounty, I shall try my luck again...
The Lovers' Note 04.png

He Proposed! - By Rose

(Northeast Islet, Sailor's Bounty)

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Today has been one of the best days of my life and one of the funniest too. My sides still hurt!
George had been thinking (too much) about how to propose to me. Where to take me and how to stand and what to say. Too bad he forgot to look where he was walking! He turned and said "Rose will you marry aaargh!"
He fell into a tree and got stuck upside-down swinging all day! Until we chopped it down anyway. Ha ha ha! Laughing again.
But of course I said yes anyway. As if I could refuse my George after all of that!
The Lovers' Note 05.png


The Path of the Lovers emblem
The Path of the LoversReturn the Mementos to Madame Oliven/a
Rose's Fate emblem
Rose's FateFind Rosen/a
George's Fate emblem
George's FateFind Georgen/a
Wild Rose emblem
Wild RoseComplete 'Wild Rose'.Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Rose's Compass in the Equipment Chest.
True Treasure emblem
True TreasureDiscover all of the Lovers' Notesn/a
The Seas of Eternity emblem
The Seas of EternityLegendary Commendation: Complete the Tale (5 times)n/a
Always Yours emblem
Always YoursLegendary Commendation: Complete all Commendations for 'Wild Rose'.Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Wild Rose Wheel in the Ship Customization Chest, along with the Thriving Wild Rose Set and Flourishing Wild Rose Set for purchase.

Patch history

  • 2.2.0 (June 22, 2021)
    • ‘The Wild Rose’ On reaching the final chapter of this Tall Tale and returning to the Order of Souls, the Outpost will now load correctly.
  • 2.0.2 (May 23, 2019)
    • ‘The Wild Rose’ – Leaving behind the Chest of Memories once the pages have been removed will no longer trigger a ‘Tale Failed’ state.
  • 2.0.1 (May 8, 2019)
    • ‘Wild Rose’ – Adjusted a Collector’s Chest dig site to avoid clipping with a barrel placed close by.
  • 2.0 (April 30, 2019)
    • Introduced.

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