Tall Tales
Tall Tales are lengthy, story driven Quests with a focus on the story of Sea of Thieves. Players may vote to begin Tall Tales at Tale Books or by voting for one at their ship's Voyage Table. They will then have to make their way to an NPC who will issue an introduction and provide necessary Quest Items for the chosen adventure.
Starting a Tale
Tall Tales may be begun by voting on Tale Books found beside specific NPCs, or on the Voyage Table under the Tall Tale section. These locations are marked on the Map Table with Map Markers displaying the Tale's icon which can be interacted with when the map is zoomed in to them. These Markers can be toggled in the Game Options. More information on where to begin each specific Tall Tale is also noted on the "More Info" page when hovering over individual Tales in the Tall Tales tab in the Reputation Menu.
An active Tall Tale will appear on the ship's Voyage Table, where the crew can then vote to cancel the Tale. When Crew members have reached a Checkpoints of a Tall Tale, they can also put these Tales up for a vote at the Voyage Table, rather than the Tale Book, then start from these Checkpoints with the required Quest Items appear on the table. Crews can have one Voyage and one Tall Tale active on the Voyage Table at a time.
Prior to patch 2.10.1, some Tales required that a player had completed an earlier Tall Tale before they may initiate a vote for it. However this restriction was per player, and another crewmate who met the requirement may have began the vote themselves.
Tale Books
Once a Tale is voted on, the Tale Book will then appear in the crew's Quest Radial Menu. When equipped in hand, players can examine the Book, and turn pages to read further. Tale Books lead the crew to their next destinations through hints and puzzles.
Quest Items

In addition to Tale Books, players will acquire various Quest Items during Tall Tales that help them progress in the story or solve puzzles. Quest Items often appear in the form of Trinkets, Keys and Chests that can be carried around, or in the form of Equipment that appears beside the Tale Book in the Quest Radial Menu. Most Quest Items also cannot be sold to any of the Companies, making them only useful for the Crew that is doing the specific Tall Tale. When Players lose their Quest Items, the Tale will fail and they will have to start over.
Some Tall Tales, e.g. The Seabound Soul, also have optional hidden Collectable Quest Items. These Items generally serve no larger purpose than completing a Commendation for the Tall Tale.
Each Tall Tale typically has 5 hidden Journals (10 for Shores of Gold and A Pirate's Life) that appear in the world only while the Tale is active. These Journals are optional, giving some related story to the current Tale. Each Tale will have a Commendation for finding and reading all of the related Journals. The first Journals are almost always around the first destination players arrive at, while the others may not always be so easy to come across. Every Journal should have a hint of the next Journal's location written in the text.
Every Tall Tale has a number of Checkpoints that can be acquired when reaching specific chapters or goals in a Tall Tale. These Checkpoints allow Players to leave and start the Tall Tale over again at some other time. These Checkpoints are stored in the Quest Inventory where they can be discarded. Players can put a Tall Tale Checkpoint up for a vote at the Voyage Table. Players can save one Checkpoint from every Tall Tale. Once they have unlocked another Checkpoint of the same Tale, it will be overwritten. When the Tale is completed, all Checkpoints of the Tale will be lost. Any necessary Quest Items of the Tall Tale will appear on the Voyage Table when a Checkpoint is voted for.
Tall Tales are divided into Chapters that unlock a checkpoint for the Tall Tale, allowing players to exit and resume from this Chapter of the Tale at a later time. Players will have one saved checkpoint per Tall Tale. Starting a Tall Tale from a Checkpoint must be voted upon at the Voyage Table. Tall Tale Checkpoints can be discarded in the Quest Inventory.
Tall Tales are considered complete if all the chapters have been completed. Players will receive a reward of 8,000 for the completion of each Tall Tale (which is also shared in Player Alliances). This reward can be affected by any reward multipliers gained from Events.
Every Tall Tale also has a handful of Commendations that unlock various themed Cosmetics when completed. They mostly reward one Cosmetic when completing the Tale for the first time and then another for completing all the related Commendations. Commendation progress and rewards can be tracked from the Reputation Menu under the individual Tall Tales tabs.
List of Tall Tales
Maiden Voyage
An introductory Tale that for new pirates to learn the ropes. This Tale must be completed in order to set sail on The Sea of Thieves, it can then be repeated at any time from the Main Menu via a button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Icon | Tale | Starting location |
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Maiden Voyage | Accessible from the Main Menu. |
Shores of Gold
Icon | Tale | Starting location |
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1. The Shroudbreaker | By the Mysterious Stranger inside Outpost Taverns. |
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2. The Cursed Rogue | By Madame Olivia's tent at Plunder Outpost. |
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3. The Legendary Storyteller | Tasha in the Tavern of Ancient Spire Outpost. |
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4. Stars of a Thief | by Sudds at The North Star Seapost. |
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5. Wild Rose | by Madame Olive at Sanctuary Outpost. |
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6. The Art of the Trickster | By Salty at the shipwreck on the eastern shore of Plunder Valley. |
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7. The Fate of the Morningstar | By the Ferryman at the Ferry of the Damned. |
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8. Revenge of the Morningstar | By Sandra at the Shipwright Shop of Dagger Tooth Outpost. |
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9. Shores of Gold | By Grace Morrow outside the Tavern at Morrow's Peak Outpost. |
Ashen Age
Icon | Tale | Starting location |
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The Seabound Soul | Inside the Captain's quarters of the Blackwyche shipwreck at Shipwreck Bay. |
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Heart of Fire | By Tallulah at the Tavern of Morrow's Peak Outpost. |
A Pirate's Life
Icon | Tale | Starting location |
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1. A Pirate's Life | The Castaway's Camp at all Outposts. |
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2. The Sunken Pearl | The Castaway's Camp at all Outposts. |
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3. Captains of the Damned | The Castaway's Camp at all Outposts. |
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4. Dark Brethren | The Castaway's Camp at all Outposts. |
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5. Lords of the Sea | The Castaway's Camp at all Outposts. |
The Legend of Monkey Island
Icon | Tale | Starting location |
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1. The Journey to Mêlée Island | Capsize Charters at all Outposts. |
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2. The Quest for Guybrush | Capsize Charters at all Outposts. |
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3. The Lair of LeChuck | Capsize Charters at all Outposts. |
We are hard at work on developing comprehensive Walkthroughs for every Tall Tale. Currently, over half of the Tales have comprehensive Walkthroughs. If you are looking for information on how to complete specific Tall Tales, but cannot find enough information on the Wiki, we strongly recommend you check out the RareThief Tall Tales Walkthroughs until our own articles are ready for reading!
- Tall Tales adjust game balance based on the Crew size, scaling the difficulty of major Boss Fights. Players in Crews of three or four can force the Tale to lower the health of a boss by having all but one or two players leave the game, then have the remaining Players start the Boss fight and have everyone else rejoin the game. This can reduce a 40-minute Skeleton Lord fight to just 10-15 minutes!
- When Players want different Puzzles for their Tall Tale, they can vote to cancel the tale and reset the puzzle locations by voting for a Checkpoint of the Tale at the Voyage Table.
- Tall Tale Checkpoints can be used to quickly boost Players through their 3-5 completion Commendations. Simply have a crewmember put the last Checkpoint of a Tale for a vote and then leave the game before its completion. This way they will keep their latest checkpoint and allow their other crewmembers to start the Tale over at the latest stage.
- Some Tall Tales (e.g. The Shroudbreaker) force Emergent Skeletons to spawn with the lowest health (50 hp). These skeletons will override any Voyage skeleton spawns, making, for example, Athena's Fortune Voyages much easier.
- Various Tall Tales give Players additional benefits (e.g. ability to cross The Devil's Shroud during Shores of Gold) or interesting Quest Items (e.g. the Morningstar Set Clothing during Revenge of the Morningstar) when active, making it beneficial to keep Checkpoints of each Tale saved for other Voyages.
Patch history
- 2.10.1 (February 19, 2024)
- All Tall Tales across the Shores of Gold arc, Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life and the recently released Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island are now unlocked and can be played freely in any order.
- 2.10.0 (January 23, 2024)
- Tall tales can now be directly accessed and voted on at the Quest Table on board each ship.
- 2.8.6 (September 28, 2023)
- Added The Lair of LeChuck, the third and final tale of the Legend of Monkey Island story arc.
- 2.8.5 (August 31, 2023)
- Added The Quest for Guybrush, the second tale of the Legend of Monkey Island story arc.
- 2.8.4 (July 20, 2023)
- Added The Journey to Mêlée Island, the first tale of the Legend of Monkey Island story arc.
- 2.6.2 (September 29, 2022)
- When switching to a language other than English, the prompts to show and hide Tall Tales should now change to the selected language.
- 2.6.0 (August 4, 2022)
- Multiple appearances of Graymarrow and Briggsy can no longer be created by cancelling and restarting Tall Tale checkpoints.
- 2.5.0 (March 10, 2022)
- When progressing through Tall Tales or Siren Shrines, players approaching mechanisms previously used by other players will now see them in the correct location and position.
- 2.2.0 (June 22, 2021)
- Added A Pirate's Life, a 5 Tale story arc.
- 2.0.15 (May 27, 2020)
- Tall Tale Checkpoints – From the original Shores of Gold series to the more recent releases of ‘The Seabound Soul’ and ‘Heart of Fire’, all Tall Tales now allow you to save progress and pick up where you left off. Completing a Chapter automatically saves a checkpoint. Lost a Tale item in a surprise Kraken encounter? Met a ruthless crew of Reapers? Or just want to play through at your own pace? Resume from your checkpoint and carry on!
- Quest Inventory – The Voyage Inventory has been replaced with a new Quest Inventory, storing Voyages and Tall Tale Checkpoints separately. The new Tall Tale Checkpoint tab can now hold one Checkpoint Voyage per Tall Tale, whereas the Voyage Tab remains unchanged.
- Ship’s Map Markers – When ‘Show Tall Tales on Map Table’ is active, players can now hover over a Tall Tale icon on the ship’s Map which offers a prompt (
on console and
on PC) to pop out a Voyage card displaying key information and where to begin.
- 2.0.13 (March 12, 2020)
- Tall Tales Gold Reward – Completing any Tall Tale will now reward players with increased gold amounts! Players will now earn 8,000
instead of the previous reward of 3,000
- Added Heart of Fire.
- Tall Tales Gold Reward – Completing any Tall Tale will now reward players with increased gold amounts! Players will now earn 8,000
- 2.0.10 (December 11, 2019)
- Added Maiden Voyage.
- 2.0.9 (November 20, 2019)
- Added The Seabound Soul.
- 2.0.4 (June 19, 2019)
- Tale Summary – Players could previously press [2] or [Y] on the Tall Tales Reputation page to view more information about a given Tale, such as the start location. This ‘More Info’ functionality is now also provided on the Tale Summary Page.
- ‘Shores of Gold’ – Resolved an issue where players would find that previously completed Commendations for ‘The Shores of Gold’ were showing as no longer completed even though the rewards had already been granted. Players may find that progress towards these Commendations since the previous release has been reverted. We’re aware of this issue and will be working to resolve it as soon as possible.
- Players will now correctly receive progress towards the Sailor of Athena’s Fortune Commendation while their crew have both an Athena’s Fortune Voyage and a Tall Tale active.
- 2.0 (April 30, 2019)
- Introduced.
- Added Shores of Gold, a 9 Tale story arc.