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Season Seven
Season Seven.jpg
Release date
August 4, 2022

Welcome to Season Seven! We hope you’ll agree that it was worth the wait, with a pool of Captaincy features so deep that you can buy and name your own ship and still only scratch the surface. This Season also brings a steady flow of other features, from the traditional sweep of Seasonal rewards to gameplay improvements, balancing adjustments and a bumper bunch of Emporium additions.

To start with, we recommend a quick soak in the official Season Seven content update video, and maybe a dip into the Deep Dive afterwards...

Now pull up a stool (possibly one you stumbled across on a beach) as we detail everything added to Sea of Thieves in this latest update, from the headline features down to the smallest quality of life tweaks. Sitting comfortably? No splinters? Then let’s begin.

Captains of Adventure

The pirate fantasy reaches new heights with the debut of this long-awaited feature. Any pirate with gold to spare can now buy one or more ships to call their own, becoming a true Captain at last. But there’s a whole lot more than that to the Sea of Thieves Captaincy experience...

Owning a Ship

  • When starting a session, players will now see a ‘My Ships’ option on the game’s front end. Captaine] ships can be purchased from here, and players can own one of each ship type to begin with. Once a ship reaches Legendary status, another ship of that type can be purchased.
  • After purchasing a new ship, Captains can give their beloved new vessel a name. Ship names are capped at 20 characters, so choose wisely!
  • Now set sail on your new ship to unlock more perks as a Captain!

Customising Your Ship

  • Captained ships can access new ship decorations from the Ship Customisation Chest at any shipwright. Once these options are unlocked through Milestone progression, players can choose from numerous styles to apply to the table, drapes, bed and rugs, while Galleon crews can also change the chair, chandeliers and curtains.
  • New decorations such as Ship’s Crests, Captain’s Logbooks, Ship’s Banners, Flags and Titles can also be unlocked by progressing through Ship Milestones. These can be equipped once the ship has made the required progress.
  • Every Captained ship has a Ship’s Banner that shows the names of the ship and its Captain. This is shown whenever a crew approach their vessel at the start of each session, and is also shown after sinking. Crews scouting a fellow Captain’s ship on the horizon with a spyglass will also be shown their customised Ship’s Banner!
  • Alongside decorations, the Captain now has the option to permanently apply customisation options to their ship. For a fee, Captains can use the Ship Customisation Chest to save a ship part, which will then persist across sessions on the current ship.
  • If the Captain's Permissions are set accordingly, crewmates are free to keep expressing themselves during a session by freely applying liveries as before, but these will not be saved. Captains can also easily ‘Revert Ship to Saved Items’ from the Ship Customisation Chest.
  • Captains will find a range of spots on board their new ship where decorative Trinkets can be placed, enabling players to more fully express themselves and personalise their surroundings.
  • Trinkets are comprised of ornaments, which can be bought from the shipwright at any time, and trophies, which must first be unlocked by making progress towards Milestones – ultimately helping to showcase each player’s individual journey!
  • Trinkets can be pushed out of place when the ship takes damage or fills with water, but can be set right by simply nudging them back into position.

Expanded Shipwright Services

  • With a Captained ship now being a persistent vessel, any battle scars such as repaired hull damage or charring from fire will be saved between sessions.
  • For a fee, Captains can have these battle scars removed and their ship restored to pristine condition, either by speaking to a shipwright or via the ‘My Ships’ option on the game’s front end.
  • Shipwrights now present a new shop front exclusively to Captains and their crew. This offers a variety of supplies to stock up Captained ships ahead of a Voyage, with purchases being placed directly into the ship’s barrels.

Captain's Voyages

  • In addition to restocking supplies, shipwrights now offer Captains an exclusive range of Voyages, enabling Captains and crews to curate their journeys by selecting from specific activities, Voyage lengths and difficulties (and resulting rewards) before setting sail.
  • Captain’s Voyages cover a range of Trading Companies, and once purchased will be delivered to the Captain’s Bookshelf aboard the ship for easy access while at sea.

Pirate and Ship Milestones

  • Milestones are a permanent record of a player’s accomplishments while aboard a Captained ship, both those of crew and the ship itself! These can be accessed via the Ship’s Log tab of the game menu.
  • Pirate Milestones are personal and reflect the actions that players have taken while sailing on a Captained ship. Ship Milestones are achieved by a specific ship and tied to actions performed aboard that ship.
  • Milestones are grouped into Alignments, each representing a different play style. For example, Milestones related to earning gold and selling treasure will progress The Gold Seeker Alignment, while those more focused on socialising and enjoying the pirate life will progress The Rogue. Each Alignment offers rewards to unlock including Trinkets, ship decorations and Titles.

Captain’s Logbook

  • Players aboard a Captained ship will find a new book on the Captain’s Table. This Captain’s Logbook provides a record of the crew’s latest journeys, with a fresh log being started each session. The Captain’s Logbook can also be customised by pinning the Captain and crew’s most prized Milestone accomplishments for all to see.
  • When a Captained ship is sunk, the Captain’s Logbook will remain in the water, allowing other crews to review the adventures of the ill-fated crew before selling the Recovered Captain’s Logbook to The Reaper’s Bones. The price paid will increase based on the sailing time of the ship that was sunk!

The Sovereigns

  • A new group has arrived at the Outposts, offering an exclusive service to Captains and their crews. The Sovereigns can be found in the new marquees at the docks, offering a handy harpoon and Rowboat winch, allowing Captained crews to offload treasure from their vessels with ease.
  • The Sovereigns will pass treasure along to the appropriate Trading Company, returning 100% of the profit to the crew. However, any treasure destined for The Reaper’s Bones or The Hunter’s Call will not be accepted by the Sovereigns.
  • When receiving an item that can be offered to multiple Trading Companies, the Sovereigns will deliver it to a random Company. However, if the crew is representing a Trading Company as an Emissary, the treasure will always be delivered to that Company.

Captaincy Info & Tips

  • A new ‘Info & Tips’ option in the game menu contains a set of written tutorials on everything crews need to know about Captaincy.

Hiding Ship and Captain Names

  • Content creators who choose to use ‘Replace Gamertags’ from the in-game settings will now find that this feature also hides the Captain’s chosen ship name from their viewers, showing one from a predefined list instead.

Captains of Adventure Achievements

Season Seven

We haven’t skimped on the standard Seasonal expectations: raising your Renown once again helps you climb this Season’s 100 levels, with goodies to grab along the way (and an optional Plunder Pass adding more to the pool). Refreshed rewards for strong Emissary performances too!

Season Seven Progression and Rewards

  • Season Seven offers a refreshed progression path with Trials and Deeds for new and experienced pirates alike. Weekly, monthly and Seasonal goals all reward players for exploring the Sea of Thieves.
  • Players can capitalise on the introduction of Captains of Adventure this Season to earn Renown, both by completing Captain’s Voyages and by selling Recovered Captain’s Logbooks taken from rival crews!
  • Making progress through the 100 levels of this Season will reward pirates with the new Courage of Captaincy clothing set, along with time-limited Perilous Seas cosmetics.
  • Legendary pirates or those who become Pirate Legends during Season Seven can also earn Merrick’s Jacket and Cutlass.
  • Completing tiers of Seasonal progression will also award unique Titles from the Perilous Seas theme, allowing players to display their success for all to see.

Season Seven Plunder Pass

  • Purchase Season Seven’s Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of unlockable, previously unseen rewards along with bundles of Ancient Coins, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression.
  • Plunder Pass purchasers this Season can earn the full Beachcomber’s Bounty Ship Collection, including Collector’s variants.
  • For those looking to truly transform themselves, the Baleful Bloom Costume can also be earned, evolving through three stages as players progress through the Season.
  • Unable to fully upgrade the costume before the Season ends? Upgrades will still be available through in-game activities in a later Season.
  • The Season Seven Plunder Pass is available to purchase in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, from the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Seven Emissary Ledger Rewards

Gameplay Improvements

Map zooming and portable stools are some of the smaller but no less satisfying additions this Season, as sighted recently in Sea of Thieves News. There’s also a suite of balancing changes based on feedback and findings: get the scoop on Sloops plus respawn and revival revisions!

Washed-Up Stools

  • While players will have seen stools dotted around the world before, these special, interactable stools can now be discovered washed up on islands.
  • These stools can be picked up and carried by players. Fancy a seat on the beach while your crew digs for treasure? Now you can bring your own!

Map Zoom

  • Players can now zoom in on any map, note or Quest Book being held. While holding up the item, clicking the Right Stick on controller or the ‘F’ key on PC will zoom in and improve visibility of those hard-to-spot landmarks. The keybinding can be changed via the Settings Menu.
  • Players equipping a map or Quest Book for the first time are now shown a tutorial explaining how to use this new feature.

Removal of Reviving on Enemy Ships

  • When on board an enemy ship, players are no longer able to revive their crewmates.

Reduced Ferry Time for Solo Crews

  • Solo players defeated and sent to the Ferry of the Damned now have a reduced waiting time before they can return to their ship, getting them back into the gameplay more quickly.

Reduced Cannonball Knockback on Sloops

  • Players aboard a Sloop will find that the knockback from cannonball splash damage no longer propels them so far into the air, preventing them from being so easily sent overboard. However, they will still be knocked back and disorientated by the blast.

Sloop Mast Damage Rebalance

  • A Sloop’s mast is now more resilient than other ship types, taking two chainshot strikes or three cannonballs before being toppled. Initial strikes will still damage the mast and can be repaired individually. The masts on Brigantines and Galleons remain unchanged.

Disabling Sloop Mast Friendly Fire

  • Chainshots will no longer damage the masts of players’ own ships when fired upwards from a cannon on the deck.

Additional Sloop Respawn Locations

  • New respawn locations have been added around the Sloop, providing more variety in where crew members will return from the Ferry of the Damned. The vulnerable helm location has also been modified to give returning players more visibility over the surrounding area.

Pirate Emporium

Joining a brand new Plunder Pass on the Emporium shelves this month are Ship’s Crests for new Captains (and Renaming Deeds for those who change their minds), the extensive Wrecker Wrangler range, emotes to suit several types of self-indulgence and a whole lot more besides!

Ship’s Crests

Ship Renaming Deeds

  • Captains wishing to rename their ship can now purchase a Ship Renaming Deed from the Pirate Emporium, each providing a single use. All earned progress on the ship will remain after it has been renamed. Players will need to return to the ‘My Ships’ option on the game’s front end to use a Renaming Deed.

Wrecker Wrangler Ship Collection

Wrecker Wrangler Costume

Wrecker Wrangler Weapons

  • Festooned with glowing eyeballs, fins and fangs, these four weapons spell deep trouble for people you don’t like.

Wrecker Wrangler Fishing Rod

  • The object of a bizarre ritual to create a rod that only attracts Wreckers, this rod... doesn’t do that at all.

Bilge Rat Weapon Pose Emotes

  • Let the enemy decide whether you’re dangerous or just drunk with this set of expressive emotes.

Portable Portrait Emote Bundle

  • A collection of six emotes for pirates who know they’re the most picturesque sight on the seas!

Freebie Promising Portrait Emote

  • There’s bound to be something worth capturing here, if you can calm down and keep still for a minute.

Wrecker's Wrath Bundle (Store Only)

Spitting Contest Emote Removal

Outpost Cosmetics

Rusty Cutlasses Restocked

Additional Sail Colours


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Seven with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn clothing items from the Rising Morningstar set in the first set of Drops. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.


Outpost Trinket Points

  • When players explore the Outpost taverns, they will now find spots where they can choose to place their newly earned Trinkets, allowing them to mount their prized trophies for all to see!

Ship Customisation Memory Optimisations

  • As more ship customisation options arrive in this update, memory optimisations have been made to protect lower-spec hardware. Players on older consoles or lower-spec PC hardware may find that when several highly decorated ships come together, the game will optimise performance by changing the appearance of some ship customisations.
  • Players on PC will still have the ability to configure how much system memory can be allocated to these decorated ships, ensuring higher-spec hardware can show a wider range of customisations.

Fixed Issues


  • Emissaries passing into a Tunnel of the Damned will once again drop a Broken Emissary Flag in the water upon leaving the server.
  • When a ship’s harpoon is used to retrieve items and drop them on the edge of the hull, the items on board are now correctly identified and the correct Emissary Grade progression granted.
  • Cosmetic and Vanity Chests now once again sort owned cosmetics by the date they were added to the game.
  • Multiple appearances of Graymarrow and Briggsy can no longer be created by cancelling and restarting Tall Tale checkpoints.
  • Players on Xbox are no longer offered the option to ‘Recentre Mouse in Menus’ via the in-game Settings Menu, even when connecting a mouse to the console. This feature is not available on consoles.

Legend of the Veil Voyage


  • There should no longer be a light source where Tina used to be during the ‘Lost SandsAdventure.
  • The rug at Mercy's End Fortress should no longer intersect with the floor.
  • Players can no longer intersect with the archway near Sea Fort Treasury rooms, causing them to see through the environment.
  • Skeletons should now navigate smoothly around Skeleton Forts.
  • Movement around the pillars near the Sea Fort storeroom should no longer feel restricted.
  • The correct model for Hendrick is now present at the Spoils of Plenty Seapost.
  • Players will no longer appear underwater when becoming stuck under a pier at New Golden Sands Outpost.
  • Barrels and crates on the first floor of Ancient Gold Fortress will no longer make players’ movement feel restricted.
  • Players will no longer intersect with the floor at the entrance to Imperial Crown Fortress.
  • When exploring the entrance to Flameheart’s Tomb on Flintlock Peninsula, throwing a firebomb or blunderbomb will no longer cause it to explode immediately.

Visual and Audio

  • The Wall Press Emote should no longer allow a player to move forward into the surrounding environment.
  • The Merchant Ambassador Concertina handles should now appear as intended when played.
  • The Pet Cage door aboard a Sloop should now be connected to the cage.
  • The Springshell Pocket Watch should now display the correct time.
  • A range of capstans have been updated to fix incorrectly rotated pegs when equipped on a Sloop.
  • Players should no longer hear a muffled audio effect when being revived.
  • The audio effect for turning a ship’s lantern on and off can now be heard clearly.
  • After changing a ship’s lantern to different Flame of Fate colour, the lighting audio effects can now be heard.

Text and Localisation

  • Order of Souls representatives and weaponsmiths should all now have the correct dialogue options during interactions.
  • The description of the ‘Escape as Back’ option has been updated to resolve grammatical errors.

Performance and Stability

  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Ship and Pirate Milestones Temporarily Disabled

  • The following Milestones have been temporarily disabled and will not progress when the relevant actions are completed:
    • Quest Board Maps Completed – Ship and Pirate Milestones
    • Captained Ships Spotted – Ship and Pirate Milestones
    • Provisions Sold to The Hunter's Call – Ship and Pirate Milestones
    • Sea Forts Conquered – Ship and Pirate Milestones
    • Repairs Made – Pirate Milestone Only

Captain’s Stash Voyages Temporarily Unavailable

  • Captain’s Stash Voyages offered by the shipwrights are temporarily unavailable.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

Download and Installation

Download size:

  • Xbox Series X: 11.33 GB
  • Xbox Series S: 7.42 GB
  • Xbox One X: 11.33 GB
  • Xbox One: 7.42 GB
  • Microsoft Store: 11.22 GB
  • Steam: 10.67 GB