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The Rowboat is a miniature vessel in Sea of Thieves that can be used by a single player to slowly travel the seas or to make hauling large quantities of Treasure easier. It spawns on Islands, and can be docked aboard the stern of Ships or dedicated locations upon the Sovereign docks.

Where to Find

A Rowboat has a chance to appear on any Islands with the exception of Outposts and Seaposts. Rowboats that spawn on Forts often get stuck in the heavy fortifications and cannot be retrieved as easily.

Any rowboat left behind by a Ship will stay afloat at that spot. Due to this, Rowboats can often be found floating by Outposts, as any Rowboat docked on a Ship whose Crew has left the game after a turn-in will stay afloat.


Harpoon Rowboat

A Harpoon Rowboat.

Some Rowboats will spawn with a Harpoon attached above the Lantern on the front, making it possible to pick up Items or floating Barrels, other Players or latch onto and surf behind Ships, Skeleton Ships or even Megalodons.

Arena Variants

The Lucky Rover's Harpoon Rowboat.

Previosly, Arena featured six unique variants of Harpoon Rowboat; one for each team. These would spawn attached to all ships at the start of each Arena match and would not respawn with the ship. The chests of these rowboats would always spawn empty.

Starting on Season Ten, all the regular, harpoon and cannon Rowboats have a chance to spawn with one of the six arena liveries. They mostly serve to complete the Rowboat Revelry Bilge Rat Commendations.

Cannon Rowboat

A Cannon Rowboat.

Some Rowboats will spawn with a small Cannon attached above the Lantern on the front. This Cannon functions identically to a Ship Cannon, allowing for a Cannonball, Cursed Cannonball, Throwable, Pet or even a Player to be launched from it. When fired, the Rowboat will launch backwards slightly due to recoil from the Cannon.

Soulflame Rowboat

A Soulflame Rowboat.

During the Lost Sands adventure, all rowboats spawned with a Reaper's Bones paint job, a Soulflame Lantern on the front, and a special keg strapped onto the back. They may come in Cannon, Harpoon, or Unequipped variants. The keg cannot be detached from the rowboat, and is sturdier than the standard explosive, requiring more damage before exploding. The fuse of the keg may also be instantaneously lit and extinguished by interacting with it.

Damage done to the keg is separate from damage dealt to the rowboat so there is no indicator of its remaining health. Any time the keg takes damage, it will cause it to smoke for a short period of time. Kegs themselves require approximately 2 - 5 hits before they explode.

Making the keg explode will instantly sink the rowboat; it will not remain at the surface for a short period like other rowboats when they are destroyed.

Rowboat Chest

Each Rowboat has a Supply Box on the back seat that can be used to store Resources.

The Rowboat Chest has 16 slots that can each hold up to 20 of any Resource Items. The maximum Storage capacity of a Rowboat Chest is 320 Items.

Every Rowboat Chest spawns with numerous Supply items (even Meat and Fish), which makes them valuable for restocking on Supplies.

The Rowboat Chest is still accessible after the Rowboat itself breaks, allowing Players to save any valuable Supplies in the Chest. The Rowboat itself will disappear within a minute, taking the Chest and all remaining Supplies with it.

Rowboat Dock

Every ship has a Rowboat Dock at the stern, allowing crews to transport a Rowboat across long distances. In order to Dock a Rowboat, a Player needs to row it behind a Ship until the Dock Rowboat prompt comes up. A Rowboat can be Docked from anywhere close to the stern of the ship, even in water, however, it can only be Undocked on the Ship.

The Rowboat Dock on a Sloop is behind the Map Table, on a Brigantine it is behind the Wheel and on the Galleon the Dock is on the Balcony behind the Captain's Quarters.

Additionally, all Outposts have a docking location for rowboats along the side of the Sovereigns dock.


  • The rowboat is small enough to fit through tight spaces that ships cannot access, making it an ideal transport vessel for smuggling treasure.
  • A rowboat has four seats arranged 1:2:1 with the front pilot seat facing backwards.
  • Each rowboat has a lantern in the front that can be turned on and off and equipped with Flames of Fate.
  • Pets can be placed to perch on a rowboat.
  • Should the ship be sunk, the rowboat automatically detaches, allowing surviving crew members to gather their belongings.
  • A rowboat can be damaged into an unusable state, disabling all functions, after which it will sink, dropping any loot placed onto it.
  • It has a health of 200 yet cannot take damage through weapons.
  • Any damaged rowboat can be repaired using Wood.


Small but Mighty emblem
Small but MightyShoot another ship using a Cannon Rowboat. (25 times)Unlockable rewards Unlocks Party Boat Cannon for purchase.
Who Needs a Bigger Boat? emblem
Who Needs a Bigger Boat?Attack a Megalodon or Kraken using a Cannon Rowboat. (25 times)Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Who Needs A Bigger Boat? achievement.
Hunting Boat emblem
Hunting BoatDefeat enemies using a Cannon Rowboat. (25 times)Unlockable rewards Unlocks Party Boat Flintlock for purchase.
Cannoneer of Lone Fire emblem
Cannoneer of Lone FireDefeat foes using a Cannon Rowboat while wearing all pieces of the Blasted Cannoneer outfit.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 3
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 10
Scouting Ahead emblem
Scouting AheadDock a Rowboat with the Azure Scout livery to your ship.+Doubloons
Fire on the Horizon emblem
Fire on the HorizonDock a Rowboat with the Flaming Jackal livery to your ship.+Doubloons
Chasing for Gold emblem
Chasing for GoldDock a Rowboat with the Golden Chaser livery to your ship.+Doubloons
A Lucky Find emblem
A Lucky FindDock a Rowboat with the Lucky Rover livery to your ship.+Doubloons
Regal Ride emblem
Regal RideDock a Rowboat with the Regal Hound livery to your ship.+Doubloons
Best in Show emblem
Best in ShowDock a Rowboat with the Good Boy livery to your ship.+Doubloons
Legend of the Oars emblem
Legend of the OarsDock one Rowboat of each livery to your ship. (6)Title reward Rewards the Legend of the Oars Title.


Patch history

  • 2.9.0 (October 19, 2023)
    • Players will now find a range of different coloured Rowboats washed up on shores. Seek them out in the Azure Scout, Flaming Jackal, Golden Chaser, Lucky Rover, Regal Hound and rare Good Boy liveries.
    • Captains who dock a Rowboat to their Ship will now find that the Rowboat is saved to the ship between sessions.
    • Rowboats can now be repaired, either with a Wooden Plank or by the Shipwright when docked to a Captained Ship.
  • 2.8.3 (June 15, 2023)
    • Rowboats that become damaged while docked to a ship will now visually show the damage prior to being undocked.
  • 2.7.2 (January 19, 2023)
    • Pirates will no longer appear tiny if they emerge from a Rowboat Cannon when returning to the ship via a Mermaid.
  • 2.5.0 (March 10, 2022)
    • Removed Arena variants with the closure of Arena.
    • When players sit in a Rowboat, interaction prompts for nearby seats and objects are no longer shown as they cannot be interacted with until the player stands.
  • 2.4.1 (January 20, 2022)
    • When a Rowboat's storage chest is emptied, the tooltip now updates to show ‘Empty’ without needing to open it.
    • Rowboats can no longer be pushed into the Castaway's Hut.
    • When players stop rowing and set down the oars, the audio effect will no longer play for longer than intended.
    • When returning to a ship from the Ferry of the Damned, the ropes holding a docked Rowboat should now be shown correctly.
  • 2.4.0 (December 2, 2021)
    • Added Cannon Rowboats.
    • When docking a rowboat to a ship, it will now dock to the orientation it was facing in the water.
  • 2.3.1 (October 14, 2021)
    • Players should now find Rowboats and Harpoon Rowboats appearing emergently across the seas with the intended frequency.
  • 2.2.1 (August 17, 2021)
    • The Rowboat’s back seat now shows both ‘Sit in Seat’ and ‘Open Storage’ options together..
    • To sit in a Rowboat’s passenger seats, players will be prompted by ‘Hold to Sit’ instead of ‘Press to Sit’. Controlling the oars remains unchanged and is still ‘Press to Sit’.
    • After unbinding the Rowboat controls, the Rowboat tutorial prompt should now display correctly.
  • 2.0.15 (May 27, 2020)
    • Rowboat Storage Interaction – The keybinds for interacting with the Rowboat Storage Chest have been changed to improve the interaction between sitting and accessing the chest. Interacting with the chest is now done using R on keyboards and 360 Y.png on controllers.
  • 2.0.14 (April 22, 2020)
    • Added rowboats to Arena which feature unique color palettes based on Arena's six teams.
  • 2.0.6 (August 14, 2019)
    • Added Harpoon Rowboats.
  • 2.0.4 (June 19, 2019)
    • Rowboat Audio – Players will now hear audio when interacting with functions of the Rowboat such as climbing in, sitting and using the oars.
  • 1.4.3 (February 6, 2019)
    • Rowboats now make a noise when you hit them with your ship.
    • Rowboats can now be rowed slowly in Kraken Ink.
  • 1.4.2 (January 3, 2019)
    • Players no longer get teleported to the middle of the map while on a Rowboat during server migration.
  • 1.4.0 (November 28, 2018)
    • Rowboat Push - The angle from which you can push a stuck Rowboat has been improved, which should make it easier to get it out of tight spots!
    • Rowboat Docking - Players can now dock/detach the Rowboat from their ship while sitting in the Rowboat.
    • Crews are now eligible for server migration when they have a Rowboat docked to their ship.
  • 1.3.2 (October 31, 2018)
    • Rowboats - Reduced the time it takes to dock to the rowboat oars, allowing you to begin rowing sooner.
    • Oars no longer appear to disconnect from the Rowboat when rowing.
    • Rowboats now correctly collide with the Kraken tentacles.
    • Rowboat oar splash VFX will no longer trigger even when no one is in the boat.
    • Rowboats now take significant damage when rammed by a Megalodon.
    • Rowboats will no longer appear to float into the air following a server migration.
    • After server migration players no longer jitter around after jumping on the rowboat.
    • When using the rowboat oars, the player's shadow no longer appears detached from the oars.
  • 1.3.1 (October 10, 2018)
    • Rowboat Damage - Increased damage now taken by Rowboats from Gunpowder Barrels.
    • Stuck Rowboats - You can now push Rowboats that are stuck underneath things such as piers.
    • Rowboats now cast appropriate reflections in water.
    • Rowboats no longer get damaged when detaching from a ship.
    • Player sitting in the middle of the Rowboat can now see players sitting at the back of the Rowboat.
    • Removed overlapping audio when rowing.
    • Damaged Rowboats no longer appear pristine upon returning to them after venturing far away.
    • Rowboats no longer inherit damage decals from other sources (such as damaged ships or shipwrecks) when in close vicinity.
    • Looking as far left/right as possible whilst rowing a Rowboat will no longer result in the camera becoming occasionally unlocked and rotating 360 degrees.
    • When placing larger items on the Rowboat, water splash VFX will no longer occur.
    • Audio when rowing a Rowboat over large distances (especially the squeaking) is now less repetitive.
  • 1.3.0 (September 27, 2018)
    • Introduced.