You look a little worse for wear, my friend. You must be on quite the journey.
I should eat something, if I were you. A full belly can do wonders for your spirits.
Once you're in good health, we'll speak properly.
After eating the Banana
There, you look better already. Maybe even strong enough to reach the Sea of Thieves.
These days they call me The Pirate Lord, but back when I discovered this place I was just a bold explorer like you.
I dreamt of finding uncharted waters filled with treasures and rife with danger, where every sunrise brought a new adventure...
You've been brave to make it this far. Not many do. Now you've one last crossing to make.
You'll want some trusty steel at your side, though. There's a sword in those trees whose owner doesn't seem to need it any more.
After receiving the Cutlass
There's far more to being a pirate than a blade in your hand and a love of other people's money.
It's about finding your way through ancient caverns by lamplight, digging up long-lost treasures...
... and raising a frothing great tankard of grog when you live to tell the tale!
For all of that, you'll need the right equipment. You can start by taking this old shovel.
After taking the Shovel
I stowed a few belongings around here back in the day. The map will show you the way.
After giving the Old Sailor's Chest to the Pirate Lord
Ah, my old chest! Let's see if she still hides her secrets.
After switching to the Flintlock
A fine weapon. She'll serve you well out there.
After you are done with your Equipment
There! Now you look like a true pirate.
There's plenty more to see, so why not stretch your legs and explore? I'll be here when you're ready to leave.
Once you are ready to leave
Well now, I'd say you're as ready as you'll ever be for what's ahead.
Allow me to show you the path...
The Shroud is beginning to part, but you have one more task before your journey continues.
You may be ready to sail, but your ship still needs repairs. Go, and tend to her wounds!
Once you set sail
With your ship fully restored, passage through the Shroud now beckons.
Take care on this dangerous last leg of your Voyage. Threats of all shapes and sizes lurk in this murky fog.
Keep the wind in your sails and an eye on that horizon and I'm sure you'll have no trouble.
Once you make it through, I will be waiting for you. A world of adventure beckons!
After fully completing Maiden Voyage for the first time
Welcome to the Sea of Thieves! Open waters, beautiful islands and wondrous treasures await you.
You now share these waters with other pirates, each on their own journeys through our world.
Their motives won't always be the same as yours, so keep a close eye on that horizon and make sure that nobody catches you by surprise.
Now let's get you on the waves, your first step to becoming a Pirate Legend, up to any challenge, no matter the danger!
Battling nightmarish foes, navigating untamed seas, following trails of clues to lost treasure. You must be ready for this. And more!
The trading companies will test your abilities in a myriad of ways! Master what they have to offer and claim your Legendary status.
So, take a look at that quest table there. This is your gateway to adventure on these waters!