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The Flintlock, also referred to as Pistol or Flintlock Pistol, is a short-to-medium range weapon in Sea of Thieves. Its maximum ammo capacity is five, allowing for five shots before being completely depleted. Its low reload time and steady accuracy while firing from the hip makes it an appealing general-purpose option for combat.


Shot: Primary Use fires its fast-moving projectile. The arcing bullet drop may require the player to compensate when firing at longer ranges.

List of Flintlocks

By default, all players will own the Sailor Pistol, other cosmetics are available either through shop purchases or other methods.

  • Total Items: 136
  • Total Cost: 7,224,395 Gold  2,370 Doubloons  12,646 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Set In-game description
Admiral Pistol.png
Admiral Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Admiral "A noble weapon that will serve you admirably, so long as you remember to load it."
Ancient Flintlock.png
Ancient Flintlock 67,850 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Obliquity of the Ecliptic
Obliquity of the Ecliptic emblem.png
Obliquity of the Ecliptic
Solve 25 puzzles from Sudds.
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
Veil of the Ancients "There's more than one way for pirates to enter the Sea of the Damned... and a good pistol is one of them."
Aristocrat Pistol.png
Aristocrat Pistol 75 Doubloons n/a n/a Aristocrat "Gleaming decorations make this the fanciest flintlock around."
Azure Ocean Crawler Pistol.png
Azure Ocean Crawler Pistol 13,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Hunter of Trophy Fish emblem.png
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Deliver 25 Trophy Fish.
Azure Ocean Crawler "After being hit by this pistol, the enemy will feel decidedly shell-shocked."
Barrel Bombardier Pistol.png
Barrel Bombardier Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Barrel Bombardier "Don't worry about the bombs decorating this pistol, we're almost certain they've been deactivated."
Beachcomber's Bounty Pistol.png
Beachcomber's Bounty Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Beachcomber's Bounty "There'll be shell to pay if you laugh at the sight of this crudely crafted pistol."
Bilge Rat Pistol.png
Bilge Rat Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Bilge Rat "This previously owned pistol comes with a two hour or two shot guarantee, whichever occurs first."
Bleakheart Banshee Pistol.png
Bleakheart Banshee Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Bleakheart Banshee "Cunningly refurbished with a candlestick claimed from the same ill-fated manor house. Pirates waste nothing."
Boarhunter Pistol.png
Boarhunter Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Boarhunter "Teeth, tusks and a trigger. Technically you don't even need two of those, but who's checking?"
Bone Crusher Pistol.png
Bone Crusher Pistol 15 Doubloons
Time-limited item
n/a Bone Crusher "A bone-handled pistol. Death begets more death!"
Bonechiller Pistol.png
Bonechiller Pistol 249 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Bonechiller "Carved from the horn of a fabled creature, this deadly flintlock pistol gets straight to the point."
Cardinal Lodestar Pistol.png
Cardinal Lodestar Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cardinal Lodestar "The weaponsmith took the brief of 'shooting stars' quite literally for this stellar sidearm."
Carpenter's Pistol.png
Carpenter's Pistol 13,400 Gold n/a n/a Carpenter's "The smooth, tide-polished surface of driftwood makes for a surprisingly comfortable grip."
Cartographer Pistol.png
Cartographer Pistol 125,000 Gold n/a
Treasured Company
Treasured Company emblem.png
Treasured Company
Sell treasures that you or another pirate earned from completing Trading Company Voyages.
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000
Cartographer "With a love of lines and points, this flintlock will really put you on the map!"
Castaway Bilge Rat Pistol.png
Castaway Bilge Rat Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Castaway Bilge Rat "This previously owned pistol comes with a two hour or two shot guarantee, whichever occurs first."
Ceremonial Admiral Pistol.png
Ceremonial Admiral Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a
Merchant Alliance 48
Ceremonial Admiral "A noble weapon that will serve you admirably during your distinguished pirating career."
Checkmate Pistol.png
Checkmate Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Checkmate "You'll always be the first to act with this carefully crafted pistol at your side."
Coral Coven Pistol.png
Coral Coven Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Coral Coven "A weapon unusual for not being made, but grown from a spellbound sapling."
Crimson Crypt Pistol.png
Crimson Crypt Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Crimson Crypt "Be careful not to cut your fingers while handling this bat-winged pistol - who knows what curse you might unleash..."
Cronch Pistol.png
Cronch Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cronch "Could be useful in a standoff - people will think you're trying to bluff them."
Cultured Aristocrat Pistol.png
Cultured Aristocrat Pistol 127,575 Gold n/a
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise emblem.png
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
Curse another crews' ship with Peaceball while flying Reaper's Mark flag.
Cultured Aristocrat "Gleaming decorations make this the fanciest flintlock around."
Cursed Ferryman Pistol.png
Cursed Ferryman Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cursed Ferryman "You're not imagining it - there's definitely something fishy about this pistol..."
Cutthroat Pistol.png
Cutthroat Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cutthroat "The favoured pistol of an infamous duellist, this spiked sidearm earned them a streak of supreme victories."
Dark Adventurers Pistol.png
Dark Adventurers Pistol 2,551,500 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dark Adventurers "Pirate Legends will know how to make every last shot from this pricey pistol count."
Dark Warsmith Pistol.png
Dark Warsmith Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Dark Warsmith "When pirates talk about 'the heat of battle', they may be referring to this fiery flintlock."
Dawn Hunter Pistol.png
Dawn Hunter Pistol 127,575 Gold n/a
Plundered Prizes
Plundered Prizes emblem.png
Plundered Prizes
Sell 600 of any Trading Company items while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
  • 120
  • 240
  • 360
  • 480
  • 600
Dawn Hunter "Simple and effective, a no-nonsense instrument of death."
Deadlock Jailer Pistol.png
Deadlock Jailer Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Deadlock Jailer "A weapon crafted from the fragments of a broken cage to ensure you'll never be trapped in one again."
Deep Ocean Crawler Pistol.png
Deep Ocean Crawler Pistol 85,050 Gold n/a n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "After being hit by this pistol, the enemy will feel decidedly shell-shocked."
Dire Dark Warsmith Pistol.png
Dire Dark Warsmith Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Dire Dark Warsmith "When pirates talk about 'the heat of battle', they may be referring to this incandescent flintlock."
Dreamers' Dust Pistol.png
Dreamers' Dust Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Dreamers' Dust "Powered by the dreams of lost sailors in the Sea of the Damned, this pistol won't ever let you down."
Eastern Winds Jade Pistol.png
Eastern Winds Jade Pistol 127,575 Gold n/a n/a Eastern Winds Jade "The twin dragons that decorate this pistol's barrel look like they're breathing fire with every shot."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Pistol.png
Eastern Winds Sapphire Pistol
Time-limited item
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "The twin dragons that decorate this pistol's barrel look like they're breathing fire with every shot."
Ebon Flintlock Pistol.png
Ebon Flintlock Pistol
Time-limited item
n/a Black Dog "The chosen gun of Deadly Daley, but she did have arms like mainmasts to lift its heavy ebony handle."
Eternal Freedom Pistol.png
Eternal Freedom Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Eternal Freedom "Not just a handy weapon in a fight, this pistol is ideal for startling mischievous cursed monkeys."
Fates of Fortune Pistol.png
Fates of Fortune Pistol 200,000 Gold n/a
Reaper's Riches
Reaper's Riches emblem.png
Reaper's Riches
  • 30
  • 60
  • 90
  • 120
  • 150
  • 180
Fates of Fortune "Don't get so distracted by all the lustrous gold that you forget to pull the trigger."
Fearless Bone Crusher Pistol.png
Fearless Bone Crusher Pistol 75 Doubloons n/a n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "A bone-handled pistol. Death begets more death!"
Ferryman Pistol.png
Ferryman Pistol
Time-limited item
n/a Ferryman "Once able to fire ten shots without reloading until the Pirate Lord deemed it unfair."
Festival of Giving Pistol.png
Festival of Giving Pistol 249 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Festival of Giving "Doubles as a bell to jingle while singing festive shanties in the tavern."
Flaming Jackal Pistol.png
Flaming Jackal Pistol 13,400 Gold n/a n/a Flaming Jackal "In the heat of battle, the smallest weapon could make the biggest difference."
Flamingo Pistol.png
Flamingo Pistol 1,500 Doubloons n/a n/a Standalone Cosmetics "You could try standing on one leg while firing this flintlock, but it's not recommended."
Forsaken Ashes Pistol.png
Forsaken Ashes Pistol 15 Doubloons
Time-limited item
Devil's Cartographer
Devil's Cartographer emblem.png
Devil's Cartographer
Discover all islands in the Devil's Roar.
Forsaken Ashes "They'll be eating hot lead after a shot from this pistol."
Frostbite Pistol.png
Frostbite Pistol 127,575 Gold n/a
Generous Giving for All
Generous Giving for All emblem.png
Generous Giving for All
Deliver 50 Generous Gifts.
Frostbite "Does it still count as the heat of battle when it's freezing cold? At least you know this pistol won't ice up on you."
Frozen Horizon Pistol.png
Frozen Horizon Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "Prove you're a cold-blooded killer by wielding this wintry weapon in combat."
Ghost Pistol.png
Ghost Pistol 67,850 Gold n/a
Athena's Fortune 17
Ghost "Pull the trigger to make more ghosts."
Gilded Phoenix Pistol.png
Gilded Phoenix Pistol
Time-limited item
n/a Gilded Phoenix "Any more gold and this pistol could blind the enemy with its glare as well as being deadly."
Glorious Sea Dog Pistol.png
Glorious Sea Dog Pistol 13,400 Gold
Time-limited item
Sharpshooting Sea Dog
Sharpshooting Sea Dog emblem.png
Sharpshooting Sea Dog
Kill 200 players with a Pistol in The Arena
  • 5
  • 50
  • 100
  • 150
  • 200
Glorious Sea Dog "A classic weapon for duels and contests of skill. Master this and all else will follow."
Gold Hoarders Pistol.png
Gold Hoarders Pistol 255,150 Gold n/a
Seeker of Ancient Vaults
Seeker of Ancient Vaults emblem.png
Seeker of Ancient Vaults
  • 3
  • 10
  • 25
  • 50
  • 100
Gold Hoarders "Sacrificing two precious emeralds in the making of this pistol can't have been easy for the Gold Hoarders."
Gold Leaf Pistol.png
Gold Leaf Pistol 140,000 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Lost Artefacts
Hoarder of Lost Artefacts emblem.png
Hoarder of Lost Artefacts
Sell 450 Treasure Artefacts to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 30
  • 90
  • 225
  • 450
Gold Leaf "Perfect for persuading people to part with their coin - for those times when a bow won't cut it."
Golden Nile Pistol.png
Golden Nile Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Golden Nile "A pistol forged by unknown hands in a distant land. Who knows what its true history might be?"
Gorgon Eye of Reach.png
Gorgon Eye of Reach 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gorgon "When sneaking up on a monster while it sleeps isn't an option, try the ranged approach."
Gorgon Pistol.png
Gorgon Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Gorgon "Chip away at your enemies, no matter how petrifying their appearance might be."
Grand Admiral Pistol.png
Grand Admiral Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Grand Admiral "A noble weapon that will serve you admirably, so long as you remember to load it."
Graveyard Gladiator Pistol.png
Graveyard Gladiator Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Graveyard Gladiator "Adapted to match the costume after other gladiators made unnecessarily scathing fashion comments."
Guardian Ghost Pistol.png
Guardian Ghost Pistol 67,850 Gold n/a
Pretty Good at This
Pretty Good at This emblem.png
Pretty Good at This
After receiving your Blessing, reach the largest possible Allegiance Streak for The Guardians of Fortune.
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 25
  • 50
Guardian Ghost "Pull the trigger to make more ghosts."
Hunter Pistol.png
Hunter Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Hunter "Simple and effective, a no-nonsense instrument of death."
Imperial Sovereign Pistol.png
Imperial Sovereign Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Imperial Sovereign "Does it work? We're not sure, but just look at that wonderfully ornate trigger."
Infinite Depths Pistol.png
Infinite Depths Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Infinite Depths "Despite whatever legends you might have heard, holding down the trigger won't make your shots any stronger."
Inky Kraken Flintlock Pistol.png
Inky Kraken Flintlock Pistol 85,050 Gold n/a n/a Inky Kraken "A wicked Kraken flintlock, sure to invoke the same sense of impending death as the beast itself."
Iron Turtle Pistol.png
Iron Turtle Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Iron Turtle "Something modest can still be mighty. Show your foes the true potential of smaller sidearms."
Ironwood Carpenter's Pistol.png
Ironwood Carpenter's Pistol 27,000 Gold n/a n/a Ironwood Carpenter's "The smooth, tide-polished surface of driftwood makes for a surprisingly comfortable grip."
Islehopper Outlaw Pistol.png
Islehopper Outlaw Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Islehopper Outlaw "Stealth is not in the vocabulary of the vandals who wield this luminous pistol. Neither is much else, to be honest."
Jack O' Looter Pistol.png
Jack O' Looter Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Jack O' Looter "If you're facing a thorny problem, try a little wildness in your choice of weapon."
King's Ransom Pistol.png
King's Ransom Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a King's Ransom "A monarch shouldn't be expected to get their hands dirty. Let the pistol do the hard work instead."
Kraken Flintlock Pistol.png
Kraken Flintlock Pistol 13,400 Gold n/a n/a Kraken "A wicked Kraken flintlock, sure to invoke the same sense of impending death as the beast itself."
Labyrinth Looter Pistol.png
Labyrinth Looter Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Labyrinth Looter "At least if you miss, you still have the option of trying to hit your opponent with this pistol's horns."
LeChuck's Legacy Pistol.png
LeChuck's Legacy Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a LeChuck's Legacy "Heading into battle without this? They won't believe your audacity!"
Legendary Flintlock.png
Legendary Flintlock 9,450 Gold
Time-limited item
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary Sea Dog
Legendary Sea Dog emblem.png
Legendary Sea Dog
Place first in an Arena Contest 240 times as a Pirate Legend.
Legendary "Ornate and precise is this deadly gun, in your skilled hands it's also great fun."
Legendary Fortune Pistol.png
Legendary Fortune Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Athena's Fortune 21
Legendary Fortune "Ornate and precise is this deadly gun, in your skilled hands it's also great fun."
Legendary Spirit Pistol.png
Legendary Spirit Pistol
Guardian tier in Athena's Fortune Emissary Ledger 2 times 2x
Magpie's Glory "Pull the trigger to make more ghosts."
Lionfish Pistol.png
Lionfish Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Lionfish "Don't be bamboozled by this kaleidoscopic pistol - you'll be seeing black if you end up on the wrong end of it."
Lodestar Pistol.png
Lodestar Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Lodestar "The weaponsmith took the brief of 'shooting stars' quite literally for this stellar sidearm."
Lucky Hand Pistol.png
Lucky Hand Pistol 600 Doubloons n/a n/a Lucky Hand "A useful line of defence to have at hand whenever someone notices the cards hidden up your sleeve."
Lunar Festival Pistol.png
Lunar Festival Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Lunar Festival "The leather grip won't help your aim, but it will stop you spoiling the impact by dropping it."
Mad Monkey Pistol.png
Mad Monkey Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Mad Monkey "Don't get distracted by the cute monkey on the handle - you've got a fight to win!"
Mandrake Pistol.png
Mandrake Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Mandrake "Botanists are absolutely entranced by this plant-based pistol. Some are already trying to grow their own armaments."
Masked Renegade Pistol.png
Masked Renegade Pistol
Keeper tier in Reaper's Bones Emissary Ledger 5 times 5x
Masked Renegade "Take on the Trading Companies and bring an end to their tyranny, one shot at a time..."
Mercenary Pistol.png
Mercenary Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Mercenary "Grabbin' Garner, king of the mercenaries, was known to fire solid gold shot from one of these."
Merchant Alliance Pistol.png
Merchant Alliance Pistol 875,000 Gold n/a
Merchant Alliance 70
Merchant Alliance "A shot from this can be used to wastefully ignite valuable Gunpowder Barrels. Tsk, tsk."
Merchant Ambassador Pistol.png
Merchant Ambassador Pistol
Commander tier in Merchant Alliance Emissary Ledger 5 times 5x
Merchant Ambassador "Duels are a waste of time and resources. Sometimes, however, needs must..."
Motley Mariner Pistol.png
Motley Mariner Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Motley Mariner "Pulling the trigger doesn't result in a little stick popping out saying 'bang'. Promise."
Night Wulf Pistol.png
Night Wulf Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Night Wulf "This pistol's vine-like design mirrors the dark jungle where it was rumored to be found. Spare a thought for its savaged ex-owner."
Nightshine Parrot Flintlock.png
Nightshine Parrot Flintlock 85,050 Gold n/a n/a Nightshine Parrot "A flintlock with flourish! Ever seen a parrot spit lead?"
Obsidian Bone Crusher Pistol.png
Obsidian Bone Crusher Pistol 85,050 Gold n/a
Secretive Stash
Secretive Stash emblem.png
Secretive Stash
Sell the Blade of Souls burning with 3 or more Rituals.
  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
Obsidian Bone Crusher "When skeletons are gunning for you, gun for them right back with extra firepower!"
Ocean Crawler Flintlock Pistol.png
Ocean Crawler Flintlock Pistol 13,400 Gold n/a n/a Ocean Crawler "After being hit by this pistol, the enemy will feel decidedly shell-shocked."
Order of Souls Pistol.png
Order of Souls Pistol 200,000 Gold n/a
Worthy Emissary of Souls
Worthy Emissary of Souls emblem.png
Worthy Emissary of Souls
Reach Order of Souls Emissary Grade 2, 100 times.
  • 1
  • 25
  • 50
  • 75
  • 100
Order of Souls "It's said that this pistol can predict your future: it involves shooting many, many skeletons."
Paradise Garden Pistol.png
Paradise Garden Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Paradise Garden "Despite the chameleon perched jauntily on the barrel, this pistol only changes colour from green to red."
Parrot Flintlock.png
Parrot Flintlock 13,400 Gold n/a n/a Parrot "A flintlock with flourish! Ever seen a parrot spit lead?"
Party Boat Pistol.png
Party Boat Pistol 13,400 Gold n/a
Hunting Boat
Hunting Boat emblem.png
Hunting Boat
Defeat enemies using a Cannon Rowboat. (25 times)
Party Boat "A pistol shaped like a firework rocket that's sure to leave your opponents seeing stars."
Pistol of Sunken Sorrow.png
Pistol of Sunken Sorrow
Dark Brethren
Dark Brethren emblem.png
Dark Brethren
Complete 'Dark Brethren'.
Sunken Sorrow "Whether under the sea or climbing the highest mountain, it pays to have a trusty pistol at your side."
Pistol of the Ashen Dragon.png
Pistol of the Ashen Dragon 13,400 Gold n/a
Tome of Power Collector
Tome of Power Collector emblem.png
Tome of Power Collector
Sell all 5 Tomes of Power.
Ashen Dragon "Sparks are sure to fly once this fiery pistol is drawn."
Pistol of the Bristling Barnacle.png
Pistol of the Bristling Barnacle 127,575 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Bristling Barnacle "This barnacle-encrusted pistol has sent many pirates to a watery grave."
Pistol of the Damned.png
Pistol of the Damned
Time-limited item
Season Eight60
Damned "Weapons are generally forbidden aboard the Ferry, so this pistol is practically unused. Until now..."
Pistol of the Silent Barnacle.png
Pistol of the Silent Barnacle 127,575 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Silent Barnacle "This barnacle-encrusted pistol has sent many pirates to a watery grave."
Pistol of the Wailing Barnacle.png
Pistol of the Wailing Barnacle 15 Doubloons
Time-limited item
n/a Wailing Barnacle "This barnacle-encrusted pistol has sent many pirates to a watery grave."
Prehistoric Plunderer Pistol.png
Prehistoric Plunderer Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Prehistoric Plunderer "Sudds claims that a meteor strike may have been what wiped out the dinosaurs. Help them get revenge by firing a tiny metal one at your enemies."
Radiant Comet Pistol.png
Radiant Comet Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Radiant Comet "This pistol is as rare and beautiful as stardust."
Rascal Sea Dog Pistol.png
Rascal Sea Dog Pistol
Time-limited item
n/a Rascal Sea Dog "Its design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Ravenwood Pistol.png
Ravenwood Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Ravenwood "Make your opponent croak 'nevermore' at the sight of this jet-black pistol."
Reaper's Heart Pistol.png
Reaper's Heart Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "There is a fine line between love and hate. Shooting someone tends to clarify things."
Regal Fortune Pistol.png
Regal Fortune Pistol 200,000 Gold n/a
Reaper's Riches
Reaper's Riches emblem.png
Reaper's Riches
  • 30
  • 60
  • 90
  • 120
  • 150
  • 180
Regal Fortune "Now you can be the one with the golden gun. Plus a little white, scarlet and lavender!"
Relic of Darkness Pistol.png
Relic of Darkness Pistol
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 5 times 5x
Relic of Darkness "Created by the Order to shatter skeletons, but it works just as well against any other foe."
Rogue Sea Dog Pistol.png
Rogue Sea Dog Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 48
Rogue Sea Dog "It's design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol.png
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Rogue Tinkerer "A pistol once owned by a pirate who clearly had a low boredom threshold."
Royal Revenge Pistol.png
Royal Revenge Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Royal Revenge "A weapon said to have been owned by a particularly cruel, not to mention hirsute, pirate captain."
Royal Sovereign Pistol.png
Royal Sovereign Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a
Gold Hoarders 48
Royal Sovereign "Does it work? We're not sure, but just look at that wonderfully ornate trigger."
Ruby Viper Pistol.png
Ruby Viper Pistol
Time-limited item
Ruby Viper "Sleek, sturdy and dependable, this pistol will see you through even the deadliest misadventures."
Ruffian Sea Dog Pistol.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Ruffian Sea Dog "Its design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Sailor Pistol.png
Sailor Pistol
Default item
n/a n/a Sailor "Comes with a guarantee that you will not find a more unremarkable looking pistol than this."
Sapphire Blade Pistol.png
Sapphire Blade Pistol
n/a n/a Sapphire Blade "The unknown reaches of the world hold unknown foes, too. Go prepared."
Sawbones Pistol.png
Sawbones Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sawbones "Honestly, it's amazing that this pistol still works."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Flintlock.png
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Flintlock 13,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Red Ruth
Hunter of Red Ruth emblem.png
Hunter of Red Ruth
Defeat Red Ruth 5 times
Scorched Forsaken Ashes "They'll be eating hot lead after a shot from this pistol."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Pistol.png
Scurvy Bilge Rat Pistol 27,000 Gold n/a n/a Scurvy Bilge Rat "This previously owned pistol comes with a two hour or two shot guarantee, whichever occurs first."
Sea Dog Pistol.png
Sea Dog Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Sea Dog "Its design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Sea of Sands Pistol.png
Sea of Sands Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sea of Sands "With a pistol like this, you can make your own fortune and fate."
Sea Serpent Pistol.png
Sea Serpent Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sea Serpent "This small and easily hidden weapon is ideal for getting in close to your prey."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Flintlock.png
Seared Forsaken Ashes Flintlock 13,400 Gold n/a
Hunter of Warden Chi
Hunter of Warden Chi emblem.png
Hunter of Warden Chi
Defeat Warden Chi 5 times
Seared Forsaken Ashes "They'll be eating hot lead after a shot from this pistol."
Seasoned Sailor Pistol.png
Seasoned Sailor Pistol
Time-limited item
n/a Seasoned Sailor "Comes with a guarantee that you will not find a more unremarkable-looking pistol than this."
Shadow Tide Pistol.png
Shadow Tide Pistol
Time-limited item
Season 1470
Shadow Tide "Sneaky... right up until it makes a loud bang!"
Shining Pegasus Pistol.png
Shining Pegasus Pistol 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Shining Pegasus "Send your opponent's soul to the Underwurlde with a lethal shot from this pistol."
Silver Blade Flintlock Pistol.png
Silver Blade Flintlock Pistol
n/a n/a Silver Blade "The unknown reaches of the world hold unknown foes, too. Go prepared."
Silver Sepulchre Pistol.png
Silver Sepulchre Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Silver Sepulchre "It lacks the satisfying twang of a crossbow, but stings just the same."
Soaring Oracle Pistol.png
Soaring Oracle Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Soaring Oracle "Sometimes you just have to make do, and when you're missing a pistol barrel, a repurposed flute will do in a pinch."
Soulflame Pistol.png
Soulflame Pistol 500,000 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Vanquishing the Damned
Vanquishing the Damned emblem.png
Vanquishing the Damned
Clear the Fort of the Damned of all enemies, 25 times.
Soulflame "The ghostly light shining from this pistol's barrel makes for a seriously scary sidearm."
Sovereign Pistol.png
Sovereign Pistol 9,450 Gold n/a n/a Sovereign "Does it work? We're not sure, but just look at that wonderfully ornate trigger."
Spring Blossom Pistol.png
Spring Blossom Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Spring Blossom "Crafted from a branch of a 1000-year-old tree, this pistol may still be inhabited by its spirit. Wonder if it likes being a gun?"
Stone Islehopper Outlaw Pistol.png
Stone Islehopper Outlaw Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Stone Islehopper Outlaw "Stealth is not in the vocabulary of the vandals who wield this luminous pistol. Neither is much else, to be honest."
Stonebark Carpenter's Pistol.png
Stonebark Carpenter's Pistol 85,050 Gold n/a n/a Stonebark Carpenter's "The smooth, tide-polished surface of driftwood makes for a surprisingly comfortable grip."
Stormfish Chaser Pistol.png
Stormfish Chaser Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Stormfish Chaser "A stray lightning strike has warped the metal, but it still shoots straight."
Sunshine Parrot Flintlock.png
Sunshine Parrot Flintlock 127,575 Gold n/a
Legends of the Sea II
Legends of the Sea II emblem.png
Legends of the Sea II
Find Umbra's book on Crescent Isle, where Salty once rested.
Sunshine Parrot "A flintlock with flourish! Ever seen a parrot spit lead?"
Thriving Wild Rose Pistol.png
Thriving Wild Rose Pistol 127,575 Gold n/a
Always Yours
Always Yours emblem.png
Always Yours
Legendary Commendation: Complete all Commendations for 'Wild Rose'.
Thriving Wild Rose "The elegant personal pistol of Wild Rose, responsible for many a visit to the Ferryman."
Tribute Peak Pistol.png
Tribute Peak Pistol
Marauder tier in Gold Hoarders Emissary Ledger 5 times 5x
Tribute Peak "This precious pistol may actually be worth more than the treasure you'll take while using it."
Triumphant Sea Dog Pistol.png
Triumphant Sea Dog Pistol 57,620 Gold
Time-limited item
Skilled Sharpshooting Sea Dog
Skilled Sharpshooting Sea Dog emblem.png
Skilled Sharpshooting Sea Dog
Kill 100 players with the Glorious Sea Dog Flintlock in the Arena
Triumphant Sea Dog "A classic weapon for duels and contests of skill. Master this and all else will follow."
Twilight Hunter Pistol.png
Twilight Hunter Pistol
Time-limited item
n/a Twilight Hunter "Simple and effective, a no-nonsense instrument of death."
Venomous Kraken Flintlock Pistol.png
Venomous Kraken Flintlock Pistol 127,575 Gold n/a
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Legendary Kraken Hunter emblem.png
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Defeat 10 Krakens
Venomous Kraken "A wicked Kraken flintlock, sure to invoke the same sense of impending death as the beast itself."
Wild Rose Flintlock.png
Wild Rose Flintlock 75 Doubloons n/a n/a Wild Rose "The elegant personal pistol of Wild Rose, responsible for many a visit to the Ferryman."
Wrecker Wrangler Pistol.png
Wrecker Wrangler Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Wrecker Wrangler "Fish for a compliment before firing. If it's a good one, consider giving your target a five-second headstart."


  • When aiming down sights the Flintlock will fire at the center of the player's view, which may not align with the sights of most pistols.


Patch history

  • 2.4.1 (January 20, 2022)
    • Improvements have been made to how hit detection calculates bullets affected by gravity, providing a small improvement to hit registration for the Flintlock when firing at medium to long-distance targets.
    • Players who are Sleeping will now consistently take damage from Flintlock shots.
  • 2.4.0 (December 2, 2021)
    • Following navigation through the Tunnels of the Damned, Flintlocks now correctly display their bullet trails.
  • 2.0.8 (October 16, 2019)
    • ADS can now be buffered, and properly initiates following a sprint.
    • Projectile VFX should no longer pass through walls when fired at close range.
  • 1.4.5 (March 20, 2019)
    • Wielding Weapons – The forced firing delay has been removed when wielding a gun after sprinting or undocking, allowing players to fire sooner. The forced firing delay when switching weapons still remains to prevent fast switching and firing between guns.
  • 1.4.3 (February 6, 2019)
    • Double-Gun Switching – The Flintlock has new wield animations and enforce a delay when equipping and switching between weapons.
    • Weapon Reload Improvements – The Flintlock now reloads the moment the hammer is pulled. This allows players to sprint sooner when reloading without restarting the animation.
    • Weapon Damage Falloff – Bullet damage no longer decreases over distance.
    • Weapon Knock back – Flintlock shots will no longer apply knockback to enemies hit.
  • 1.3.0 (September 27, 2018)
    • The animation for reloading the pistol will now appear consistently.
  • 1.0.7 (May 15, 2018)
    • Flintlock Pistol - New sound effects for close fire and reloading the Flintlock Pistol.
