So, you travelled to the Sea of the Damned, walked its shores and found one who was lost in him own past…
Not many can walk beyond the veil that way.
The things they see steal away their minds forever…
'Til they even forget that them dead…
But Davy Jones will not forget how you stood in him way.
Nor will him forgive the Siren Queen for failing him. He—
Wait-- we are not alone…
You know you cannot hide from me, Jack Sparrow!
Jack Sparrow
Uh, I wasn't hiding! I was… eavesdropping. Vastly different pastimes.
The Castaway
There him stand… Another pirate who's twice come back from the land of the dead.
Who escaped the raid on Isla Tesoro and even found the Fountain of Youth…
Jack Sparrow
Oi! Have you been gossiping about me with this… this strange, book-obsessed individual?
Whatever they've told you, it's not true.
Unless it's flattering, in which case it's all true but they left out the best bits.
The Castaway
The man who stole the only trinket that can reach Davy Jones… A pendant, twin to the one Jones himself possesses.
Jack Sparrow
How can you know all this? That pendant—
The Castaway
Belongs to me.
Jack Sparrow
You can't be…
Aye, this time it was the sea what brought you back to me, Jack.
(Calypso magically removes her "Castaway" disguise)
Jack Sparrow
Tia Dalma! Uh, Calypso!
Shouldn't you… be floating on a cloud, or bubbles, or whatever it is sea goddesses do?
And while I'm asking the questions, am I alive or am I not?
The Sea of Thieves is a haunting place. It bestows many gifts, even upon the dead.
That is why I followed the Black Pearl here. To protect these sacred waters from Davy Jones and that which follow him.
That is all the answers I have. Now you must listen…
Davy Jones know that the pirates of this world threaten him plans.
So, him summonin' his own dark version of a Brethren Court, made of those cruel and corrupted souls who long to rule the Sea of Thieves.
If him succeed, him power will be greater than ever before.
Jack Sparrow
This is why I love running into old friends. They always have such cheery news.
But if Jones is inviting his friends for tea, that means we know where to find him, and, by the by, my Treasure.
You speak the truth. And since you still hold the key to his fortress, with my sketches you can find your way inside.
Think of what you want most, Jack Sparrow. It will show you the way.
Jack Sparrow
Right. Well, given that these are unfamiliar waters, and I lack a ship with which to sail upon them, a critical decision must be made.
You will always remember this as the day your crew was joined… by Captain Jack Sparrow!
Now I know that's a great honour to bestow upon a humble vessel such as yours, but don't you worry – I promise you won't be an imposition.
Tia Dalma, about that Treasure. If it was entrusted to Davy Jones, that can only mean--
Hush! There are some truths not ready to be told.
Their time will come when the deed is done. Now make sail, witty Jack, and be swift!
Jack Sparrow
Oh. Well then… See you aboard!