The Sunken Pearl

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All seems lost, but a single glint of hope still shines in the darkness of the ocean deep...

The Sunken Pearl is the second Tall Tale in the A Pirate's Life Arc. The Tale Book can be voted for at the Castaway's Camp on any Outpost, or on the Quest Table (it may also be cancelled here)

The details on the location of the Tale Book, related Commendations and unlockable Cosmetics are all presented in the Tall Tales Reputation Menu.

The reward for completing The Sunken Pearl Tall Tale is 8,000 Gold.

Prior to 2.10.1, this Tall Tale was required to be completed in order to access the third Tall Tale, Captains of the Damned.



The Castaway

Again we meet – and now you understand the truth better, yes?
Because of the Treasure he stole, Jack Sparrow lost him freedom, and now that same fate come for us all.
The Ferryman, him knew all about the threat we face – not from his prisoner, no
but from the darkness that followed that prisoner from beyond the horizon
The Flying Dutchman and its forsaken captain – Davy Jones.
Ah… You've heard him name before, I think. Maybe in a bedtime story…
But the danger him bring to the Sea of Thieves is more than just a tale, now that Jack's Treasure is in Jones' possession.
If Davy Jones is not stopped, this world will sink into shadow.
Jack is the only one who held the key to reach Davy Jones and take back that Treasure –
but now poor Jack is beyond our sight, set adrift in the Sea of the Damned.
Still, we may not be so lost as that.
For Jack's destiny is a tangled web, tied with the fate of him one true love…

(The Castaway then eats a bundle of earthworms extracted from a conch shell and spits out what is left of the worms into a jar and into the palm of her hand, a black pearl, which she then tosses into the campfire.)

…The Black Pearl.
A precious gem sunk to the bottom of the sea...
In her, there's hope. Maybe even a way to reach those who are lost.
This journey is a treacherous one. The seas have many secrets, long since forgotten.
What you think you know of its past is only a glimpse through the door that Davy Jones opened.
But now I fear we have no choice.
Take these papers and study them.
Then dive into the deep and find the heart of the sunken Pearl before the dark water swallows her… forever!

After The Castaway delivers the dialogue, set sail towards a newly formed, blue beacon in the sky.

Travelling to the Sunken Kingdom

Upon arriving at the beacon in C-19, pieces of coral-encrusted debris will become visible on the surface. Players must follow this trail of debris down below the waves as it leads to the largest structure within the Sunken Kingdom. Bubbling undersea vents can be used for breathing underwater throughout the tale.

A Mysterious Voice can be heard singing a version of Who Shall Not Be Returning as you descend deeper.

Mysterious Voice

In the depths, she is sleeping
And the darkness creeping
Who shall remember, weeping?
Bound in chain forever...

From shadows concealing
Shines truth now revealing
Who shall begin the healing?
Wounded for forever...

Her heart now is taken
By the lost and forsaken
Who never shall awaken?
Dreaming all forever…

A song filled with grieving
Through the wild waves weaving
Who shall not now be leaving?
Sealed away forever…

Ship of Freedom

As you reach the end of the trail, the Sunken Kingdom as well as the sunken Black Pearl, chained to the sea floor, will come into light. Players must shift debris from the lower decks of the Black Pearl to retrieve the Black Pearl Key from the clutches of a deceased Ocean Crawler. This key can be used to unlock the captain's cabin, revealing Jack's Compass.

As you follow Jack's Compass into a nearby cave, the Mysterious Voice can be heard again.

Mysterious Voice

The fearless crew of this once-proud vessel... They fought so bravely, but now they are captive, their lives help forfeit...
And now a flame of hope descends into this cold darkness, borne here from the world above the waves...
I beg you, do not abandon them to their fate! That which you now possess will guide you onward.
I shall use what little influence I have left to light your way...

Strange Awakenings

The cave will lead you into the Siren Spire where there will be Ocean Crawlers and Siren Statue puzzles to take on, progressing players further upwards.

Mysterious Voice

You are so close now... Please, just a little farther...

Mysterious Voice

This is the final step of your journey, you shall be able to proceed no farther into the spire...
...For this is where my Ocean Crawlers shall destroy you.
Kill them!

(After defeating the first wave of Ocean Crawlers)

So, you have steel, and a little skill. Perhaps I will let you live long enough to meet my beloved daughter...

(After defeating the second wave of Ocean Crawlers past the Siren Statue puzzles)

If only you land-dwellers knew of our history.
If you understood what we had lost, and all that we seek to reclaim, you would never have trespassed here...
This is not your world. You exist here only as long as I allow it.
We have slumbered for countless years, but now we have awoken. And we are hungry...
There is so much you do not comprehend... and so little of your life left in which to learn the truth...

Upon reaching the top of the Siren Spire, players can take a Trident of Dark Tides from a windowed room as they see the first reveal of the

Kraken's full body swim by outside. As the voice speaks again, it is revealed who is their true identity.

Mysterious Voice

Is she not beautiful? And eager to play with my greatest prize - a royal gift from Davy Jones himself!
Another ship from the world above, soon to be drawn inside the walls of my citadel and consumed. Piece... by... piece.
Do you believe you can reclaim this sunken Pearl? Have you arrogance enough to believe you humans hold sway over us?
Know this, land-dweller -

Siren Queen

I am the Queen of the Sirens, and this is the true majesty of my domain!
Your courage has carried you farther than I anticipated, but I will not permit you to desecrate my palace with your presence.
Leave the spire immediately and surrender yourself to my Royal Guard.
You shall join the others of your species and sing for me... for all eternity!

For the Crew

Siren Queen

So, you insist upon defying me? Very well. Then this shall be your final end!

As players leave the Spire, they are faced with a number of waves of Sirens to take on. Swim down to the seafloor to find a stash of Tridents to make the job easier! After defeating the final Siren Leader, a Siren Heart is dropped which can be used to activate a Siren Statue puzzle for completion. Completing the puzzle will open the gate to the Siren Citadel.

The Siren Citadel

Players enter the Siren Citadel by completing a Siren Statue puzzle similar to the one earlier in the Tale. The door opens and players swim inside, where there are two solid water doors locking passage forward. There is an alternate path to the upper left of the room, and as players swim up it they take a look through one of the water doors and the Kraken slams its tentacle against it.

Players swim further upward and emerge into a large room, where they solve another Siren Statue puzzle, draining the water and forcing them to fight another wave of Ocean Crawlers. Then a pulley next to a large door at the end of the room activates, and players can use it to lower the door, where they move into the next room. There, the players parkour up to the back half of a shipwreck, where they take a path down and do another statue puzzle, which raises the water level significantly. The players then swim up to the ladder and climb into the overgrown mouth of a disused merfolk face. There, they locate the Silver Blade Key. They leave, taking the right path, which leads them into the room with the Silver Blade.

The Siren Queen demands you to stay away from it, before hysterically explaining that in the Captain's Cabin is something of great importance to her.

The players unlock the cabin door, gaining the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow.

The Queen commands her minions to attack, and the battle begins.

Revenge of the Silver Blade

The players then get attacked by a group of Ocean Crawlers, each operating a cannon. After players finish a wave (that is, killing a wave of Ocean Crawlers), they use the capstan to raise the ship up to the next level, where they take on another wave of Ocean Crawlers. The capstan won't stay raised, however, so players will have to commission one of their crew (or alternate between shooting the enemies and raising the capstan, if they're playing by themselves) to keep it raised. After having defeated all three waves, The Siren Queen will set the Kraken on the crew, forcing them to defeat it.

Queen of Sorrow

After driving it away (which gets you the 'Revenge of the Silver Blade' commendation), the Queen will give up on sending minions after you, instead settling for fighting them herself.

The players then climb up the mast after fully raising the ship (hopefully taking the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow with them, though it isn't needed to finish the tale,) and make their way through an underwater tunnel, before popping out into a large cavern.

There, the players can either go straight and battle the Siren Queen, or they can go right across a couple of stone steps and to a large coral-encrusted door. If they take the path with the door, the presence of the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow will open the door and the players can enter the room and view a skeleton atop a throne, wearing a crown and wielding a Trident, though players are unfortunately unable to use it. Players can, however, inspect the etchings on the wall and net the 'Tale of Eternal Sorrow' commendation. Players no longer need the chest from there on out, but it grants a cool 6,000-7,000 gold pieces if they choose to sell it at an outpost.

After this, players can enter the Siren Queen's throne room, where the water level will rise and the pirates will face off against the Queen herself. There are a few Tridents at the bottom of the room. After dealing a set amount of damage, the Queen will retreat and players will fight Siren Leaders and normal Sirens. After defeating those, the Siren Queen will come back and players will have to fight her again. After she takes some damage, she will retreat and players will have to fight Siren Leaders and Sirens again. The Queen will come back for a third time, and then players will kill her, granting the 'Deadly Chorus' commendation.

Then, the water level will drop and players will breach the final bubble door and swim down to the dungeon. There, they free the crew of the Black Pearl. Gibbs will then ask for Jack's Compass back, and giving it to him completes the Tall Tale, and awards players the 'Sunken Pearl' and 'Crew of Freedom' commendations. The crew leaves the jail cell, and players can leave through the pool to the right of the room, exiting the Siren Citadel.


The Tale contains 5 Journals of the Silver Blade's Captain, written by Dimitri of the Silver Blade.

A Run of Good Luck

Found after the first airlock inside the room with a Siren Statue puzzle. It is among the debris against the coral-covered door to the north.

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When I was young, I learned not to believe in fate and fortune. The roll of the dice is decided not by unseen forces, but by the bumps and knots of the tabletop.
But since the day we four made it to the Sea of Thieves and found this ship, the Silver Blade, just waiting for us to claim her… I’ve not been so sure.
She must have been recently salvaged by the merfolk, I suppose, like so many other lost ships. Not that we knew that when we chose to board her.
The ship was completely deserted, though we learned a little of her first crew from notes left among their belongings – who knew Flameheart ever had a son?
We took the vessel for ourselves, of course, on that first lucky day. And today, if the map in my hand is worth the gold I paid, will be our luckiest day yet…

An Ancient Mystery

The Journal is accessible after solving all three Siren Statue puzzles, with the water raised to the final level, before leaving the room. It can be found on a ledge with red coral near a large head and a Siren Statue, in the east corner before leaving this area.

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An Ancient Mystery, by Dimitri of the Silver Blade
When most people talk about the Ancients that used to live around here, they always act like they were so… high and mighty. Wise, mysterious, all of that.
I dunno. Sometimes I think they could be properly nasty, just like everyone else. Especially when it came to protecting their really special treasures…
Well, their vault was no match for us, not even with all its tricks and traps. We looted the lot, and believe me, this isn’t your usual pile of treasure!
There was a huge pile of bones atop the hoard, for one thing. Who knows, maybe Madame Olivia and her Weird Sisters will pay us for them.
I’m more interested in that great big chest locked up in my cabin. It’s got a face, which weeps constantly, but so long as it’s valuable I’ll live with wet feet.

Unwanted Company

Found after opening the Citadel door, in a large room with two chunks of shipwreck on the ground. The Journal is among the pieces to the left, near some flat coral.

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Unwanted Company, by Dimitri of the Silver Blade
In all the years I’ve kept a journal, I’ve never seen a Skeleton Ship be that persistent! They rose from the deep almost as soon as we left the vault behind.
I’ve heard rumours of skellies going after treasures before. Something tells me they were hunting for that vault too, and we only just beat them to it.
Well tough luck, bone-brains, it’s finders keepers out here on the seas. We lured them past one of their own Forts and left a few Gunpowder Barrels bobbing…
That gave us a chance to get away, but since then we’ve spotted two more Skeleton Ships, both of which made a beeline for us! Can’t be a coincidence.
Whatever we’ve got on board, the skellies clearly think it’s valuable. Time to head out into open waters and work out what to do next…

From Bad to Worse

Found soon after the "Unwanted Company" Journal in a room with a Siren Statue puzzle. After entering through the airlock, swim right to the Gem Siren Statue to find a hole in the ground that leads to an area with a shipwreck. The Journal is found atop the shipwreck.

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From Bad to Worse, by Dimitri of the Silver Blade
We sailed far away from any islands and lost sight of any Skeleton Ships, which meant we had no way to offload any of these treasures to the Companies.
I’d never seen skeletons chase us so doggedly and was starting to wonder if they might even be brave enough to attack an Outpost and steal our ill-gotten prizes.
That was when I heard the crying coming from my cabin. The chest I’d stashed away in there had slipped my mind, but it clearly didn’t want to be forgotten.
Great rivulets of tears were still streaming from that face carved on the lid of the chest. The cursed thing had flooded half the ship while we were distracted!
The crew are taking it in turns to bail, but it’s the noise that gets me. You’ve never heard anything so mournful, so… hopeless. I swear it keeps getting louder…

Don’t Look for Us

Found in a large chamber with pulleys and large chunks of shipwrecks. The Journal is found in the remains of the back end of a ship, inside the Captain's Quarters.

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Don’t Look for Us, by Dimitri of the Silver Blade
If anyone finds this, stop reading now and RUN. Read the rest later on very, very dry land. Just GO!
I can’t believe we thought they were merfolk… They surrounded the ship, scratching and clawing. Started to sing, just like the chest. A Deadly harmony…
They’re dragging us down. I’m locked in my cabin but those weapon… things… will break through soon. They have the Silver Blade now. They have us.
I hope you never find the Silver Blade. If you do, it means it’s already too late. A dark legend has found you.
You belong to the Sirens.

Commendations and Rewards

Heart's Desire emblem
Heart's DesireRecover the special object you were sent to find.n/a
For the Crew emblem
For the CrewTriumph when adversity strikes without warning.n/a
Revenge of the Silver Blade emblem
Revenge of the Silver BladeAvenge a fallen pirate crew.n/a
Deadly Chorus emblem
Deadly ChorusConfront a dangerous enemy beneath the wavesn/a
Crew of Freedom emblem
Crew of FreedomRelease those who dream of freedom.n/a
The Sunken Pearl emblem
The Sunken PearlComplete 'The Sunken Pearl'.Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Revenge of the Silver Blade Cutlass in the Armoury.
Chest of Sorrow emblem
Chest of SorrowFind the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow.n/a
Pieces of Silver emblem
Pieces of SilverDiscover the Journals of the Silver Blade's Captain.n/a
Pearl in the Dark emblem
Pearl in the DarkLegendary Commendation: Complete all commendations for 'The Sunken Pearl'.Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Revenge of the Silver Blade Capstan in the Ship Customization Chest.

Patch history

  • 2.7.2 (January 19, 2023)
    • Areas of rising and lowering water no longer display an incorrect texture.
  • 2.7.1 (December 15, 2022)
    • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When picking up the keys from the crab, the camera no longer moves into open water.
  • 2.6.1 (September 1, 2022)
    • During ‘The Sunken Pearl’ Tall Tale, stones within the Siren Shrine will no longer change shape and level of detail when seen at a distance.
  • 2.5.0 (March 10, 2022)
    • The stone face waterfalls no longer have water pouring out of the side of the statues.
  • 2.4.1 (January 20, 2022)
    • Visual effects should no longer be missing from the smaller air-giving plants.
    • Players should now get a notification in the correct language informing them when they have failed the Silver Blade battle.
  • 2.4.0 (December 2, 2021)
    • Players should no longer be able to see the bubbles of other debris through the water while swimming down.
  • 2.3.1 (October 14, 2021)
    • Starting this tale from a checkpoint will remind crews that the Mermaid statue at the entrance can bring players to the right location for the tale.
    • When playing as a female pirate, the Silver Blade Key should now sit correctly in the player’s hand during the first-person sequence.
    • The Kraken's head should now have the correct amount of health intended across all crew sizes.
    • The water level should be at the correct level even when leaving and returning to the Shrine area.
    • The first Siren Threshold after the Silver Blade fight should no longer close as players pass through.
    • Migrating across servers during the Castaway’s intro scene should no longer block progress through the Tale or access to the Shrine.
    • The Mysterious Voice subtitles should now be visible during the Tale.
    • The floating debris on the surface can no longer be harpooned onto the ship.
    • Notifications for receiving checkpoints should now appear as the Tale progresses.
  • 2.2.1 (August 17, 2021)
    • When a crew engages in an encounter and the room is locked, other crews approaching the encounter room will now find a notification on the locked door indicating that the room is currently in use by another crew.
    • The Reputation page should no longer be shown prior to unlocking the Tall Tale.
    • Players should now see an appropriate prompt when approaching a pulley that has been previously disabled.
    • During the Tall Tale, players should now receive pop-up notifications when reaching checkpoints.
    • The water out of the stone faces should no longer restart each time you look away and look back.
    • When engaging the Kraken, players are now more clearly directed to attack the head to defeat the foe. Attacking the Kraken’s tentacle will no longer cause it to visually react to damage or display a hit reaction.
    • In the final phase of the Kraken encounter, dying and returning to the encounter no longer causes the tentacles to replay their entrance animation.
    • The wooden board in the Silver Blade chamber is now attached to the ship rather than floating.
    • There is no longer a hole in the terrain near the coral on the right-hand side of the Silver Blade room.
    • There is no longer a gap under one of the stone faces in the Siren Queen’s Throne Room that allows players to get out of the room.
    • There are no longer hidden gaps in the wall at the Citadel entrance.
    • The fog no longer persists after joining during the Siren Queen fight when the water has been raised.
    • Players will no longer hear constant drowning audio when entering water again after failing the Tale due to drowning.
    • When joining a crew during the final phase of the Silver Blade fight, all other players will continue to animate correctly when moving.
    • During the Silver Blade encounter, returning from the Ferry of the Damned or joining a crew in progress, players should no longer be unable to see the Kraken upon entering the room.
    • After draining the second water level in the Shrine, the water splash visual effects are now aligned with the rising water level.
    • Players are now given additional time in the Silver Blade chamber after defeating the Kraken to retrieve their treasure before being removed from the area.
    • The Tale beacon now appears immediately when starting from the Tall Tale checkpoint.
    • Starting the Tale from a Chapter 3 checkpoint and entering the Citadel that has been opened by another crew will no longer cause the Tale to fail if your Siren Heart Gem becomes lost.
    • Players should no longer be launched to the water’s surface when swimming around the debris air pockets.
    • The Siren Queen’s Trident now dissolves promptly when she dies.
    • If players go through the large Citadel door and swim back up to their ship before the door closes, they should now be able to use the Tale progress statue to get back into the Citadel.
    • Players should no longer see any objects when looking through the window in the Citadel.
    • If the Siren Queen is killed while disorientating a player, her death animation now plays alongside her voiceover.
    • Players can continue the Tale from a Chapter 3 checkpoint even if the Citadel door is already open.
    • The pulley in the Salvage Room should not have a delay when raising or lowering the shipwreck debris.
    • Players should no longer be able to see the base of the air-giving plant at the Citadel exit.
  • 2.2.0 (June 22, 2021)
    • Introduced.