The Legendary Storyteller

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Shroudbreaker pieces are scattered far and wide ─ could this childhood keepsake mean more than just stories?

The Legendary Storyteller is the third Tall Tale in the Shores of Gold arc. A grown Tasha holds a chronicle of some tall tales once told by Captain Briggsy.

The tale can be acquired from the bar counter of The Unicorn tavern at Ancient Spire Outpost, and prior to 2.10.1, it was unlocked after completing The Cursed Rogue.


When Tasha was a child, she would listen to the tales Briggsy told of her adventures. Luckily Tasha used those stories along with some of her own imagination to write down some of her own adventures. Tasha offers those stories to help you track down another of Briggsy's artifacts and another piece of the Shroudbreaker.


A full, step-by-step walkthrough can be found at The Legendary Storyteller Walkthrough

The Tale Book

Once the Crew has voted on the Tall Tale and listened to the Tasha, they are given the Tale Book, which they can find and take out in the Map Radial menu. Any Tale Book can be viewed with the Primary Use button (Left Mouse Button/Right Trigger). Once taking a closer look at the Tale Book, it's pages can be turned with the Q and E keys on a Keyboard and the Left and Right buttons on a Controller.

The first pages of the Tall Tale book are always the same:




I hear you ran into Briggsy. About time someone took care of that rotten bag of bones!
She used to drink here, in my tavern! When she was alive, I mean.
I always looked forward to the nights she arrived, all gold and glamour.
I was just a girl then, of course.
She used to tell such stories, all about where she'd been and the adventures she'd had.
I'd write them all down, add pictures, and dream that I was sailing to those places too.
Dad told me not to listen. "No truth ever rolled off a pirate's tongue", he'd say.
But kids have to believe in something, don't they?
You need heroes to help you grow up.
But in the end, I realised two things.
Briggsy was a liar, and she was gone.
Worse than gone! She'd become another rotten skellie lord, plundering and scaring decent folks.
Take my book if you think it'll help.
I just wish there was more to it than a bunch of made-up stories.
...if it does lead you anywhere interesting, come back and tell me about it.
I want some REAL adventures to write about!



This crown...
It's the one from Briggsy's stories! I can't believe it...
She was... telling the truth, after all.
It is even more beautiful than I dreamed it would be...
I guess Briggsy really was a great adventurer before the curse. And you know...
Maybe it doesn't matter if everything she said was true.
The dreams she left me were real, and those are what matter most.
I miss those dreams...
The world wants us to grow up so fast, but being able to see every day like it's an adventure...
...we only learn that when we're young...
I reckon that's something worth holding on to.
You know what? There are still a few pages left...
Space enough for me to add stories of my own! This tavern was Dad's dream, not mine.
I'm going to do it!
Raise some coin, find a sloop and live my own adventures, just like you and Briggsy.
I'll clean up the relic you found and pass it on to your mysterious friend.
Maybe next time we meet, we'll be out there on the Sea of Thieves!

Briggsy's Journals

Looking at the Commendations of the Tall Tale, you may have noticed one of them requires the Crew to find all of Briggsy's Journals. These five Journals can only be found and read when the Tall Tale is active and they are only present for the Crew who is doing the Tall Tale. Each of the Journals hints towards the location of the next journal.

The locations and the contents of the five Journals are presented below. Click Expand under any Journal to see an image of its exact location.


A funny little rumour...

(Northwest sea cave, Lone Cove)

Dialogue icon.png

Started keeping a diary again. It doesn't beat telling my tales in a busy tavern, but it'll do for now.
Besides, it's time for another adventure. The yearning's back, deep in my belly. Time to sail again.
Lucky me, overhearing the girl with the merfolk earrings. A Shroudbreaker? Sounds like fun! If what she said is true, I should take a scout around Mermaid's Hideaway. Just in case...


Briggsy Journal 01.png

I know where it is!

(Northwest campfire, Mermaid's Hideaway)

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As I hoped, the pirate I overheard stashed a map to the Shroudbreaker here. I'm sure she won't mind me borrowing it!
All those new places beyond the Shroud! I can't wait to make my mark on them, so everyone knows I got there first.
It's so stormy though... I stashed some vittles in the wreck at Old Salts Atoll, so I'll hole up there for tonight.
Then tomorrow, I'm off to claim my prize. I just need to work out how to open the vault...


Briggsy Journal 02.png

I need to go alone...

(Shipwreck bow, Old Salts Atoll)

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This place reeks worse than the drinking den where I tell my stories, but at least it's warm and dry. It'll do!
I can't wait to see that little girl's face when I tell her Briggsy made it to the Shores of Gold.
Not sure I can risk bringing Sudds along. He means well, but it's a long voyage and he's not exactly nimble. I hope he'll understand...
Well, the storm's easing off. Time to snatch myself a Shroudbreaker!


Briggsy Journal 03.png

I can't go back...

(The Snake Pit tavern, Dagger Tooth Outpost)

Dialogue icon.png

They say you should be careful what you wish for. The greatest voyage of my life, and this is how it ends...
Boneheads don't attack me now. They just stand and stare, like they're expecting... What? Orders? From me?
I can feel a darkness in my heart. I want to lash out, like I did to that Naughty Man at Galleon's Grave.
I'm so, SO glad that girl can't see me like this. I don't want her to hear this story. My last story... I... I don't want her to know I'm a monster...


Briggsy Journal 04.png

To Whoever Finds This...

(Bowsprit cage, Galleon's Grave Outpost)

Dialogue icon.png

Kareen, my love, I hope you never read this.
Today I made the worst mistake of my life. I was such an idiot. I recognised her livery on the horizon and thought I'd pick a fight with the famous Briggsy. It wasn't her! Well it was, but cursed! Her flesh mostly rotted away, and so fierce. Like a wild animal.
She didn't kill me, only threw me in a cage. She said starving my way onto the ferry would teach me a lesson.
I'm so hungry, and this is so cruel! I don't know what Briggsy is now, Kareen. I just know she isn’t human any more.


Briggsy Journal 05.png


The Storied Crown emblem.png
The Storied CrownDiscover the Crown Keyn/a
The Storied Chalice emblem.png
The Storied ChaliceDiscover the Chalice Keyn/a
Tasha's Dream emblem.png
Tasha's DreamDiscover the treasure of Captain Briggsyn/a
The Legendary Storyteller emblem.png
The Legendary StorytellerComplete 'The Legendary Storyteller'.Lock icon.png Unlocks the Briggsy's Hat in the Clothing Chest.
The Lady Behind the Mask emblem.png
The Lady Behind the MaskDiscover all of Briggsy's Journalsn/a
Seeker of Stories emblem.png
Seeker of StoriesLegendary Commendation: Complete the Tale (5 times)n/a
Sea of Dreams emblem.png
Sea of DreamsLegendary Commendation: Complete all Commendations for 'The Legendary Storyteller'.Lock icon.png Unlocks the Briggsy's Sails in the Ship Customization Chest.

Patch history

  • 2.10.0 (January 23, 2024)
    • All Journals in The Legendary Storyteller can now be read as intended.
    • The 'Fish Friends' puzzle in the Quest Book no longer refers to Golden Sands Outpost.
  • 2.7.2 (January 19, 2023)
    • The Tall Tale book will no longer have overlapping or compressed sentences when the language is set to Thai.
  • 2.0.1 (May 8, 2019)
    • Players can now see the key on Mermaid's Hideaway once it is dug up rather than a floating tooltip.
    • Players losing Briggsy's Chest before they have removed the quest items will now be informed as to why the Tall Tale has failed.
  • 2.0 (April 30, 2019)
    • Introduced.

fr:La Conteuse de légendes