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Dad told me not to listen. "No truth ever rolled off a pirate's tongue", he'd say. But kids have to believe in something, don't they?
— Tasha, during The Legendary Storyteller

Tasha is a tavernkeep at The Unicorn tavern on Ancient Spire Outpost.

While Tasha condemns gossip, she herself spreads rumours and lets slip many secrets that she has been entrusted with.

Starting during The Rogue's Legacy Adventure, she is inflicted with a terrible skeleton curse, and it was up to pirates and Madame Olivia to help save Tasha from this terrible fate.

However, with the help of Briggsy, the Pirate Lord, Teddy and Louise with the power of the Burning Blade Cutlass, Tasha was able to recover from her skeleton curse and was tasked to keep the sword safe.


Current dialogue

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My arm's all better and all that, but the sword's gone!. The Pirate Lord's even been here! I dunno about you but I could do with a grog!

How did your arm get better?

Well, I was cursed a while back. Briggsy reckons by the Dark Brethren.
But then the Pirate Lord said he could help, see?
Brought my mum and dad - Louise and Teddy - together in the Tavern of Legends.
Between them and Briggsy, they used the Sword of Souls to remember me as I used to be.
Then Briggsy brought the sword over and it did it! It cured me!

What sword? Where did it go?

The Sword of Souls. Although, it's burnin' now.
I'ad it chained up right there on the bar! Strong chain and all, it was.
But then I came down the other mornin' to bottle up and it was gone!
I dunno who took it, but I can 'ave a pretty good guess.
Flameheart. He's been after all the most powerful weapons. At least, that's what I 'ear.

Why was the Pirate Lord here?

He came to look about. See if he could work out who'd taken it.
But he thought the same as me - the Reapers must've come in here one night when I was sleepin' and nicked it.
I was so upset. Still am. The Pirate Lord told me it wasn't my fault.
He told me not to worry. But he's done so much for me and I've let 'im down.
He wasn't even angry. There's a reason that man is the Lord of these seas. He's noble.


Initiating conversation

• Got any stories to share?
• Let me fill that tankard of yours.
• Welcome to The Unicorn.

Ending conversation

• Don't be a stranger now.
• Leaving so soon?
• The door's always open.

Previous dialogue

During 3.0.1 (May 23, 2024)

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You can see I'm all cured now! Thanks to the sword. Fancy a grog to help me celebrate?

How were you cured?

Well, I was cursed a while back. Briggsy reckons by the Dark Brethren.
But then the Pirate Lord said he could help, see?
Brought my mum and dad - Louise and Teddy - together in the Tavern of Legends.
Them and Briggsy remembered me as I used to be. Little bit embarrassing, to be honest.
Then Briggsy brought the sword over here, and what do you know? It actually worked!

What did the sword do?

It cured me, silly. I told you that! Oh, you mean specific, like.
Well, it's the Sword of Souls, ain't it? Although, I suppose it's burning now 'n' all!
Briggsy told me it could do all sorts. With memories and souls and enchantments. But I'm no expert.
It took a while, mind! I had half a skelly arm, then just a hand.
It was like having permanent pins 'n' needles!

You seem very happy about it.

Course I'm happy. Wouldn't you be? Was all bony hands and not a lot of feeling in them, neither.
I could scarcely fill a tankard, let alone lift a paintbrush.
Not something a bony old mitt is very good at. You need the feelings in your fingertips.
And I've got it all back! No more spilled grog! No more dropped tankards.
All thanks to mum, dad and Briggsy. And the Pirate Lord, o' course!

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Hello! I'm feeling better than I 'ave for months thanks to this sword! Help me celebrate with a grog!

Were you sick?

Sick? Love a duck! I was cursed. An insidious skeleton curse, Madame Olivia called it.
Briggsy went searching for a cure, but never quite found it. But it's OK. The Pirate Lord 'imself is helping me now.
One hand's right as rain now! So it seems to be doin' the job. Just waitin' on the other arm...
He got my mum and my dad back together. Never thought I'd see the day.
But I 'ear they're doing well. Briggsy told me when she brought this special sword.

What's with the sword?

It's the Sword of Souls! Or the Burning Blade Cutlass. Used to be carried by Sir Arthur Pendragon, leastways.
Bravest man in the Sea of Thieves. He left it behind when he lost against that wicked Flameheart.
Then it got pinched by another terrible man, pretendin' to be the Pirate Lord.
But the REAL Pirate Lord - with a little 'elp - got it back from the Sea of the Damned and now it's helping cure me.
See, it can hold memories. Lets 'em out, too. It's got loving memories from my family. Memories of me when I was whole - that's what's reversin' this 'orrible curse!

Why is it chained up?

Oh, I did that. They told me to keep it safe. So no one else can take it.
Strongest chains I could find cos Briggsy said it'd be dangerous in the wrong hands. Mum used them on 'er boat.
Yeah, me mum's Sloop... The Wandering Unicorn. Course, MY Unicorn is always here, always home...
Anyway, with the sword doin' its work, I didn't need that golden cannonball no more. So I have it to Wonda to work on.
When I'm all cured again, I can get back to me painting. I've missed it something rotten! So here's to a more rosy future, eh? Cheers!

After The Secret Wilds concluded (2.7.2) through until 2.10.3

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You'd better take a grog from me sharpish. Dunno how long I'll be around to serve you...

A grog sounds like the thing. What have you got?

We've got quite a few different ones.
In the end, they all do the same thing.
Just ask Tallulah.
Or Terri.
Or even Tessa. If you can find her.

Surely you must hear about where pirates bury their treasure?

Yes. But looking for it is dangerous work.
I'd advise you steer clear of danger. And curses.
Especially curses.
I suppose treasure does need finding, though...
But only if you're the right person for the job.

Tell me about Briggsy.

That's Captain Briggsy to you! She deserves your respect no matter what Madame Olivia thinks of her.
She was the best pirate to sail the Sea of Thieves in my opinion.
She'd always come back to dad's tavern and tell me about her adventures.
And when she'd gone, I'd get out my crayons and try to draw all those strange and wonderful things she'd told me about.
It was tragedy what happened to her. I thought she was evil. But she was just cursed. Like me. I can see now I was harsh on her...

During 2.7.2

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Grog is good. But so's a pirate who's willing to help out a friend, eh?

A grog sounds like the thing. What have you got?

We've got quite a few different ones.
In the end, they all do the same thing.
Just ask Tallulah.
Or Terri.
Or even Tessa. If you can find her.

Surely you must hear about where pirates bury their treasure?

Yes. But looking for it is dangerous work.
I'd advise you steer clear of danger. And curses.
Especially curses.
I suppose treasure does need finding, though...
But only if you're the right person for the job.

What's wrong, Tasha?

To be honest, I don't rightly know. I thought it was an accident.
Madame Olivia says someone must'ave done this to me on purpose.
Don't know anyone who would want to do that. I just work in a tavern. Don't do no harm to no-one.
Maybe the odd bit of gossip. The rare dodgy tankard of grog. But that's it.
So what kind of person would want to curse me with such a terrible thing?

At the end of 2.7.1

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Can I get you a grog? It can ease the pain...

A grog sounds good. Why are you talking about pain?

Sorry. I'm just a bit concerned about something that happened recently.
Had quite a scare. But hopefully it'll be alright.
Don't concern yourself with ole Tasha, though!
Huh! I'll lvie. With Madame Olivia's help...
Anyway! We've still got 'Neptune's Barnacle Teaser' if you fancy a nip?

Surely you must hear about where pirates bury their treasure?

I hear things all the time.
And sometime I'm even helped by people who leave me clues to treasures.
Yes, me. And I do need help at the moment.
Mercy me, but here I am going on about myself.
If you keep your ears out, you might hear where treasure's to be found, too!

Had any legends walk through the door recently?

Of course. We get Legends in here the whole time.
Some have even helped ole Tasha in the past.
I hope they might be able to help me the future, too, if I needs it.
And I had a legendary glover in here the other day.
He sold me some lovely gloves. Although I hope I don't need 'em for long.

During 2.7.1

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You want to...ah...relax with a grog?

A grog sounds like the thing. What have you got?

We've got quite a few different ones.
In the end, they all do the same thing.
Just ask Tallulah.
Or Terri.
Or even Tessa. If you can find her.

Surely you must hear about where pirates bury their treasure?

Yes. But looking for it's dangerous work.
I'd advise you steer clear of danger. And curses.
Especially curses.
I suppose treasure does need finding, though...
But only if you're the right person for the job.

Had any legends walk through the door recently?

Recently? Not many.
There was one real legend a few years back, though.
She had a mask with a jewelled eye and was the best storyteller.
But you said lately, of course.
Yeah. So like I say: not many...

Before 2.7.1

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Come and relax with a grog, you can be certain anything heard within the walls of Tasha's tavern will go no further.

A grog sounds just like the thing. What have you got?

We've got 'Neptune's Barnacle Teaser'. It's quite a potent brew.
That uppity Tanya from Plunder Outpost was in here drinking it last night.
Pretends she's above the rest of us, but I've never heard such foul language.
Even so, it's not for me to judge. Can't stand gossips.

Surely you must hear about where pirates bury their treasure?

Oh yes, but they can rely on me to keep quiet.
Like when I overheard Filthy Rich Semmens telling his crew where to bury their treasure.
Told them to hide it here on this very outpost, would you believe?
I'll make sure their secret remains safe until they get back.

Had any legends walk through the door recently?

A few, but of course I respect their privacy.
Why, only last week we had Plunderin' Parkes trying to sell her smuggled monkeys.
Before that I saw Matey Marlow dancing in his legendary underpants on the bar.
Then you wouldn't believe when...
But I'll say no more, I'm no gossip.



Patch history

  • 3.0.2 (June 20, 2024)
    • Added new dialogue.
  • 3.0.1 (May 23, 2024)
    • Added new dialogue.
  • 2.7.1 (December 15, 2022)
    • Added new dialogue.