Wonda is in many ways the opposite to her sister; She maintains a patient composure and wishes to make pirates better fighters, while her sister was conceited and despised pirates. Wonda's passion is the art of fighting, and considers skill to be essential when wielding any weapon, while her sister was purely focused on the quality of a weapon.
She and the other residents of Golden Sands Outposts returned to their home to rebuild with the assistance of Merrick. With the successful rebuilding of New Golden Sands Outpost, she has returned to her former shopkeeper duties.
Hey. Need some amazing weapons? Thanks to my sister, I got many for sale right here, but others you'll have to search for!
What sort of weapons do you have, then?
All sorts. Pistol for everyday shooting. Eye of Reach for hitting targets a long way - or close up if you're skilled enough. With a blunderbuss you can hit a wide target, while the Double Barrel Pistol lets you shoot at something twice real fast! Then you've got your blades. A sword is handy for all manner of skirmishes. And now, with a bit of help from Larinna we've got throwing knives too! You can use them to strike at targets from distance - or up close in a pinch.
Who's your sister?
Wanda. She used to run the weaponsmith shop here. I've taken over. In more ways than one. I got the family looks, of course. Now she's a skeleton. Part of the Dark Brethren. Not a pretty sight. She was always obsessed with cursed weaponry. Thanks to Tasha, I've now even created one or two of my own. See, this is in the family trade. I was always the better fighter, though. That means when I create a weapon, I'm thinking about the tactics, not just about the size of the hole it makes!
What other weapons can I search for?
You'll need to load your cannons with something! Some supplies are already on your ship.
Anything new to help me in battle?
Thing is, I see myself as more of a fighter than a weaponsmith. So I know us scrappers always need surprising ways to fight. That's why me and the others are always scratching our heads to come up with new weapons. Sometimes we get inspiration from elsewhere, too. Like the crafty old Ancients. Reckon they had plenty of sneaky ways of fighting and we're working on that kind of thing right now.
Initiating conversaton
• Got your weapons, et cetera... • Grab a weapon and get back to the fight! • Just pick the pointiest one.
Ending conversation
• Ahh, have fun out there, pirate. • Come again, I'm here... all week... • Go smash some skellies for me!
Previous dialogue
Hey. Need some amazing weapons? Thanks to my sister, I got many for sale right here, but others you'll have to search for!
What sort of weapons do you have, then?
All sorts. Pistol for everyday shooting. Eye of Reach for hitting targets a long way - or close up if you're skilled enough. With a blunderbuss you can hit a wide target, while the Double Barrel Pistol lets you shoot at something twice real fast! Then you've got your blades. A sword is handy for all manner of skirmishes. And now, with a bit of help from Larinna we've got throwing knives too! You can use them to strike at targets from distance - or up close in a pinch.
Who's your sister?
Wanda. She used to run the weaponsmith shop here. I've taken over. In more ways than one. I got the family looks, of course. Now she's a skeleton. Part of the Dark Brethren. Not a pretty sight. She was always obsessed with cursed weaponry. Thanks to Tasha, I've now even created one or two of my own. See, this is in the family trade. I was always the better fighter, though. That means when I create a weapon, I'm thinking about the tactics, not just about the size of the hole it makes!
What other weapons can I search for?
You'll need to load your cannons with something! Some supplies are already on your ship.
Anything new to help me in battle?
Thing is, I see myself as more of a fighter than a weaponsmith. So I know us scrappers always need surprising ways to fight. That's why me and the others are always scratching our heads to come up with new weapons. Sometimes we get inspiration from elsewhere, too. Like the crafty old Ancients. Reckon they had plenty of sneaky ways of fighting and we're working on that kind of thing right now.
My ugly sister Wanda has swanned off somewhere, leaving me to watch her shop! I wouldn't mind, but it's not safe out here with the skeletons on the warpath. Plus, she's left it in a right state. Have you seen? I'll show her... want a cheeky discount?
Who are you?
My name's Wonda. With an 'o'. Our parents were... simple folk. People tell us we're twins, but I got the looks. Wanda got the stick up her... Aft. I learned the family trade too. I can smith a mean pistol. But my passion lies in the art of fighting. See, it isn't the weapon that makes the warrior. It's the skill. I could kill you with half a dead fish! But... not today.
Oh, I'll be fighting, alright. Soon as I've shifted Wanda's stock. Oddly, she has a lot of cannonballs lying around. Might shoot a few of them at our skelly attackers. This is a beautiful place. None of us want to see it become a graveyard.
Come in then, let's find you a weapon so you don't end up with the Ferryman.
So, you decided to stay?
I felt I had to do something to honour the person my sister was before she became... Captain Warsmith. Hm, she always did have a dramatic streak. The rumours of her defeat are mixed - many say she was still kicking when she sank below the waves. So, I'll stay here and make sure pirates like you are equipped for the day she returns.
What's that about the Ferryman?
You must know? When a pirate dies in the Sea of Thieves, they go to the Ferry of the Damned. Then they get to return to life, good as new... But that Ferryman is no angel. I've heard of people being kept there for months, years, even decades, not even knowing how much time has passed. So just to be safe, buy a weapon already.
What's your best weapon?
The best weapon, pirate, is the one in your hand. I can craft fine blades and fancy pistols, but what matters most is your skill. Wanda never quite got that, she always wanted bigger and better. Oh, it also helps to blast the skeletons from the shore with your cannons too. Heh. Why take chances?
Boy, am I glad to see you! I was about to wish my soul goodbye.
Flameheart clearly thought I'd drop everything to replace my sister as his new Warsmith. Fat chance. Well, he lost his rag completely then - he kidnapped everyone from Golden Sands to 'persuade' me to join him. I don't respond well to blackmail, so here we all are in this hovel. If the Jailor's gone, we'd better break out while we can. The guards were muttering something about Flameheart capturing an Ancient? Must be talking rubbish.
Hey. Weapons for sale... don't mind the mess... what am I even doing here?
What happened to Wanda?
My ugly sister Wanda has swanned off somewhere, leaving me to watch her shop! I wouldn't mind, but it's not safe out here with the skeletons on the warpath. Plus, she's left it in a right state. Have you seen? I'll show her... want a cheeky discount?
Who are you?
My name's Wonda. With an 'o'. Our parents were... simple folk. People tell us we're twins, but I got the looks. Wanda got the stick up her... Aft. I learned the family trade too. I can smith a mean pistol. But my passion lies in the art of fighting. See, it isn't the weapon that makes the warrior. It's the skill. I could kill you with half a dead fish! But... not today.
Will you fight for The Shores of Plenty?
Oh, I'll be fighting, alright. Soon as I've shifted Wanda's stock. Oddly she has a lot of cannonballs lying around. Might shoot a few of them at our skelly attackers. This is a beautiful place. None of us want to see become a graveyard.
Both Wanda and Wonda have a tear drop tattoo below their eyes, Wanda's to the left, and Wonda's to the right.
Wonda quickly became well-known as a Weaponsmith after taking over the shop at Golden Sands Outpost from her sister; not only due to the quality of her armaments, but due to her personal skill in wielding them as well[2].