A born explorer who gets restless if she stays in one place for too long, Larinna has spent her entire life diving too deep, wandering off the beaten path and trekking to the places that no-one else has been. This natural tendency to push the boundaries led her to the pirate life from a young age, teaching her to be self-reliant, guarded and pragmatic above all else.
Larinna is leader of the Bilge Rats, a group devoted to encouraging excitement, challenge and adventure to make sure pirates are ready for whatever the Sea of Thieves may have in store. She prefers to loiter outside the tavern, ready to guide pirates towards anything that’s new and dangerous[1].
Larinna is tall and wiry, adept at intimidation and getting what she wants with words alone. She is an expert swindler and good in a fight to boot, making an ideal pirate.
She desired nothing more than to find Uncharted Islands and sail on seas without maps, finding and exploring locations for the first time her own self. By the time she made it to the Sea of Thieves, however, she was disappointed to find that many islands had already been charted and that there were Outposts mimicking the life of the outside world. She disliked Trading Companies for being worse than pirates, because they want to own the sea and not allow single pirates to take what they claim theirs.
Larinna made it into The Sea of Thieves hiding as a stowaway on a Ship, determined to make her own fortune in the mythical Sea of Thieves. Larinna found her way to Sanctuary Outpost, where she set up a stall selling Bananas, to generate herself some money to properly begin her adventure. This is when she met Faizel and Little Ned, two crew members of the Unforgiven. After conversing with them, she discovered they had recently become short-handed, with their fourth crewmate, Kyrie, being "left behind". Faizel decided they would report back to their Captain, who would decide if Larinna could join their crew.
Faizel also recommended Larinna find a worthy weapon, after seeing she was unarmed. Larinna visited the weaponsmith, Wilbur, and purchased herself a sword for 5 gold pieces.
Current dialogue
Hey! Have you heard about all these new weapons and tools?
What new weapons and tools?
With Flameheart making a return, the weaponsmiths have been busy! Led by Wonda, they've crafted new ways to do battle with your enemies. There's a new Double Barrel Pistol and I've been helping with the new throwing knives. You'll find both are part of your Armoury. Scattershot can be found in all Cannonball Barrels. You can use it to fire at close quarters and deal four damage holes to rival ships. If you want a new way to traverse on your travels, you can now fire your harpoon and use it for running along or sliding down! Or you might find a zipline on some islands that'll let you zip down to earth - or water - without a bump!
Have you heard anything else juicy?
Of course! There are two other mysterious new items. Find a Bone Caller or a Horn of Fair Winds and use them wisely to unlock their true power. Wonda's been working on her sister's handiwork. The cannonball that Tasha had. She's altered it so you can summon your own skeleton squad to fight on your behalf! I've heard that you can find Bone Callers if you search the right barrels, or just steal them from a Skeleton Fleet's supplies. Then there's the Horn of Fair Winds! You'll find it in all kinds of water locations. But no weaponsmiths are involved in this one. It's an Ancient item. So mainly seek them out in the Shrines and Treasuries of the Sunken Kingdom. You might find them in shipwrecks, too.
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is a key place on the Sea of Thieves, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. If you're sailing on a Captained ship, the shipwright will have everything you need. And now you can also join or start a Guild! Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you're looking for, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, it's busy round here. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
Initiating Conversaton
• Go on, surprise me! • I need a very, very large drink. • What's on the horizon today?
Ending Conversation
• Adventure calls! • Come back when you're buying the Grog! • Go wherever the wind carries you!
What are these Skulls of Siren Song I've heard of?
They're the Skulls of ancient Sirens, and powerful weapons, too. Looks like everyone is searching for them right now. Captain Briggsy needs these Skulls for something... She's leaving notes on every ship in the Sea of Thieves asking for help finding them. I've heard she needs them to summon something mysterious or open a portal? Either way, she's paying a high price for each Skull! But getting your hands on one isn't easy. The Skulls are locked in Chests of Siren Song. The wily Captain knows where the Chests and Keys are buried, so she'll be able to give you maps to find both. Be warned, though. She'll be sharing those maps with all on the seas, so you won't be alone on this dangerous hunt!
What's all this about Guilds?
Oh. It's a great new way to sail with your crewmates - and others. Shared adventure, shared friendship and, of course, shared loot and reward! You can band together with your fellow pirates and create your very own Guild, or join one set up by your friends. Give your Guild its own name, add a motto, make your mark and choose a crest and colours. Then you'll be ready to go! Earn new rewards, titles, and mighty piles of gold for yourself and your Guild. I hear Guilds can even sell Emissary Flags to the Sovereigns. They must have done a deal with the Reapers...
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is a key place on the Sea of Thieves, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. If you're sailing on a Captained ship, the shipwright will have everything you need. And now you can also join or start a Guild! Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you're looking for, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, it's busy round here. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
Oh. It's a great new way to sail with your crewmates - and others. Shared adventure, shared friendship and, of course, shared loot and reward! You can band together with your fellow pirates and create your very own Guild, or join one set up by your friends. Give your Guild its own name, add a motto, make your mark and choose a crest and colours. Then you'll be ready to go! Earn new rewards, titles, and mighty piles of gold for yourself and your Guild. I hear Guilds can even sell Emissary Flags to the Sovereigns. They must have done a deal with the Reapers...
Have you heard anything juicy about new goings on?
Well, the Sovereigns are now dealing with the Reapers to buy Emissary Flags from Guilds. That may suggest those snooty traders think Flameheart is becoming more powerful, I suppose. More importantly for now, though, you can find new liveried Rowboats on islands. There are many different ones out there, so go see what you can find! And don't forget that if you're a Captain the Sovereigns are now taking fish, albeit for a reduced price.
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is a key place on the Sea of Thieves, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. If you're sailing on a Captained ship, the shipwright will have everything you need. And now you can also join or start a Guild! Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you're looking for, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, it's busy round here. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
If you're not busy hunting Chests of Fortune, I have a top-secret mission. You could be the pirate for the job...
What's a Chest of Fortune?
I'd say it's the most tantalising treasure on the seas right now, but they tend to be locked up tight in the Vault beneath a Fort of Fortune. Getting your hands on one will be quite the challenge - ever since Flameheart's return, he seems to have more devoted skelly followers than ever. It's worth the risk, though. See, the shopkeepers decided to encourage stealing from Flameheart. They've crafted rewards for pirates who snatch enough Chests of Fortune from under his nose. The Servant of the Flame was... less than happy to hear this. So he got his followers to create weapons for anyone who brings him Reaper's Chests and Reaper's Bounties! Whichever chest you go chasing, it'll be worth your time - but if I were you, I'd keep a close eye for unfriendly sails on the horizon...
Is something the matter?
I've been tasked with finding suitable pirates to deal with something discreetly. Even I don't know anything about it - just that I'm supposed to pass a long a note. Cloak-and-dagger stuff isn't really my style, but I promised I'd do what I could. Everyone seems to have their secrets nowadays. First Tasha, now this... It makes me wonder if it has something to do with the Reapers out near Shipwreck Bay. I heard they've been scavenging parts near the wreck of the Blackwyche. Given what happened to Pendragon, there are plenty of pirates who won't take kindly if they start ransacking his ship. Talk about salt int he wound... Good luck, pirate! I'm guessing you're going to need it.
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] A top-secret mission, you say?
(Voiceover starts and the Adventure begins)
(Crew member out of range) Great, but you'll need your crew's help. Come and see me when you're all in one place.
Hey there, pirate. Let me guess... You've got your sights on a Chest of Fortune?
What's a Chest of Fortune?
I'd say it's the most tantalising treasure on the seas right now, but they tend to be locked up right in the Vault beneath a Fort of Fortune. Getting your hands on one will be quite the challenge - ever since Flameheart's return, he seems to have more devoted skelly followers than ever. It's worth the risk, though. See, the shopkeepers decided to encourage stealing from Flameheart. They've crafted rewards for pirates who snatch enough Chests of Fortune from under his nose. The Servant of the Flame was... less than happy to hear this. So he got his followers to create weapons for anyone who brings him Reaper's Chests and Reaper's Bounties! Whichever chest you go chasing, it'll be worth your time - but if I were you, I'd keep a close eye for unfriendly sails on the horizon...
Anything else you can tell me?
I don't know where to start... If you're a Pirate Legend, you should check in with the Pirate Lord. I've convinced him offer some new, exciting Voyages in exchange for Bilge Rat Doubloons. If hunting's more your style, then you'll be happy to know there's a new resident at Stephen's Spoils. His name is Adelrick, and he'll take any fish or meat you gather off your hands. And speaking of The Hunter's Call, they're selling Bait Crates at the Seaposts now - or you can buy directly from the Merchant Alliance. Your choice! The shipwrights have been making all kinds of alterations to their ship designs lately, so you'll have an easier time with harpoons, and - well, you'll see for yourself when you set sail.
I hear there's something going on with the Gold Hoarders?
That's right. Each one has found a mysterious chest, but their keys won't open it. No one knows who sent the chests, but we do know that they need three keys. I have special Voyages for you that will help find out what is going on. When you find the keys, return them to the Gold Hoarders for extra gold. So I'd get going if I were you. This mystery won't solve itself!
Hey there, pirate. Let me guess... You've got your sights on a Chest of Fortune?
What's a Chest of Fortune?
I'd say it's the most tantalising treasure on the seas right now, but they tend to be locked up right in the Vault beneath a Fort of Fortune. Getting your hands on one will be quite the challenge - ever since Flameheart's return, he seems to have more devoted skelly followers than ever. It's worth the risk, though. See, the shopkeepers decided to encourage stealing from Flameheart. They've crafted rewards for pirates who snatch enough Chests of Fortune from under his nose. The Servant of the Flame was... less than happy to hear this. So he got his followers to create weapons for anyone who brings him Reaper's Chests and Reaper's Bounties! Whichever chest you go chasing, it'll be worth your time - but if I were you, I'd keep a close eye for unfriendly sails on the horizon...
Anything else you can tell me?
I don't know where to start... If you're a Pirate Legend, you should check in with the Pirate Lord. I've convinced him offer some new, exciting Voyages in exchange for Bilge Rat Doubloons. If hunting's more your style, then you'll be happy to know there's a new resident at Stephen's Spoils. His name is Adelrick, and he'll take any fish or meat you gather off your hands. And speaking of The Hunter's Call, they're selling Bait Crates at the Seaposts now - or you can buy directly from the Merchant Alliance. Your choice! The shipwrights have been making all kinds of alterations to their ship designs lately, so you'll have an easier time with harpoons, and - well, you'll see for yourself when you set sail.
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. If you're sailing on a Captained ship, the shipwright will have everything you need. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
You didn't hear? That resurrection business with the Sea Forts has really made things heat up around here! The Pirate Lord and the Reapers are in open conflict now. They've created two Factions - the Guardians of Fortune and the Servants of the Flame. Pirates who side with a Faction have one main goal: join the Battle for the Sea of Thieves to earn Allegiance! If you want to represent a Faction, you can vote with the Hourglass of Fate aboard your ship. Watch out, though - that means your opponents can come looking for trouble. They'll burst out of the water without warning, so... how does the saying go? Keep a weather eye on the horizon. Even if you do sink, though, you'll still earn some Allegiance for taking part. You can only vote to stop representing your Faction here at an Outpost, or at The Reaper's Hideout. Keep in mind before you decide to leap into the fight!
What's up with Madame Olivia?
As you know, Tasha has been cursed. She needs help urgently! The curse can spread quickly. And time is short! Whatever she was doing with Briggsy's memories might be ready by now. You should really go and check with Madame Olivia. She knows more than me! Good luck, pirate! I'm guessing you're going to need it.
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I'm ready to help Madame Olivia with Tasha
You didn't hear? That resurrection business with the Sea Forts has really made things heat up around here! The Pirate Lord and the Reapers are in open conflict now. They've created two Factions - the Guardians of Fortune and the Servants of the Flame. Pirates who side with a Faction have one main goal: join the Battle for the Sea of Thieves to earn Allegiance! If you want to represent a Faction, you can vote with the Hourglass of Fate aboard your ship. Watch out, though - that means your opponents can come looking for trouble. They'll burst out of the water without warning, so... how does the saying go? Keep a weather eye on the horizon. Even if you do sink, though, you'll still earn some Allegiance for taking part. You can only vote to stop representing your Faction here at an Outpost, or at The Reaper's Hideout. Keep in mind before you decide to leap into the fight!
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I want to help Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost!
(Voiceover starts and Chapter One begins)
Why did you call me a Captain?
You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command. He'll even help you give it a name! Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition. Once you own a ship, the Shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time. On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them. Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now...
What's all this about Factions?
You didn't hear? That resurrection business with the Sea Forts has really made things heat up around here! The Pirate Lord and the Reapers are in open conflict now. They've created two Factions - the Guardians of Fortune and the Servants of the Flame. Pirates who side with a Faction have one main goal: join the Battle for the Sea of Thieves to earn Allegiance! If you want to represent a Faction, you can vote with the Hourglass of Fate aboard your ship. Watch out, though - that means your opponents can come looking for trouble. They'll burst out of the water without warning, so... how does the saying go? Keep a weather eye on the horizon. Even if you do sink, though, you'll still earn some Allegiance for taking part. You can only vote to stop representing your Faction here at an Outpost, or at The Reaper's Hideout. Keep in mind before you decide to leap into the fight!
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. If you're sailing on a Captained ship, the shipwright will have everything you need. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command. He'll even help you give it a name! Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition. Once you own a ship, the Shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time. On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them. Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now...
Things seem a little intense right now.
You're a sharp one... We're holding the Festival of the Damned, and things always tend to get a bit... strange... when we do. But this year? I'm hearing about pirates fighting back and forth over Sea Forts, gangs of phantoms roaming across islands and crazy lights in the sky! With all of that to think about, fighting off a pack of skeletons and stealing their treasures actually sounds pretty relaxing. Still I'm trying to look on the bright side. If Captain Flameheart really is coming back, we might not have much left to celebrate...
[BEGIN REAPER'S PATH] Sounds like I should check in with the Reapers...
(Voiceover starts and Reaper's Path begins)
Hey there, pirate. Or should that be 'Captain'? I'm seeing a lot of new ships on the seas these days...
Why did you call me a Captain?
You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command He'll even help you give it a name! Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition. Once you own a ship, the Shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time. On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them. Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now...
Who's this Stitcher Jim you mentioned?
If you never crosses path with Stitcher Jim you should count yourself lucky. He's tricked or betrayed just about everyone he's ever met, including Grace and the Forsaken Shores Alliance. He used to do the bidding of the Gold Hoarder back in the day, until his past caught up with him. He was left for dead out in the Devil's Roar, and that was where he met a Masked Stranger. I have no idea if Jim knew the Warsmith was under that pretty mask. Seriously, I'd rather not think about it! But I do know she made Jim swear a new oath to serve Captain Flameheart. That's when they played us all for fools, redirecting supplies to create The Reaper's Hideout and working in the shadows to bring Flameheart back to the Sea of Thieves. And then... Well, when he was no longer useful, they say Flameheart turned on him. Stitcher Jim fled, and that was the last anyone saw of him. But if you ask me, he still hasn't gotten everything he deserves...
(Voiceover starts and Chapter One begins)
Are you ready for a new Adventure, Captain? Something strange is going on at Plunder Valley...
Why did you call me a Captain?
You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command He'll even help you give it a name! Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition. Once you own a ship, the Shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time. On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them. Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now...
See any interesting newcomers lately?
Now that you mention it, I did hear an awful lot of sawing and hammering the other day. When I went to poke around, I met a very... strange... stranger. They were dressed up like they were heading out to a noble's court and barely gave me the time of day when they found out I wasn't a Captain. Hmph. Since then I've seen them running this way and that, delivering chests to the Gold Hoarders, skulls to the Order of Souls - you name it, they seem to be transporting it! Their marquee is a little out of the way, but if you're sailing on a Captained ship, maybe you can talk to them and see what all the fuss is about...
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I want to check out what's happening at Plunder Valley!
(Voiceover starts and Chapter One begins)
You have a moment, Captain? I'm recruiting pirates to help us rescue Merrick!
I want to ask you something...
Hmm? What's on your mind? : ↳ Why did you call me a Captain?
You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command He'll even help you give it a name! Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition. Once you own a ship, the Shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time. On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them. Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now... : ↳ See any interesting newcomers lately?
Now that you mention it, I did hear an awful lot of sawing and hammering the other day. When I went to poke around, I met a very... strange... stranger. They were dressed up like they were heading out to a noble's court and barely gave me the time of day when they found out I wasn't a Captain. Hmph. Since then I've seen them running this way and that, delivering chests to the Gold Hoarders, skulls to the Order of Souls - you name it, they seem to be transporting it! Their marquee is a little out of the way, but if you're sailing on a Captained ship, maybe you can talk to them and see what all the fuss is about... : ↳ What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] - I want to help save Merrick!
Voiceover Starts and Adventure Begins.
Hey there, pirate. Or should that be 'Captain'? I'm seeing a lot of new ships on the seas these days...
Why did you call me a Captain?
You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command. He'll even help you give it a name! Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition. Once you own a ship, the shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time. On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them. Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now...
See any interesting newcomers lately?
Now that you mention it, I did hear an awful lot of sawing and hammering the other day. When I went to poke around, I met a very... strange... stranger. They were dressed up like they were heading out to a noble's court and barely gave me the time of day when they found out I wasn't a Captain. Hmph. Since then I've seen them running this way and that, delivering chests to the Gold Hoarders, skulls to the Order of Souls - you name it, they seem to be transporting it! Their marquee is a little out of the way, but if you're sailing on a Captained ship, maybe you can talk to them and see what all the fuss is about...
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. If you're sailing on a Captained ship, the shipwright will have everything you need. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
Hey, pirate. Looking for adventure? Or perhaps you're already on a mission from the Pirate Lord...
What was that about the Pirate Lord?
Word on the waves says his Pirate Legends are being sent out on a top-secret mission. Sounds like they're hunting for something... If you're one of them, you should definitely speak with him yourself. Whatever the Pirate Lord has planned, it definitely won't be boring! I've heard talk of shipwreck graveyards, haunted garrisons, sightings of strange Phantoms... I don't know if it's all true, but it sure sounds profitable. If you happen upon any legendary treasures while you're out saving the world, there's a stranger in the tavern who'll take them off your hands. As for me, I've been guiding pirates towards Flameheart'sSea Forts. Their Treasuries have some nice plunder locked inside! Definitely worth a look...
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
Not if you're expecting a membership badge and a monthly meeting, you can't. We're not that kind of group. Diving into the unknown, getting in over your head and surviving to tell the tale - anyone who can handle that is a Bilge Rat in my book. We do call for pirates to help us out when things get really lively, like when there's a festival or some other Adventure on the horizon. Next time that happens, I'll be sure to slip you a note so you don't miss out on the fun!
Hey! If you're not already helping the Pirate Lord, the Bilge Rats could use a hand...
What was that about the Pirate Lord?
Word on the waves says his Pirate Legends are being sent out on a top-secret mission. Sounds like they're hunting for something... If you're one of them, you should definitely speak with him yourself. Whatever the Pirate Lord has planned, it definitely won't be boring! I've heard talk of shipwreck graveyards, haunted garrisons, sightings of strange Phantoms... I don't know if it's all true, but it sure sounds profitable. If you happen upon any legendary treasures while you're out saving the world, there's a stranger in the tavern who'll take them off your hands. As for me, I've been guiding pirates towards Flameheart'sSea Forts. Their Treasuries have some nice plunder locked inside! Definitely worth a look...
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs...
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] You wanted to ask me something?
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] You wanted to ask me something?
Thanks for coming to me. I'm asking everyone I meet if they've seen Merrick around lately. He vanished from his usual fishing spot and hasn't been seen since. Maybe it's nothing and he'll turn up with a belly full of grog, but something has me worried. Here, I wrote down the last place he was seen. There might be a clue to where he is now. Merrick's done so much to help us all. If he's missing, we should do everything we can to bring him home. Good hunting, pirate!
Hey, pirate. Looking for adventure? Or perhaps you're already on a mission from the Pirate Lord...
What was that about the Pirate Lord?
Word on the waves says his Pirate Legends are being sent out on a top-secret mission. Sounds like they're hunting for something... If you're one of them, you should definitely speak with him yourself. Whatever the Pirate Lord has planned, it definitely won't be boring! I've heard talk of shipwreck graveyards, haunted garrisons, sightings of strange Phantoms... I don't know if it's all true, but it sure sounds profitable. If you happen upon any legendary treasures while you're out saving the world, there's a stranger in the tavern who'll take them off your hands. As for me, I've been guiding pirates towards Flameheart'sSea Forts. Their Treasuries have some nice plunder locked inside! Definitely worth a look...
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. Not if you're expecting a membership badge and a monthly meeting, you can't. We're not that kind of group. Diving into the unknown, getting in over your head and surviving to tell the tale - anyone who can handle that is a Bilge Rat in my book. We do call for pirates to help us out when things get really lively, like when there's a festival or some other Adventure on the horizon. Next time that happens, I'll be sure to slip you a note so you don't miss out on the fun!
Not if you're expecting a membership badge and a monthly meeting, you can't. We're not that kind of group. Diving into the unknown, getting in over your head and surviving to tell the tale - anyone who can handle that is a Bilge Rat in my book. We do call for pirates to help us out when things get really lively, like when there's a festival or some other Adventure on the horizon. Next time that happens, I'll be sure to slip you a note so you don't miss out on the fun!
Hey! If you're not already helping the Pirate Lord, the Bilge Rats could use a hand...
What was that about the Pirate Lord?
Word on the waves says his Pirate Legends are being sent out on a top-secret mission. Sounds like they're hunting for something... If you're one of them, you should definitely speak with him yourself. Whatever the Pirate Lord has planned, it definitely won't be boring! I've heard talk of shipwreck graveyards, haunted garrisons, sightings of strange Phantoms... I don't know if it's all true, but it sure sounds profitable. If you happen upon any legendary treasure while you're out saving the world, there's a stranger in the tavern who'll take them off your hands. As for me, I've been guiding pirates towards Flameheart'sSea Forts. Their treasuries have some nice plunder locked inside!Definitely worth a look...
Why were you calling for me?
Like I said, the Bilge Rats could use the help! We're stretched pretty thin right now. I thought things might calm down after that business with the Megalodons, but it seems to have rekindled Merrick's adventurous spirit. He's set himself up at Golden Sands Outpost, but that's not all... If you decide to help, let me know and I'll fill you in on the details.
[Begin Adventure] I'm ready to help the Bilge Rats! Tell me more...
Great! Golden Sands needs all the help it can get - although strange sightings in the region have me worried too...
[HUNTER'S PATH] I want to help with Golden Sands Outpost.
[SERVANT'S PATH] I want to investigate those strange sightings.
Hey, pirate. Looking for adventure? Or perhaps you're already on a mission from the Pirate Lord...
What was that about the Pirate Lord?
Word on the waves says his Pirate Legends are being sent out on a top-secret mission. Sounds like they're hunting for something... If you're one of them, you should definitely speak with him yourself. Whatever the Pirate Lord has planned, it definitely won't be boring! I've heard talk of shipwreck graveyards, haunted garrisons, sightings of strange Phantoms... I don't know if it's all true, but it sure sounds profitable. If you happen upon any legendary treasure while you're out saving the world, there's a stranger in the tavern who'll take them off your hands. As for me, I've been guiding pirates towards Flameheart'sSea Forts. Their treasuries have some nice plunder locked inside!Definitely worth a look...
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs.
Can I sign up with the Bilge Rats?
Not if you're expecting a membership badge and monthly meeting, you can't. We're not that kind of group. Diving into the unknown, getting in over your head and surviving to tell the tale - anyone who can handle that is a Bilge Rat in my book. We do call for pirates to help us out when things get really lively, like when there's a festival or some other Adventure on the horizon. Next time that happens, I'll be sure to slip you a note so you don't miss out on the fun!
Ah, there you are! I have an urgent message to pass along. It's from Belle..
What was that about the Pirate Lord?
Word on the waves says his Pirate Legends are being sent out on a top-secret mission. Sounds like they're hunting for something... If you're one of them, you should definitely speak with him yourself. Whatever the Pirate Lord has planned, it definitely won't be boring! I've heard talk of shipwreck graveyards, haunted garrisons, sightings of strange Phantoms... I don't know if it's all true, but it sure sounds profitable. If you happen upon any legendary treasure while you're out saving the world, there's a stranger in the tavern who'll take them off your hands. As for me, I've been guiding pirates towards Flameheart'sSea Forts. Their treasuries have some nice plunder locked inside!Definitely worth a look...
You said you have a message for me?
That's right, from Belle - and her travelling companion, Merrick. I never thought I'd see him back aboard a Galleon! Honestly, at first I thought I misheard them when they talked about sailing out to summon the Shrouded Ghost Megalodon. I thought that was nothing more than an old sea-story, but if Belle believes in Merrick, maybe there's something to his tale. Whatever they were planning, they should have been back by now. My gut tells me that Merrick might be in trouble again... If you want to meet with Belle, let me know when you're ready. I've some information that will help you find her!
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I'm ready to seek out Belle and Merrick.
I hear her and Merrick ran into a spot of trouble trying to take on the Shrouded Ghost. I always thought it was a myth, but here we are. You'd better hurry up - she won't be best pleased.
While having the adventure active
Belle and Merrick are waiting for you. Follow the note I gave you - it should guide you to Merrick's last-known location.
Ready to set sail? You might want to check your ship's map first. Sea Forts just made life a little more lively...
You said something about Sea Forts?
Well, whatever you call them. They're big, they're heavily defended and they're full of angry Phantoms! If Flameheart's plan was to bring his reinforcements from the Sea of the Damned, it looks like it succeeded. Whatever lies he's fed them, the soldiers at the Forts have sworn allegiance to Flameheart as their new master. Mind you, in the wider world, Sea Forts tend to be packed full of plunder. Perhaps these are, too? I suppose pirates could attempt to claim a Fort for themselves... Just don't expect Flameheart to surrender them easily!
What is there to do around here?
Well, this is an Outpost, so it's mostly about grabbing supplies, buying equipment and getting ready to set sail. If you're looking for work, you can speak to the Trading Company representatives for Voyages. Or you could try your luck with a map from the Quest Board on the docks. Who knows what you might dig up? Whatever you choose, you can check the signposts to help find your way around the island. Just remember, Outposts are busy places. Linger too long and other pirates might take an interest in your affairs.
Hmm. Well, we Bilge Rats normally have our ears to the ground, but even we're still putting the pieces together. Most of the islands have returned to normal, but Golden Sands is as foggy as ever. You won't catch me there any time soon. Rumour has it that The Reaper's Bones were involved somehow. I know they hate the Companies, but destroying an entire Outpost? I wonder if it's true... Still, there's no point playing guessing games. The minute I know anything for certain, I'll be calling for you...
Well, whatever you call them. They're big, they're heavily defended and they're full of angry Phantoms If Flameheart's plan was to bring his reinforcements from the Sea of the Damned, it looks like it succeeded. Whatever lies he's fed them, the soldiers at the Forts have sworn allegiance to Flameheart as their new master. Mind you, in the wider world, Sea Forts tend to be packed full of plunder. Perhaps these are, too? I suppose pirates could attempt to claim a Fort for themselves... Just don't expect Flameheart to surrender them easily!
Belle wants to speak with me?
I'm not surprised. Word of what happened at Shipwreck Bay has been spreading in recent days. Clearly, Belle thinks you have what it takes to help her bring the residents of Golden Sands Outpost back home. She seems to have taken their disappearance personally - which is good, because I have no idea where to start searching. I suspect you don't have a lot of time to mount a rescue, so you'd best get yourself ready for anything. Once you've prepared, come back and speak with me. I'll point you in the right direction!
Well, it’s a traditional pirate pastime to grab a shovel and stow your plunder underground until the coast is clear. Of course, it’s a lot easier to find it again if you have a map bundle to remind you of where you were digging. When you place a map bundle on your Captain’s Table, you and your crew will be able to study the maps it contains. If your map bundle is lost or stolen, other crews can use it to find your treasure, so be sure to keep your wits about you. Oh, and if you have loot left over, you can add your maps to the Quest Board by the docks or pick up a new map to follow. You’ll be rewarded if someone hands in your stash, so keep the board in mind if you’ve had to leave treasure behind!
What's wrong with Golden Sands Outpost?
No-one can say for sure - not yet, anyway. Maybe it was some kind of attack, or possibly even a curse being unleashed. All I know right now is that the whole island is blanketed in a nasty fog, and the Outpost's inhabitants are missing. Now the fog is spreading... Still, I hear we have a new arrival on the seas who seems determined to get to the bottom of all this. Goes by the name of Belle. Rumour has it she silenced the Pirate Lord during one of his rousing speeches. I think I like her already! I'm sure Belle will help you - if you can find her. Come back and speak with me when you're ready for a new adventure...
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I'm ready to investigate Golden Sands.
[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I'm ready to investigate Golden Sands.
So, rumour has it that a strange fog has taken over Golden Sands and the traders have gone missing! If you're looking for adventure, I'll fill you in on all you need to know.
Well, it’s a traditional pirate pastime to grab a shovel and stow your plunder underground until the coast is clear. Of course, it’s a lot easier to find it again if you have a map bundle to remind you of where you were digging. When you place a map bundle on your Captain’s Table, you and your crew will be able to study the maps it contains. If your map bundle is lost or stolen, other crews can use it to find your treasure, so be sure to keep your wits about you. Oh, and if you have loot left over, you can add your maps to the Quest Board by the docks or pick up a new map to follow. You’ll be rewarded if someone hands in your stash, so keep the board in mind if you’ve had to leave treasure behind!
Can you give me directions?
Well, you’ve already found the tavern! All the other shops are dotted around the Outpost. As for the Trading Companies… at the green tent, you’ll find a representative of the Gold Hoarders. The Order of Souls have a pavilion located beneath the Pirate Emporium - look for the purple walls. The stall of the Merchant Alliance, as you might expect, can be found down at the docks near you ship. You won’t find the Reaper’s Bones here in person, but aspiring Emissaries can use a table hidden nearby…
Something doesn't seem right...
You can feel it as well, huh? The world is changing, and I don't think the tide is turning in our favour... But then, we wouldn't be pirates if we didn't have to handle something trying to destroy us once in a while! All I can do for now is stay vigilant and keep my ear to the ground. The minute I know something, I'll be in touch.
Well, it’s a traditional pirate pastime to grab a shovel and stow your plunder underground until the coast is clear. Of course, it’s a lot easier to find it again if you have a map bundle to remind you of where you were digging. When you place a map bundle on your Captain’s Table, you and your crew will be able to study the maps it contains. If your map bundle is lost or stolen, other crews can use it to find your treasure, so be sure to keep your wits about you. Oh, and if you have loot left over, you can add your maps to the Quest Board by the docks or pick up a new map to follow. You’ll be rewarded if someone hands in your stash, so keep the board in mind if you’ve had to leave treasure behind!
Can you give me directions?
Well, you’ve already found the tavern! All the other shops are dotted around the Outpost. As for the Trading Companies… at the green tent, you’ll find a representative of the Gold Hoarders. The Order of Souls have a pavilion located beneath the Pirate Emporium - look for the purple walls. The stall of the Merchant Alliance, as you might expect, can be found down at the docks near you ship. You won’t find the Reaper’s Bones here in person, but aspiring Emissaries can use a tabe hidden nearby…
What are the Bilge Rats up to today?
We’re almost done with another year of looting and larceny, which means it’s time to unwind and enjoy Grogmanay! As part of our celebration of all things Bilge Rat, I’ve even had some special fireworks cooked up. Flashy, I know, but I couldn’t resist. Tell you what - if you take part in Grogmanay and tackle a few challenges with a gut full of grog, I’ll make it worth your while. For each goal you complete, I’ll offer a Voyage that leads to a buried stash of Bilge Rat fireworks, free of charge. SOME people might say I’m only being generous so I don’t have to dig them up myself, but those people would regret it…
Ah, you’re a pirate with excellent taste. It just so happens that we’re celebrating another year of freedom on the seas… That’s why I had a little chat with the shopkeepers around here and convinced them to add Bilge Rat items to their stock. Alternatively, you can speak with the Merchants and pick up some fireworks if you really want to make yourself heard. It’s good to see gunpowder being used for something other than putting holes in somebody’s ship. Not that that isn’t fun too… Try launching them from one of those Cannon Rowboats I’ve seen floating around. That’s bound to give someone a surprise!
Well, it’s a traditional pirate pastime to grab a shovel and stow your plunder underground until the coast is clear. Of course, it’s a lot easier to find it again if you have a map bundle to remind you of where you were digging. When you place a map bundle on your Captain’s Table, you and your crew will be able to study the maps it contains. If your map bundle is lost or stolen, other crews can use it to find your treasure, so be sure to keep your wits about you. Oh, and if you have loot left over, you can add your maps to the Quest Board by the docks or pick up a new map to follow. You’ll be rewarded if someone hands in your stash, so keep the board in mind if you’ve had to leave treasure behind!
Can you give me directions?
Well, you’ve already found the tavern! All the other shops are dotted around the Outpost. As for the Trading Companies… at the green tent, you’ll find a representative of the Gold Hoarders. The Order of Souls have a pavilion located beneath the Pirate Emporium - look for the purple walls. The stall of the Merchant Alliance, as you might expect, can be found down at the docks near you ship. You won’t find the Reaper’s Bones here in person, but aspiring Emissaries can use a tabe hidden nearby…
Everyone seems very cheerful around here!
That's probably because we’re celebrating our Festival of Giving - the one time of year when pirates give as well as take! Each day, pass five pieces of plunder to another crew and if they hand any in, you'll get a good amount of gold for their efforts. I’m giving out special Event Flags so you can see which crews are feeling charitable - or at least pretending to be… Oh - while you’re checking my stock, be sure to sample my special Voyages. Gilded Gifts and Armaments all add to the festive spirit! Gilded Voyages are lengthy adventures with rich rewards, but they’re also one-per-pirate. Make sure you choose wisely…
Ah, you’re a pirate with excellent taste. It just so happens that we’re celebrating another year of freedom on the seas… That’s why I had a little chat with the shopkeepers around here and convinced them to add Bilge Rat items to their stock. Alternatively, you can speak with the Merchants and pick up some fireworks if you really want to make yourself heard. It’s good to see gunpowder being used for something other than putting holes in somebody’s ship. Not that that isn’t fun too… Try launching them from one of those Cannon Rowboats I’ve seen floating around. That’s bound to give someone a surprise!
Well, it’s a traditional pirate pastime to grab a shovel and stow your plunder underground until the coast is clear. Of course, it’s a lot easier to find it again if you have a map bundle to remind you of where you were digging. When you place a map bundle on your Captain’s Table, you and your crew will be able to study the maps it contains. If your map bundle is lost or stolen, other crews can use it to find your treasure, so be sure to keep your wits about you. Oh, and if you have loot left over, you can add your maps to the Quest Board by the docks or pick up a new map to follow. You’ll be rewarded if someone hands in your stash, so keep the board in mind if you’ve had to leave treasure behind!
Can you give me directions?
Well, you’ve already found the tavern! All the other shops are dotted around the Outpost. As for the Trading Companies… at the green tent, you’ll find a representative of the Gold Hoarders. The Order of Souls have a pavilion located beneath the Pirate Emporium - look for the purple walls. The stall of the Merchant Alliance, as you might expect, can be found down at the docks near you ship. You won’t find the Reaper’s Bones here in person, but aspiring Emissaries can use a tabe hidden nearby…
Ah, you’re a pirate with excellent taste. It just so happens that we’re celebrating another year of freedom on the seas… That’s why I had a little chat with the shopkeepers around here and convinced them to add Bilge Rat items to their stock. Alternatively, you can speak with the Merchants and pick up some fireworks if you really want to make yourself heard. It’s good to see gunpowder being used for something other than putting holes in somebody’s ship. Not that that isn’t fun too… Try launching them from one of those Cannon Rowboats I’ve seen floating around. That’s bound to give someone a surprise!
Off on an adventure? There’s plenty of plunder to find, whether you’re hunting above or below the waves…
Is someone having a party? I smell food…
I thought I heard your stomach growling… Yes, it’s time for the Bilge Rats’ Feast of Bounty celebration! Be sure to claim a Feast of Bounty Flag from my stock while they’re free for the taking. It’ll help set the mood. Oh, and if you’d like to get really involved, I’m offering even more rewards for pirates who take part in the feast. First we’ll need to prepare by collecting and cooking fish and meat - nothing off the table! Then it’s time to celebrate! Dressing up, dancing, shanties… Things are bound to get nicely chaotic.
What would I find below the waves?
You haven’t heard? There’s a whole Sunken Kingdom down on the sea bed, just waiting to be plundered by ambitious crews. In fact, I’ve even heard tell of a very valuable and dangerous secret hidden somewhere in the icy depth. It’s the kind of information I’d only share with a pirate who could prove they knew their way around Siren structures. Once you’ve spent some time exploring the Siren Shrines and learned the truth about what’s lying in wait, come back and see me. I’ll sell you a Voyage that’ll lead you to something extraordinary… but don’t blame me if you don’t make it back to dry land!
Sounds like the seas are pretty dangerous lately…
Not like the old days when we only had to worry about Krakens, Megalodons and fleets of the undead, you mean? You’re right, though. Since the Companies started accepting their Gems, the Sirens have been more and more active. New parts of their Sunken Kingdom seem to be appearing every day. It’s as if they’re waking up from a long sleep… Some of the more inquisitive types have started investigating the Sirens’ Shrines trying to learn more about them. All I know is, they’ve got a lot of valuable treasure stashed away down there. That’s reason enough to go for a swim!
On the hunt for an adventure? It might be worth your while to get your feet wet.
Why would I get my feet wet?
You haven't heard? There's a whole Sunken Kingdom down on the sea bed, just waiting to be plundered by ambitious crews. In fact, I've even heard tell of a very valuable and dangerous secret hidden somewhere deep below the waves… It's the kind of information I'd only share with a pirate who could prove they knew their way around Siren structures. Once you've spent some time exploring the Siren Shrines and learned the truth about what's lying in wait, come back and see me. I'll sell you a Voyage that'll lead you to something extraordinary… but don't blame me if you don't make it back to dry land!
Can you give me directions?
Well, you've already found the tavern! All the other shops are dotted around the Outpost. As for the Trading Companies… at the green tent, you'll find a representative of the Gold Hoarders. The Order of Souls have a pavilion located beneath the Pirate Emporium - look for the purple walls. The stall of the Merchant Alliance, as you might expect, can be found down at the docks near your ship. You won't find The Reaper's Bones here in person, but aspiring Emissaries can use a table hidden nearby…
Sounds like the seas are pretty dangerous lately…
Not like the old days when we only had to worry about Krakens, Megalodons and fleets of the undead, you mean? You're right, though. Since the Companies started accepting their Gems, the Sirens have been more and more active. New parts of their Sunken Kingdom seem to be appearing every day. It's as if they're waking up from a long sleep… Some of the more inquisitive types have started investigating the Sirens' Shrines trying to learn more about them. All I know is, they've got a lot of valuable treasure stashed away down there. That's reason enough to go for a swim!
Looking for direction? Or perhaps danger, excitement and riches? Either way, you’re talking to the right Bilge Rat…
Did you just call yourself a ‘Bilge Rat’?
Correct. It’s a title reserved for pirates who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty in the name of fun, adventure and plunder! If there’s something new on the seas, you can bet we’ll be making some kind of contest or celebration out of it. Sometimes, even the Trading Companies stifle their pride long enough to come and ask us for help. I also offer a few special Voyages from days gone by that lead to obscure relics from older Events, like Ashen Tomes. Tell you what - next time something exciting happens, I’ll slip you a note so that you don’t miss out…
Directions would be very useful…
Well, you’ve already found the tavern! All the other shops are dotted around the Outpost. As for the Trading Companies… at the green tent, you’ll find a representative of the Gold Hoarders. The Order of Souls have a pavilion located beneath the Pirate Emporium - look for the purple walls. The stall of the Merchant Alliance, as you might expect, can be found down at the docks near your ship. You won’t find The Reaper’s Bones here in person, but aspiring Emissaries can use a table hidden nearby…
Who doesn't? That's why I've rustled up a new Bilge Rat Event to help protect pirates from undersea threats. We're recruiting anyone who's eager to scrap with Sirens, or their Ocean Crawler friends, and bring back their precious gems. Defeat them and you'll earn the Bilge Rats' Favour, which means rewards! If you really want to impress us, try using a Trident… Oh, and the Trading Companies are very interested to know what power lies within those stones, it seems. Depending on who you deal with, you might find Siren and Mermaid Gems are worth more gold and reputation than usual!
Who doesn’t? I’m currently working on a new Bilge Rat Event that’ll help pirates out there on the seas. With all these new threats lurking below the waves, it’s high time we pirates showed them who’s boss. We’ll be recruiting anyone who’s itching to scrap with a few Sirens, or their clam-headed cronies, the Ocean Crawlers. In the meantime, you might want to practise your sharp-shooting. See if you can’t find yourself a Trident…
Greetings, pirate! If you're new to the Sea of Thieves, you've come to the right Bilge Rat…
You sound like you're expecting a lot of new pirates…
Correct! The seas are changing, and that always seems to bring a lot of fresh faces stumbling out of the tavern. I normally tell them to take their time, scout around the Outpost for supplies and speak with the shopkeepers. If it's gold they're after, I'll point them to the nearest Gold Hoarder, Merchant Alliance or Order of Souls liaison to collect a Voyage. Once they've picked one, I send them to their ship to vote on the Voyage at their Captain's Table, and they're off. Of course, some prefer to race straight down to their ship and set sail into the unknown. That always puts a smile on my face!
What is there to do around here?
The Outposts are just the starting point for your adventures - the real action's out there, on the waves! You could visit on the various Trading Company liaisons and pick up a Voyage to earn yourself some gold. Talking with the locals, especially if they're in possession of any interesting journals, is bound to send you off on a grand adventure! If you fancy your skill with a stove, you could track down some animals and serve up a meal to the Hunter's Call out at a Seapost. Failing that, just go exploring! You might find buried treasure, a message in a bottle or something far more unusual lying in wait…
Tell me about the Bilge Rat Event!
With all the new arrivals, I thought it might be best if pirates old and new learn to band together to face the dangers out there. Tackle Ghost Ship fleets, Ashen Lords, Megalodons, that sort of thing, and you'll earn the Bilge Rats' Favour for doing so. You'll earn even more Favour if you use your ship's Flag Box to form an Alliance with another crew and fight side-by-side. I'm offering some special rewards to pirates who earn enough Favour, so keep an eye out for friendly flags. There'll be a prize for leaving your treasure on another crew's ship, too. You'll probably want to get permission to board, though… Oh, and here's the twist - if another crew sells enough of your loot during the Event, you'll still get gold! This should be interesting…
Greetings, pirate! Are you sailing as an Emissary today? If you're not flying a Flag, you'll be missing out on some fine rewards…
Emissaries? Rewards?! Tell me more!
Emissaries are pirates who've earned so much reputation with a Trading Company, they can purchase an Emissary Licence and set sail on that Company's behalf. If Emissaries complete tasks that benefit the Company, their Emissary Grade increases, and so does the amount of gold they get for handing over valuable items. The Companies are offering new ways to decorate your ship each Season if you place highly in their monthly ledgers, too. A fun way to show off your hard work! On top of that, the Merchant Alliance are offering their Emissaries a chance to use Merchant Trade Routes to make a tidy profit from goods they transport. Of course, any pirate can go and see the Merchants to buy some everyday resources for their ship. All in all, I'd say business is booming around here!
Ha, well, The Reaper's Bones despise the Trading Companies, so I'm sure they won't be thrilled if more pirates start sailing as Emissaries. (Season Start) I hear they pay handsomely for any broken Emissary Flags you, ah, 'find' on your travels. Ones from sunken Emissary ships, if you know what I mean. Merely sinking an Emissary doesn't mean a thing - you've got to get their broken Flag to The Reaper's Hideout if you want any recognition for your misdeeds. It wouldn't surprise me if the Reapers start offering a few incentives of their own to level the playing field, but who knows? They're a secretive bunch… (2.1.1) Right now, they're targeting Order of Souls Emissaries, offering even greater compensation than usual for their broken Emissary Flags. The Order of Souls aren't taking this lightly. They're offering their own Emissaries increased rewards for as long as they're in the Reapers' sights. It's the perfect chance for the Bilge Rats to have some fun, so I'm making the deal even sweeter with an Eventof my own devising. Sail as an Order of Souls Emissary, represent their appearance and fight Flameheart while the Event is underway, and you'll earn some premium plunder. Alternatively, hand The Reapers' Bones enough Broken Emissary Flags, and I'll make sure you receive a little commemoration of the chaos once the Event is over.
What else is new on the seas?
Hmm, well, remember when the Gold Hoarders were having their Treasure Vaults looted? I think I know where some of the plunder wound up. I've been hearing rumours of Skeleton Forts that are incredibly well-guarded by their strongest warriors, but have a huge haul inside of them. I've taken to calling them Forts of Fortune, and they're easy enough to spot - the giant, red-eyed skull cloud is a bit of a giveaway. But they won't be easy… You might want to think carefully about the tools and supplies you take with you. Chests of Rage, Ashen Winds Skulls… they could save your skin out there!
They're being burgled, believe it or not! Someone has been breaking into Treasure Vaults and making off with the Hoarders', er… hoard. Whoever it is seems particularly interested in the Chests of Ancient Tributes hidden inside. It's almost like they're searching for something… Nothing upsets a Gold Hoarder more than losing money, so they're especially eager that pirates recover their treasures, safe and sound. They're even offering special rewards to pirates who'll accept their Voyages and can bring home particularly precious loot. If you can earn enough of their favour, the Gold Hoarders will even part with a few of their fancier weapons…
Tell me about these Treasure Vaults…
Oh, you haven't heard? They're Ancient catacombs where the Gold Hoarders like to store infuriatingly large piles of treasure. You need a key to get inside, and those aren't easy to come by unless you possess a Golden Wayfinder. I just so happen to have some. If you'd like to see a Vault for yourself, I've got a Voyage for sale in the Black Market that'll lead you to Devil's Ridge. Of course, you might bump into some other crews on the same Voyage as you, but that just adds a bit of Bilge Rat spice to your day. Hmm, and I should probably warn you - it's not safe to linger in a Vault for too long. Not unless you're a Splashtail…
You don't like the Gold Hoarders?
I never said that, but their leader and I had a falling-out when I first arrived. Well, he did most of the falling. I've learned it's wisest not to judge a pirate too harshly by who their friends are. People are complicated. I'm sure the time will come when we'll need to work together to protect this place, regardless of which flag we fly. Heh, or maybe I've just been standing out here too long overthinking things. It might be time for a grog!
They're being burgled, believe it or not! Someone has been breaking into Treasure Vaults and making off with the Hoarders', er… hoards. Whoever it is seems particularly interested in the Chests of Ancient Tributes hidden inside. It's almost like they're searching for something… Nothing upsets a Gold Hoarder more than losing money. Or maybe they're just wondering which valuable trinket they failed to notice…
What are Doubloons? I want them!
Bilge Rat Doubloons, to be precise. Awarded for great feats of cunning, strength or anything unreasonably dangerous. If you have enough, I'll write a Letter of Recommendation to the Trading Companies that'll boost your reputation for sure. Or you could exchange them for Voyages that'll lead you to less common treasures. Useful if you're seeking Commendations. Of course, you could always barter Doubloons for plain old gold coins if your pockets are light… but where would be the fun in that?
Any adventuring advice, Larinna?
There's a great big ocean out there just waiting to be plundered. It all depends on what kind of a pirate you are. You could speak with the Trading Companies to take on a Voyage. That'd earn you some gold and boost your reputation around the Outposts. Or if you spy a strange cloud on the horizon, it's a sure sign that something's happening out there in the world. Investigating could prove profitable… Of course, as the leader of the Bilge Rats, it's my job to dream up new diversions. When we have our next event planned, I'll be sure to let you know!
(Weeks 1 & 2) You look a little peckish, pirate. Why not take part in our new Festival of Fishing? Your stomach will thank you… (Week 3) Hey! There's still time to take part in our Festival of Fishing if you haven't already. Go on, grab a fishing rod and relax for a while…
There's a Festival about… fishing?
Don't start… Merrick's whole family came to see me recently. They were upset that The Hunter's Call were being left out of Bilge Rat activities. I tried to explain that it takes more than a pile of Plentifins to deal with Ghost Ships and skeleton curses, but they wouldn't stop complaining! After an hour of being surrounded by people who reek of bad meat, I agreed to organise a fishing event, as long as they went far, far away. Still, it's a relaxing way to earn some special rewards. Who knows, it may even teach pirates there's more to a balanced diet than bananas…
A Festival? What's in it for me?
Spoken like a true mercenary! Well, for one thing, The Hunter's Call will buy you any fish you catch. They're worth more gold when cooked well. Since this is a Festival, I've also arranged some fish-focused rewards for people who complete certain challenges while the event is underway. Of course, some might say that mastering a craft is its own reward… I mean, I wouldn't, but people have strange opinions sometimes.
How do I take part?
Fishing's supposed to be relaxing, so the rules are pretty loose. You'll be finding bait, catching different fish and delivering them to Seaposts. (Week 1) This week I'm sending pirates to find elusive Wreckers around sunken ships, and Plentifins in The Shores of… well, Plenty. Nothing too taxing. (Week 2) This week you'll need to brave rough weather to locate Stormfish, or head to The Ancient Isles to track down Ancientscales to catch. (Week 3) I'm raising the stakes by sending pirates into combat to find Battlegills, not to mention into The Devil's Roar in search of spicy Devilfish! I also have Voyages to offer that'll guide you to the Hunter's Call. They'll have you fishing like an expert in no time.
A new year brings new adventures and a healthy dose of danger! If that's what you're seeking, you've come to the right pirate.
Tell me about these new adventures!
Of course, and who better than the Bilge Rats to provide them? Although I must admit I wasn't expecting excitement from a bunch of stuffy Merchants… Their Chief Trader came to see me - it seems that a great number of their cargo shipments have been lost to the deep of late, even with pirates protecting them. I'm not about to lose any sleep over a few soggy silk crates, but the fact that these would-be Merchants haven't been seen since their ships went down is…concerning. Of course, Mollie cares more about the cargo than the crews. She wants pirates to be her bloodhounds, sniffing out any missing Manifests and returning them. She's promised to pay handsomely, but if you ask me, the real treasure is whatever treasure's still aboard those wrecks. Assuming you can find a way to reach the good stuff.
What was all that about danger?
Well, something or someone is responsible for more missing crews - only now, it's the pirates who were acting as cargo runners for the Merchant Alliance. I doubt it's Graymarrow's minions this time, not after we gave them such a good beating during the Festival of the Damned! But if not… Anyway, I hear that even the Order of Souls have taken an interest in the disappearances. Who knows? They may step outside for once and get involved. If anything happens that needs a pirate presence, I'll be sure to slip you a note. Until then, keep your wits about you, just like always.
Do you have a crew of your own?
Heh, maybe it's arrogant of me, but I like to think of every Bilge Rat as a crewmate! In spirit, at least. Truth be told, I came to the Sea of Thieves by myself as a stowaway, then I crewed up with a bunch of misfits - and the rest is history. That reminds me… rumour has it that some silky-voiced pirate back home has been telling everyone my life story! I should look into that…
There you are! Guess who found Duke's stash of special Voyages? I may be willing to share them with the right pirates… this is the time of giving after all!
What else do the Bilge Rats have planned?
Well, this time of year is a celebration we like to call the 'Festival of Giving.' Even among pirates, a little generosity once in a while can't hurt. Last year was a bit of an embarrassment for us, given that Duke's replacement ended up delivering gifts straight to the doorstep of a very shady individual… To make up for that, I've arranged a dozen special Challenges with some very nice rewards. It's my way of thanking pirates for sticking by the Bilge Rats! You'll have until the festival is over to complete them, so there'll be plenty of time to kick back in the tavern and have some fun. I know I intend to!
So how is Duke, really?
The thing is, Duke believes in this life more than anyone. The freedom of these seas and the thrill of the pirate life are what he lives for! But, he lacks discipline… he'd as soon unleash a seabound soul as offer a stash of Reaper's Chests if it meant a new story to share over a grog or three! The thing that Duke needs to learn is that we all need to believe in something… we all need something to hold true to. Duke has gone on too long holding on to the promise of sharing stories and not belonging. It's time he found an adventure he could truly believe in. He'll be fine! Some more time with his feet in the sand and a clear view of the horizon will set his course… Remember - people can always surprise you! These seas could still make Duke the pirate he was always meant to be!
What's all this about 'special voyages'?
Well, you know Duke! He had a habit of plotting his schemes as he looked for the next great adventure to offer his daring followers. Turns out he'd stashed Gilded Gifts, as well as maps that lead to hidden caches of black powder and who knows what else? Now, he doesn't know that I'm offering you his old Voyages, but I have a feeling he either won't know or won't mind! He… well, let's just say that Duke has been through some trials - he's seen a lot. None of it too helpful to the fate of these seas. I'd give him time if I were you. He'll find his next calling to adventure when he's ready. For now, let the Lagoon of Whispers clear his mind!
Let's keep this short. We've almost got those damned skellies beaten, and I don't want to get distracted!
What about the Festival of the Damned?
Oh, we're celebrating, just like always! It takes more than the threat of impending doom to keep pirates away from a good time. When I first arrived here, I must admit I found it strange to hold a festival in honour of the Ferryman. He's not exactly a party animal! Still, if pirates want to throw themselves down a shark's gullet for the sake of a nicely-coloured lantern, who am I to judge? We're offering rewards for anyone who can complete our Festival Challenges, so you'll probably see ships and beacons burning all kinds of bright. Duke used to call them 'party boats' - but then, he would, wouldn't he? If you're feeling brave, you could try asking the Ferryman about them…
You seem a little preoccupied…
You're a sharp one… We've been waging a month-long war against skellies who've been wreaking havoc across the Sea of Thieves. They've gotten it into their skulls to try and summon the ghost of Graymarrow and pit him against Flameheart! Idiots, the lot of them. As if that weren't bad enough, their half-baked attempts at the ritual have caused an ocean-wide plague - Shadows of Fate. They're cropping up all over the map, so watch yourself out there. Your weapons won't even land a blow if you don't know what you're doing. I've lost a lot of loyal Bilge Rats, but the tide finally seems to be turning. We have to push on and recover every last Ritual Skull!
If there's a fight, count me in!
That's the spirit! There are Voyages for sale in the Black Market that'll set you on the hunt for the skellies and a ritual site. If you ask around, you'll likely discover traces of the unfortunate Bilge Rats who went to stop the rituals… and met Graymarrow. You'll also need to watch out for Shadows of Fate, as they can only be made vulnerable by flames brought back from the Ferry. I'm not saying it won't be dangerous, but if we all pull together we can strike one last blow and put a stop to the skellies for good. I'd love to be out there in person, but there's simply too much to organise. Oh, well. Complaining doesn't help smash skulls…
If you're on the hunt for shadow skellies, you're just in time! I've a fresh stash of Voyages now that we know who's behind it all…
What about the Festival of the Damned?
Oh, we're celebrating, just like always! It takes more than the threat of impending doom to keep pirates away from a good time. When I first arrived here, I must admit I found it strange to hold a festival in honour of the Ferryman. He's not exactly a party animal! Still, if pirates want to throw themselves down a shark's gullet for the sake of a nicely-coloured lantern, who am I to judge? We're offering rewards for anyone who can complete our Festival Challenges, so you'll probably see ships and beacons burning all kinds of bright. Duke used to call them 'party boats' - but then, he would, wouldn't he? If you're feeling brave, you could try asking the Ferryman about them…
Someone's up to no good?
Not just any someone, but a Skeleton Lord named Graymarrow - or what's left of him. I thought he'd been destroyed, though a few pirates swore they'd encountered his ghost while poking around the Fort of the Damned. Now some skellies are trying to bring him back from the dead! Well, even more dead. Ghost skeletons make my head hurt. At least now I know what happened to my Bilge Rats. Graymarrow has a nasty habit of binding his enemies' souls to cursed objects. Once this is over, I'll be having a little chat with that Pendragon fellow about putting those poor crews to rest…
You mentioned a skeleton hunt…
Needs must, I'm afraid. As skellies have been messing about with Dark Relics, they've been opening fissures to the Sea of the Damned. They don't last for long, but it's more than enough time for Shadows of Fate to escape and start roaming the islands. They're a real menace if you're not prepared for them, so I've been recruiting pirates to hunt them down and do what they do best. This week, most of the sightings have occurred in the Devil's Roar. I suppose the skellies think we won't follow them there. Hah! I've added free Voyages to the Black Market and will pay for recovered Ritual Skulls. Hopefully that'll be enough incentive to help.
Ah, good timing! You must be here to help with our skelly situation… Or did you just come here to browse the Black Market?
What about the Festival of the Damned?
Oh, we're celebrating, just like always! It takes more than the threat of impending doom to keep pirates away from a good time. When I first arrived here, I must admit I found it strange to hold a festival in honour of the Ferryman. He's not exactly a party animal! Still, if pirates want to throw themselves down a shark's gullet for the sake of a nicely-coloured lantern, who am I to judge? We're offering rewards for anyone who can complete our Festival Challenges, so you'll probably see ships and beacons burning all kinds of bright. Duke used to call them 'party boats' - but then, he would, wouldn't he? If you're feeling brave, you could try asking the Ferryman about them…
What's this about skeletons?
Ugh. If you must know, you're not the first person I've told about this. Duke had a bad habit of shoving others headlong into danger. That's why I already sent crews of Bilge Rats to learn the truth of the matter and document anything they discovered, see if it was worth our time. I thought I was being cautious. Trouble is, my crews never came back from their Voyages! At this rate, I'm going to run out of recruits… I'm hoping that anyone brave enough to accept a Voyage from me will learn not just about the skellies, but also the fate of my people.
The Bilge Rats need my help?
Let's just say we wouldn't say no to anyone who's willing to follow in our footsteps and maybe stomp a few skulls along the way. Bilge Rats are tough, but I've already lost several crews to whatever's out there. Crews who should be back from the Ferry by now… Still, that's for me to worry about. If you do decide to help, though, I'd love to get more information about what exactly happened to my people. I've heard one or two accounts of strange ritual sites and scattered relics. If you find any proof of that, bring it to me for a reward! Well, I've said all I know. Whether you decide to help or not, watch your back out in the Ancient Isles. You might not be alone…
Greetings, pirate! Looking to part with your doubloons? Or can I tempt you into something more exciting than a shopping spree?
What about the Festival of the Damned?
Oh, we're celebrating, just like always! It takes more than the threat of impending doom to keep pirates away from a good time. When I first arrived here, I must admit I found it strange to hold a festival in honour of the Ferryman. He's not exactly a party animal! Still, if pirates want to throw themselves down a shark's gullet for the sake of a nicely-coloured lantern, who am I to judge? We're offering rewards for anyone who can complete our Festival Challenges, so you'll probably see ships and beacons burning all kinds of bright. Duke used to call them 'party boats' - but then, he would, wouldn't he? If you're feeling brave, you could try asking the Ferryman about them…
I like the sound of 'exciting'!
Who doesn't? I'm trying to solve a mystery right now, and you might be able to help if you've a ship and a nose for trouble. A while back, I started hearing rumours that pirates had spotted Shadows of Fate, lurking on islands in the Shores of Plenty and the Wilds. Oh, sorry - that's Duke's name for them. I'm talking about those shadowy skellies that are a little more… colourful than usual.
You're being pretty secretive…
We know very little about them, but they mostly seem to appear when pirates launch a raid upon the Fort of the Damned. They're pretty dangerous, so if they really are spreading across the sea, we need to find out why. Oh, and destroy them all. Obviously. If you'd like to join our investigation, I'm offering Voyages in the Black Market. Free to anyone who thinks they can help!
Hey, share a grog with me! I'm Larinna, founder of the Bilge Rats. I've got Black Market deals for you and Voyages to launch your next adventure.
You're the founder of the Bilge Rats?
Yep, it was all my fault! I took a bunch of lost merchants and sailors and taught them the truth of the pirate life… to love your freedom! It's not about Trading Companies or getting rich or even becoming a Legend, if you ask me. It's about being in the moment. So I ended up founding the Bilge Rats, a place for any pirate misfit who just wants to follow their nose and get into scrapes and adventures. We don't have a leader. But if we did, it would be me.
Wait, what happened to Duke?
Ah, Duke was always the most friendly face in the Bilge Rats and never far from the tavern, but he got a little complacent. He made some mistakes… his Voyages started to get a little stale, don't you think? Too much time in here instead of out there! I think the Trading Companies rubbed off on him too much. This Black Market business reminds me of them. Some amazing stock, though… We talked it over and he left to stay with his friend Umbra. Leaving me stuck here instead… huh.
Will you still sell Black Market goods?
Yes, I promised Duke I would. I'll admit, I like making coin right under the Trading Companies' noses… let's call it the 'Bilge Rat grog fund'! Maybe I've been gone too long. It's time to put some thought into how the Bilge Rats will move with the times. It's nice to be nearby to Athena's Fortune, though. I love popping in for a visit and rejecting the Pirate Lord's offers to become a Legend. I may be the first person to give a ghost a headache.
Larinna as she appears in the official Who's Who article[1].