The Herald of the Flame

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Disambig.svg This article is about the Adventure. For the Skeleton Lord, see Herald of the Flame.
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Intruders! Kneel, and tremble before the Herald of the Flame!
Herald of the Flame, The Herald of the Flame

The Herald of the Flame is the eighth Adventure in Sea of Thieves, and followed the prophecy behind the Time of Resurrection at the hands of the Herald of the Flame and Belle's attempts to uncover the truth behind it. As well as Stitcher Jim's first appearance since his involvement during the Heart of Fire Tall Tale.

Official summary

Before the Sea of Thieves had so much as been given its name, Stitcher Jim was working to undermine it. Sneaking into Ramsey’s pirate paradise and beginning his days as a devoted servant of the Gold Hoarder, Jim eventually found himself switching sides after being saved from a fiery fate in The Devil’s Roar.

His rescuer was none other than Wanda, the Warsmith, at the time fiercely loyal to Flameheart. Jim immediately pledged his own allegiance to the Flame, all too eager to throw his lot in with the Reapers if it meant being in the good books of both his ‘beloved’ and the world’s most dangerous pirate – classic Stitcher Jim, in other words. He masqueraded as a Bilge Rat to acquire valuable resources, helped construct The Reaper’s Hideout and ultimately fooled Arthur Pendragon into freeing Flameheart’s spirit.

And yet, Jim’s loyalty was repaid with unexpected betrayal during the ‘Heart of Fire’ Tall Tale, when he became an unwitting sacrifice in Flameheart’s plan to summon the Ashen Lords. Jim fled the scene in a blind panic, and nobody has laid eyes on him since that fateful day. This leaves Belle unsure of what part, if any, Stitcher Jim is destined to play in the battle ahead.

It’s a question that may not be left unanswered for long, as the normally tumultuous Devil’s Roar has fallen eerily silent. Believing that the Time of Resurrection is almost at hand, Belle prepares to summon her pirate allies once more, hoping that they will uncover the truth behind the prophecy – and the whereabouts of the Herald of the Flame.

Events that have been unfolding since ‘Heart of Fire’ will reach a crescendo when ‘The Herald of the Flame’ launches on October 13th. You’ll have two weeks to scout for Stitcher Jim before the Adventure reaches its end on October 27th, so get ready to return to his hideout at Liar’s Backbone and finish what was started all those months ago. Oh, and be sure to keep an eye out for an old friend along the way…

Adventure Recap before Return of the Damned

Damned if You Do

When it comes to reviving their infamous leader, Captain Flameheart’s followers have clearly been playing the long game. Even before The Reaper’s Hideout was completed, Dark Relics were being gathered and the island known as Old Boot Fort repurposed as a ritual site – one intended to perfect the practice of summoning spirits back from the Sea of the Damned.

Once his soul had been unleashed by an unwitting Captain Pendragon, Flameheart wasted little time in deploying dangerous Ashen Lords and marshalling Ghost Ship armadas to menace the Sea of Thieves, but he himself was little more than a spectral onlooker in these encounters. Trapped beyond the veil, there was only so much influence Captain Flameheart could exert.

Now, though, the pieces are in place to empower a ritual that will restore Flameheart to physical form. This would potentially allow him to take charge of The Reaper’s Bones, although the devious warmonger may well have other ambitions in mind of which not even the Servant of the Flame is aware…

How to Get a Head in Business

Said physical form, as it turned out, was being meticulously restored by Stitcher Jim, having returned to the Reapers to fulfil his role as the Herald of the Flame. Once Jim’s involvement was confirmed and his work had forced him out of hiding, it was these preternatural preparations that gave the Pirate Lord’s allies their opportunity to strike.

A desperate assault on Molten Sands Fortress led to the defeat of Stitcher Jim and, courtesy of a triumphant Pendragon and his Sword of Souls, destruction of the skull that would have completed Flameheart’s body. Belle was convinced that this victory had put paid to any chance of Flameheart’s revival – but even in death, the Herald of the Flame had one last part to play…

With Flameheart’s remains and Stitcher Jim’s skull recovered from the aftermath of Molten Sands, the Reapers have used every last trick at their disposal to ensure the prophesised Time of Resurrection proceeds as planned. Should they succeed, their ragtag assembly of bones and brimstone will be transformed into a fully formed Skeleton Lord: Captain Flameheart, just as he appeared in his prime.


Deeds are challenges related to the Adventure but reward renown, and the Quencher of the Flame title if all are completed.

  • Meet Belle at Liar's Backbone
    • Belle has called for your help. Find her at Stitcher Jim's old hideout.
  • Receive an Enchanted Lantern
    • Belle's ally possesses a valuable tool that will help you in your search.
  • Find all visions of Stitcher Jim
    • Memories of Jim's past actions will help you track him down. (7)
  • Find hidden Reaper Scouts
    • Use the lantern to find memories of creatures spying on Stitcher Jim. (3)
  • Examine Stitcher Jim's Journals (3)
    • Stitcher Jim left three journals in his wake. What secrets might they reveal? (3)
  • Defeat the Herald of the Flame
    • A shadowy figure spoken of in Ancient prophecy, who must be stopped at all costs!
  • Complete the Adventure
    • Return to Belle with triumphant news of the Herald's defeat.


Image Memento Description Requirement
Stitcher's Stitches.png Stitcher's Stitches "A jacket modelled on a hardy waistcoat, first donned by Stitcher Jim when he joined the Bilge Rats." Complete The Herald of the Flame Adventure to earn this Memento.
Quencher of the Flame emblem.png Quencher of the Flame "A Title awarded to those who defeated the Herald of the Flame and ended his ritual." Complete all Deeds in The Herald of the Flame Adventure to earn this Title.


Chapter One: The Adventure Begins... / Reunion in the Roar

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Belle has called for your aid at Liar's Backbone. Sail into The Wilds and learn what has her so unsettled...
— Quest Journal


  1. As you approach any Outpost tavern, Larinna can be heard beckoning you over. Speak with her and select the "[BEGIN ADVENTURE] You say someone's looking for me?" dialogue option.
  2. Once Larinna has delivered the dialogue, you will receive a note directing you to Liar's Backbone.

Liar's Backbone

  1. On Liar's Backbone, enter Stitcher Jim's lair by pulling a lever by a cave entrance to the west.
  2. Inside, speak with Belle and select the "[COMPLETE CHAPTER] I got your message. You need my help?" dialogue option to complete Chapter One.

Chapter Two: Search for a Scoundrel / A Prophecy Revealed

Liar's Backbone

  1. Speak with Belle and select the "[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] So, I need to hunt down Stitcher Jim?" dialogue option to begin Chapter One.
  2. One Belle has delivered the dialogue, you will receive a note directing you to The Devil's Thirst.

The Devil's Thirst

Location of the first Reaper Scout.
  1. On The Devil's Thirst, speak with Pendragon on the north beach.
  2. You will receive Pendragon's Enchanted Lantern in your Quest Radial.
    • Optional Deed: A "Reaper Scout" can be found upon the rock behind Pendragon.
      Location of the second Reaper Scout.
  3. Raise the lantern nearby to see a vision of Stitcher Jim carrying a Chest of Rage.
  4. Speak with Pendragon nearby to receive a clue to the next vision location on this island. Repeat this step twice more with two more visions:
    1. The second vision is within a group of burnt trees across the water to the south.
    2. The third is on the far south-east beach, at the base of the volcano.
  5. Upon speaking to Pendragon after the third vision, you will receive a map in your Quest Radial showing the location of where to find both the Sun Vault, and the Sun Vault Key on Ashen Reaches.
    • Optional Deed: A "Reaper Scout" can be found upon the rock to the left of Pendragon.

Ashen Reaches

Location of the third Reaper Scout.
  1. On Ashen Reaches, dig where the X marks the spot is shown on the map you were given.
  2. Meet with Pendragon in the cave where the Sun Vault is marked on the map you were given. Insert the key into the nearby pedestal to open the vault door.
    • Optional Deed: A "Reaper Scout" can be found just above the pedestal the key is inserted at.
  3. Once inside, light the flames on the table with your lantern, then raise Pendragon's Enchanted Lantern to reveal a vision of Stitcher Jim reciting "death to Flameheart".
  4. Find etchings on the walls which, when read, translate into words.
  5. Using these translations turn blocks in the vault to write "death to Flameheart" in Skeleton Runes. When correct, press the central button.
  6. If the solution is correct when the button is pressed, a small door at the back will open revealing a note directing you to Flintlock Peninsula.
    • Optional Deed: Read a journal in by the table in this vault room.

Flintlock Peninsula

  1. On Flintlock Peninsula, raise Pendragon's Enchanted Lantern on the south beach to reveal a vision of Stitcher Jim speaking with The Servant of the Flame.
  2. Speak with Pendragon nearby to receive a note directing you to Flameheart's tomb on the island, in a cave to the north of your current location.
  3. Raise Pendragon's Enchanted Lantern in the cave to reveal another vision.
  4. Speak with Pendragon nearby for the tomb door to open.
  5. Raise Pendragon's Enchanted Lantern within the tomb to reveal another vision.
    • Optional Deed: Read a journal by a skull pile to the right in the tomb.
  6. Speak with Pendragon nearby to receive a note directing you back to Belle on Liar's Backbone.

Liar's Backbone

  1. On Liar's Backbone, speak with Belle and select the "[COMPLETE CHAPTER] Jim is the Herald. He's preparing a body..." dialogue option to complete Chapter Two.

Chapter Three: A Fiery Fate / The Battle Begins / Adventure Complete

NOTE: Chapter Three of functions like a forced world event, and has a short "cooldown" (≈3 minutes) between plays. If you don't see the option to continue with chapter three then ensure Molten Sands Fortress was not recently or currently active. In addition, you may help other crews with this chapter and share credit.

Liar's Backbone

  1. Speak with Belle and select the "[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] I'm ready to confront the Herald." dialogue option to begin Chapter Three.
  2. Once Belle has delivered the dialogue, you will receive a note directing you to Molten Sands Fortress.

Molten Sands Fortress

  1. On Molten Sands Fortress, marked by a red and green tornado, you will find Stitcher Jim as the Herald of the Flame. Approach the ritual to begin the battle.
  2. Once all three waves are completed and the Herald of the Flame has been defeated, speak with Pendragon in the fort's vault in the cave.
    • Optional Deed: Read a journal on the right in this vault room.
  3. After a short section of spoken dialogue, you will receive a note directing you back to Belle on Liar's Backbone.

Liar's Backbone

  1. Speak with Belle and select the "[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] We did it! We stopped the ritual!" dialogue option.
  2. After a short section of spoken dialogue, the Adventure will complete and Stitcher's Stitches will be awarded immediately.


Chapter One dialogue

Beginning Chapter One


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Hey there, pirate. Or should that be 'Captain'? I'm seeing a lot of new ships on the seas these days...

Why did you call me a Captain?

You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command He'll even help you give it a name!
Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition.
Once you own a ship, the Shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time.
On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them.
Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now...

Who's this Stitcher Jim you mentioned?

If you never crosses path with Stitcher Jim you should count yourself lucky. He's tricked or betrayed just about everyone he's ever met, including Grace and the Forsaken Shores Alliance.
He used to do the bidding of the Gold Hoarder back in the day, until his past caught up with him. He was left for dead out in the Devil's Roar, and that was where he met a Masked Stranger.
I have no idea if Jim knew the Warsmith was under that pretty mask. Seriously, I'd rather not think about it! But I do know she made Jim swear a new oath to serve Captain Flameheart.
That's when they played us all for fools, redirecting supplies to create The Reaper's Hideout and working in the shadows to bring Flameheart back to the Sea of Thieves.
And then... Well, when he was no longer useful, they say Flameheart turned on him. Stitcher Jim fled, and that was the last anyone saw of him. But if you ask me, he still hasn't gotten everything he deserves...


(Voiceover starts and Chapter One begins)


That's right. Belle wants your help over at Liar's Backbone.
I don't know what business she has out there, but if Stitcher Jim is involved it's going to lead to trouble. Watch your back!

After Chapter One has Begun


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You seem to have impressed Belle - she's asking for your help over at Liar's Backbone! Maybe she knows why the Devil's Roar has gone so quiet...



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Ah, you're here! I knew I could rely on Larinna to reach you.

[COMPLETE CHAPTER] I got your message. You need my help?

(Voiceover starts and Chapter One Ends)


I'm glad it reached you. Time is against us, but I'm told you can never be too cautious when dealing with Stitcher Jim.
I'm sure you have questions, but we must be swift. If what I've learned is true, Flameheart's rebirth is much closer than we thought...

Chapter Two dialogue

Beginning Chapter Two


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To think that such important truths lay buried in this den of lies...

What are you doing all the way out here?

I have been continuing my research into the Time of Resurrection. I still believe this is when Flameheart's followers intent to bring about their master's revival.
The Ancient prophecy is very clear: Flameheart's return shall be preceded by the arrival of a harbinger - the Herald of the Flame.
Everything I've learned here suggests that this Herald is actually Stitcher Jim, and the calming of the Devil's Roar suggests his time is at hand.
And yet, Larinna says Jim fled after Flameheart betrayed him. I don't believe he ever came back here, nor has he been spotted on the seas since then.
We cannot afford to pursue the wrong man, or the true Herald may slip through our fingers. That is why I am asking for your help...

What is this place exactly?

You might call it an abandoned rat's nest. Or to put it more bluntly: this was the lair of Stitcher Jim during his time serving Flameheart.
When I arrived, it had clearly been abandoned for some time, but I found plenty of material relating to an Ancient prophecy, likely penned by Jim himself.
It must have been part of the Warsmith's larger plan. Construct The Reaper's Hideout, release Flameheart's spirit and prepare Jim for his unwitting role as Herald.
It's curious, though... From what Arthur has told me, Flameheart's remains were shattered when his spirit was unleashed - sundered by the Sword of Souls.
Without an intact body, let alone his Herald, there should be no way for Flameheart to reclaim his physical form... Clearly, I have much more to uncover.

[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] So, I need to hunt down Stitcher Jim?

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Two begins)

(When a crew member is too far away.) Before we continue, you must gather your crew. There is strength in numbers, and it will be sorely needed...


The Ancient prophecy was quite clear. The Herald of the Flame shall rise, to pave the way for Flameheart's rebirth.
Even so, we cannot afford to make mistakes. Before we think of chasing down Stitcher Jim, we must be certain that he truly is this 'Herald'.
I've sent a friend to scour the Devil's Thirst - the last place anyone ever saw Stitcher Jim alive.
So long as the region remains dormant, you should be able to join them in searching for the truth.
Once you have proof of Stitcher Jim's involvement, return to me. I'll find out everything I can about the Herald's role in what's to come.
I only hope we can find some way to stop them...

During Chapter Two


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We must be certain of the Herald's identity. Begin your search at The Devil's Thirst, the island where Stitcher Jim was last seen...


Sir Arthur Pendragon

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Ah, a familiar face! When Belle told me she planned to recruit some assistance, I suspected we might be running into one another out here.
For my part, I'm all too eager to learn what happened to Stitcher Jim. Herald or not, I have rather a lot I want to say to him, though I doubt he'll enjoy hearing it.
But all that can wait. What matters right now is establishing whether he's mixed up in this resurrection business. Prophecies have a way of misleading people...
To start with, you should take this lantern. As I'm sure you're aware, in living hands its flame can reveal visions of the past.
To learn where Stitcher Jim is now, we should follow in his footsteps - starting just noth of here, by the entrance to Flameheart's lair. The Heart of Fire...


Vision: Stitcher Jim carrying a Chest of Rage

Stitcher Jim

Hush, now, no use screaming in there. If the Master wants souls, that's what the Master gets.
Heh heh... I'll give the Ashen Lords your regards.


Here we are. The Start of Jim's trail, and of his treachery.

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Seeing Vision One)

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Even though I know my crew are safe, it brings me no pleasure to relive them being held captive like this. Their souls were very nearly lost forever.
As their Captain, i made a promise that I would always protect them. Stitcher Jim came dangerously close to breaking my vow.
Now then... We lack the key, and thus our chance to follow Jim's trail through the Heart of Fire - but perhaps there's no need to put you in harm's way.
No matter what secret path Stitcher took to flee from Flameheart, he would have had to drag himself back to the surface sooner or later In order to escape.
If memory serves, there's an underwater passageway not far from here. Head south-west along the shoreline, and see what the lantern can uncover...


Sir Arthur Pendragon: Second Interaction

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A submerged exit from the Heart of Fire lies south-west of here. Search the shoreline with my lantern, and see if you can't find us a half-drowned rat...


Vision: Stitcher Jim becoming cursed

Stitcher Jim

My arm... It won't stop burning!
They planned this, both of them! Using me, stringing me along!

(Anguished cry)

I won't let them take me!


So, the deceiver got a taste of his own medicine... Let's see what else we can find.

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Seeing Vision Two)

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Well, we can be certain that Stitcher Jim didn't linger here once Flameheart's betrayal became clear. He must have had some means of escape...
It seems to me that he was heading south, along the base of the volcano. Perhaps he was making for some kind of ship? We should investigate.
Y'know, Jim captured my crew for the sake of his own convenience. He needed personal effects, and he'd already taking their belongings from the Blackwyche.
I always assumed Flameheart had behaved in the same manner. Stitcher Jim was a convenient pawn, but he'd have found another if it became necessary.
But if all of this really was prophesied countless years ago, then maybe... Ah, but that's a rumination for another time. Let's press on.


Sir Arthur Pendragon: Second Interaction

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Stitcher Jim was fleeing south, in the shadow of the volcano. Perhaps he'd sequestered a ship of some kind there? If so, the lantern will reveal all...


Vision: Stitcher Jim escaping with rowboat

Stitcher Jim

Can't go back... Not safe... That place I never showed her... Need the key...
Gaaah, this blasted arm!


Here, now, this should prove useful.

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Seeing Vision Three)

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Lost and alone, without a friend in the world, being burned alive from the inside... It almost makes you feel sorry for the man.
Even so, it seems Jim was wily enough to have some kind of sanctuary - a place to lick his wounds that not even Flameheart knew about.
It likewise seems that gaining access requires some kind of totem key. Your first step should be to set sail in Jim's wake and see if you can't claim it yourself.
His destination appears to be the island known as Ashen Reaches. I'm no cartographer, but I should be able to create a reasonable facsimile of that map...


Sir Arthur Pendragon: Second Interaction

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Journey to Ashen Reaches and retrieve the key to Stitcher Jim's hideout. The map in your possession should give you a good idea of where to dig...


Finding Jim's Hideout on Ashen Reaches


I used to have rather a knack for this sort of thing. The vault key should fit somewhere around here.

Sir Arthur Pendragon (Before Opening the Sun Vault)

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Stitcher Jim's lair should be somewhere around here, but to get inside you'll need to find a suitable spot to place the totem...

What should I do with this totem key?

The area ringed on your map contains the entrance to an underground chamber known as the Sun Vault. A spot to place the totem should be nearby.
Look for a switch or pressure plate on which so set the totem down, and the path into the vault should reveal itself. My lantern will do the rest.

[FAIL ADVENTURE] I don't have the key any more.

Cancels Adventure

Vision: Stitcher Jim's dwindling sanity

Stitcher Jim

Glory to Flameheart! No! No? No glory, only death. Death to Flameheart! Now and always...
Hush now! Can't speak. Mustn't be heard! Mustn't be caught...


Whatever Flameheart did to Stitcher Jim, his mind clearly couldn't take it. I wonder how long he spent down here...

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Seeing Vision Four)

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Lurking in the shadows of an Ancient treasure vault... Jim would have had plenty of time to unearth its secrets. It seems he tried a little redecoration, too.
He's clearly no longer making use of this place, however, which means we need to work out where he went next - and for what purpose.
The scrawlings he made on those blocks might be meaningful in some way. You should investigate thoroughly before heading back outside. We'll only have one chance...


Sir Arthur Pendragon: Second Interaction

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Stitcher Jim must have had some reason to paint runes around the chamber. See what you can find, but stay within the vault. We don't want that door closing!


Finding Jim's Journal Page


It seems we've uncovered our next destination...

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Finding Jim's Journal Page)

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Well, the truth is there before us, plain as day. Jim was so blinded by fury at his fate, he decided to take revenge on Flameheart himself, as best he could.
If Jim's motive was to destroy Flameheart's remains and prevent any hope of his resurrection, however, it's hard to believe he could truly be this Herald of the Flame...
The only way to know if he succeeded is to make our own way to Flintlock Peninsula and examine Flameheart's tomb for ourselves.
With a little luck, you'll be able to tell Belle that the Ancient prophecy will not be coming to pass. Imagine the irony! An age of peace, ushered in by Stitcher Jim.


Sir Arthur Pendragon: Second Interaction

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We need to know if Jim succeeded in his quest to destroy Flameheart's remains. Let us journey to Flintlock Peninsula and learn what we can.


Vision: Stitcher Jim arrives at Flintlock

Stitcher Jim

You... here to finish what he started?


Father did not betray you. Father rewarded you, though you did not care to accept. Rise, and I shall explain...


An unexpected meeting... And a troubling one.

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Seeing Vision Five)

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It would appear that whatever Flameheart intended for Stitcher Jim, the man fled before it could play out. I wonder how long the Servant's scouts spent searching for him...
Regardless, this encounter changes things. The Reaper's Bones would not have stood idly by and let Jim take his revenge against Flameheart. Something else must have transpired here.
I don't relish walking these shores again, not after last time, but I supposed we must keep moving. One way or another, Flameheart's tomb in the caves to the north will provide out answers.


Sir Arthur Pendragon: Second Interaction

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An old galleon lies on the western shore. East of that is a cave system - and inside, the entrance to Flameheart's tomb. A monument to my greatest mistake...


Vision: Stitcher Jim is persuaded

Stitcher Jim

You're telling me this was all part of his plan?


No plan. Prophecy. Fate has chosen you, but there is much to do before you take your rightful place in history...


Looks like Belle was right after all. Let's see what we can learn inside...

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Seeing Vision Six)

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The Servant spoke of the prophecy. I don't think there can be any more room for doubt. Stitcher Jim truely is the Herald of the Flame.
And yet, I can't help wondering what Jim's role in all of this is meant to be. All that should lie beyond that door is a headless cadaver!
The last time I set eyes upon this tomb, I was blinded by Jim's trickery. Now I need to see the truth for myself.


Vision: Stitcher Jim's reward

Stitcher Jim

I've done all that I can, but with the skull in pieces...


No matter. From our enemies, we have learned that Father can be made whole once more.
We shall prepare the ritual, but first - approach the chalice, and drink deep. Your reward is waiting...


I hate to say this, but it seems we've found all the proof we need.

Sir Arthur Pendragon (After Seeing Vision Seven)

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An empty tomb, and a truth that can no be denied. Stitcher Jim was indeed working here, reconstructing Flameheart's broken body ready for the Time of Resurrection!
Let me think... Without the skull, bones are just bones. The body must be complete before it can be used as a vessel. And that ritual can hardly be performed in secret...
The time has come to part ways, at least for the moment. Return to Belle. Warn her of everything that we've learned - and all that is yet to come.
If this is our last chance to prevent Flameheart's rebirth, we're going to need all the help we can get.


Sir Arthur Pendragon: Second Interaction

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Return to Liar's Backbone as quickly as possible and tell Belle what we've learned about Flameheart, the Herald, the skull... If we hurry, we still have a chance to stop his ritual!



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Back already? That suggest you and Arthur have found something...

[COMPLETE CHAPTER] Jim is the Herald. He's preparing a body...

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Two ends)


What...? No! It can only have been Plunder Valley... They must have been spying on me all along.
Well, two can play at that game... My allies have located the Herald's ritual site.
Take time to gather supplies. Once you're prepared, return to me, and we'll put an end to this prophecy once and for all.

Chapter Three dialogue

Beginning Chapter Three

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To think that such important truths lay buried in this den of lies...

What are you doing all the way out here?

I have been continuing my research into the Time of Resurrection. I still believe this is when Flameheart's followers intent to bring about their master's revival.
The Ancient prophecy is very clear: Flameheart's return shall be preceded by the arrival of a harbinger - the Herald of the Flame.
Everything I've learned here suggests that this Herald is actually Stitcher Jim, and the calming of the Devil's Roar suggests his time is at hand.
And yet, Larinna says Jim fled after Flameheart betrayed him. I don't believe he ever came back here, nor has he been spotted on the seas since then.
We cannot afford to pursue the wrong man, or the true Herald may slip through our fingers. That is why I am asking for your help...

What is this place exactly?

You might call it an abandoned rat's nest. Or to put it more bluntly: this was the lair of Stitcher Jim during his time serving Flameheart.
When I arrived, it had clearly been abandoned for some time, but I found plenty of material relating to an Ancient prophecy, likely penned by Jim himself.
It must have been part of the Warsmith's larger plan. Construct The Reaper's Hideout, release Flameheart's spirit and prepare Jim for his unwitting role as Herald.
It's curious, though... From what Arthur has told me, Flameheart's remains were shattered when his spirit was unleashed - sundered by the Sword of Souls.
Without an intact body, let alone his Herald, there should be no way for Flameheart to reclaim his physical form... Clearly, I have much more to uncover.

[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] I'm ready to confront the Herald.

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Three begins)

[REPLAY CHAPTER] I'm here to help you with your search.

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Two begins)

(When a crew member is too far away.) Before we continue, you must gather your crew. There is strength in numbers, and it will be sorely needed...


Very well. The ritual is taking place at Molten Sands Fortress. You should expect it to be heavily defended.
If Flameheart's body is restored, the way will be clear for his return to the Sea of Thieves.
I have given Pendragon's blade power to obliterate the skull once and for all, but you'll need to buy him time to use it.
Set sail and join him at Molten Sands. I will send you all the aid I can...

During Chapter Three


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If Stitcher Jim completes his ritual, Flameheart's body will be complete and ready for the TIme of Resurrection. Head to Molten Sands Fortress and do whatever it takes to stop him!

[REPLAY CHAPTER] I'm here to help you with your search.

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Two begins)

(When a crew member is too far away.) Before we continue, you must gather your crew. There is strength in numbers, and it will be sorely needed...

Herald of the Flame

Arrival on Molten Sands Fortress

Herald of the Flame

Intruders! Kneel, and tremble before the Herald of the Flame!


Facing the Herald... It's the only way!

(Battle dialogue is still being gathered)

Herald of the Flame: Battle Dialogue

• [Short chuckling laugh]
• Fight for the Herald of the Flame!

Arrival at Molten Sands Treasure Vault


Now's our chance! Let's see what this Sword of Souls is really made of...

Slides the Sword of Souls across Flameheart's Skull.


Collapses to his knees, the skull destroyed.

It's done... At long last, the suffering, all the chaos I unwittingly unleashed... Never again.
Our struggle today might just have saved the Sea of Thieves from devastation. Why not return to Belle and deliver the good news? I have a few final tasks to take care of...


Dialogue icon.png

With its skull oblitherated, Flameheart cannot return to his body. I belueve that this time, we've finally succeded in preventing his return.
I'll stay here and mop up any lingering Phantoms. You should return to Belle at Liar's Backbone and deliver the good news in person!



Dialogue icon.png

I saw Molten Sands erupting just now! Did you defeat the Herald?

[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] We did it! We stopped the ritual!

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Three ends)

End of the Adventure


Excellent! At last, we have the upper hand against the Servant and his followers. Once Ramsey hears of this, pirates all across the waves will be cheering your name.

Pendragon Arrives


I fear it may be too soon for celebration.
I was eager to tie up any loose ends, so once the dust had settled, I returned to the ritual site.
I'm sorry to say that Flameheart's remains are missing - and so is Stitcher Jim.
It seems I'll never be able to make amends for all the damage I've done!


Enough of that, Arthur. The Champion of Souls cannot afford to wallow in despair - not when the seas are still in danger.


You're right, of course... Even so, we should assume the worst. When exactly is this 'Time of Resurrection' mentioned in the prophecy?


It is tied to an annual conjunction between the worlds - though I believe pirates here prefer to call it 'The Festival of the Damned'.


That 'festival' is almost upon us... What can we do?


I don't know. Not yet. But we're all in this together. I'll just have to find us an answer...


Until you do, my ship, my crew, and my blade are yours. This all began aboard the Blachwyche... It seems only fitting that it should end there.


Three journals are written by Stitcher Jim hidden in key locations visited during the Adventure. The book covers depicts a lit beacon with a large, orange flame burning.


(By the central table in the Sun Vault on Ashen Reaches.)

Dialogue icon.png

my beloved my master my jim this a nightmare must be why not wake up just wake up wake up jim wake jim
so thirsty but no no. i can hear them out there. smell them. taste them. must stay quiet
I think I slept. How long has it been? Too dangerous to glance at the moon. And always, my arm...
I see it all so clear now. She tricked me. ME! But she told me too much. I remember the things i wasn't meant to hear. I can still make them pay. Her, him, all of them!
I'm still so weak. Need to be brave. Find some food topside. I'll need my strength. Glory to Flameheart? NO! Only death. Lasting and forever. DEATH TO FLAMEHEART!


Journal Location:

HOTF Stitcher Jim's 'Alone' Journal Location.jpg


(On the right by a pile of skulls in Flameheart's tomb on Flintlock Peninsula.)

Dialogue icon.png

My faith was tested, and I was found wanting.
Belief in the flame burns so brightly in the Master's boy. I thought it was pain, agony, coursing through my arm, when in fact, it was purpose. Power. A fine gift indeed.
I'll work here to atone, basking in the flame. That's my destiny. Master knows it. His son knows it. Even the Ancients, long-since dust, understood.
Every day of my long life, from the moment I took Rathbone's map, has led me to this. I will restore the Master as best I can, ready for his return. Stitch him together! Hah.
Ramsey and his rabble will surely want to make a fight of it. Well, let them try! Soon I'll have no more need to fear them. There'll be no stopping the Herald of the Flame.


Journal Location:

HOTF Stitcher Jim's 'Purpose' Journal Location.jpg


(To the right in the fort's vault on Molten Sands Fortress.)

Dialogue icon.png

"Drink", he told me, and drink I did. Drained every last drop, to wash Stitcher Jim away.
My old self had perceived the raw strength of an Ashen Lord, but not the wisdom. So many new thoughts, now, my head full of countless secrets...
Now I understand how to perform the ritual. How to split the skies apart and rain down the Master's fury. To call forth others in service to their King.
The world looks so much darker through sightless eyes. It yearns for the light of the flame. The radiance of the Herald - a beacon to call my Master home.
I'll drain the Devil's Roar to its last ember in order to finish my glorious work. Soon my master will be complete. And then, at last, so will I.


Journal Location:

HOTF Stitcher Jim's 'Renewed' Journal Location.jpg

Progress Log

Beginning the Adventure

Reaching out through Larinna, Belle has asked you to meet her at Liar’s Backbone, inside the abandoned hideout of a notorious swindler known as Stitcher Jim.

Chapter One End
Belle has turned Stitcher Jim’s hideout upside-down in search of secret knowledge. She believes that an Ancient prophecy foretells the imminent return of Captain Flameheart.

Chapter Two Start
The prophecy also mentions a Herald of the Flame - can this refer to Stitcher Jim? Belle asks you to scour the Devil’s Thirst, follow Jim’s trail, and learn the truth of his involvement.

Chapter Two End
In the company of Captain Pendragon, you’ve followed in Stitcher Jim’s footsteps to find your answer. Jim is the Herald of the Flame, and a ritual to restore Flameheart’s body is about to begin.

Chapter Three Start
The ritual to restore Flameheart, paving the way for his spirit to return from the Sea of the Damned, is taking place at Molten Sands Fortress. Pendragon has forged ahead, hoping to bring about its end.

Chapter Three End
A triumphant victory over the Herald of the Flame has proven short-lived. The Herald of the Flame, along with Flameheart’s body, have vanished in the wake of the battle. It seems the notorious warmonger is not defeated yet…


  • In the trailer, Jim is heard singing a new version of Stitcher's Sorrow.
  • In the trailer, it can be seen that Jim's necklace is actually Captain Flameheart's left ring finger.
  • During the Adventure's run date, every Volcano within the Devil's Roar was prevented from naturally erupting.
  • The Ancient prophecy is a prophecy made by The Ancients, not just "an old" prophecy.
  • During the The Sirens' Prize adventure finale, a Reaper Scout can be seen spying on the ritual. That ritual was the same one used to restore Captain Flameheart's Skull.


  • Larinna uses the incorrect dialogue if a cremate is too far away when attempting to start chapter one of the adventure.
  • Chapter three is considered a "World Event" and is not handled like a Voyage or Tall Tale. If another crew is already participating in the Fight on Molten Sands Fortress, or the fight just recently ended, you will be unable to start the third chapter.
  • During the Herald of the Flame fight's first kneeling phase, the Island's Volcano will start erupting only to immediately stop after the phase is over.
  • Some users who complete the Adventure did not receive their memento, on October 19th 2022 Sea of Thieves support rolled out a fix. Affected users should wait 72 hours before submitting a support ticket about the issue.[1]


Promotional Renders

In Game Screenshots

The Ancient Prophecy

Visions of Stitcher Jim

Jim's Scrawlings within the Sun Vault

Quest Notes & Maps


The Herald of the Flame Cinematic Trailer
The Herald of the Flame Launch Trailer

Patch history

  • 2.6.3 (October 20, 2022)
    • (October 27th) Adventure concludes.
  • (October 13, 2022)
    • Adventure begins.

Externals links