The Rogue's Legacy

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Double Quotations Left.png
An insidious skeleton curse...Even in death, Captain Briggsy's recklessness endangers others.
— Madame Olivia, The Rogue's Legacy

The Rogue's Legacy is the tenth Adventure in Sea of Thieves.

The Adventure sees Madame Olivia set players out to return three artefacts used in a ritual crucial to saving Tasha from a terrible curse.

Official summary

Eagle-eyed visitors to Ancient Spire Outpost have noticed Tasha the tavern keeper acting rather strangely in recent days. While she’s remaining uncharacteristically tight-lipped about the cause of her distress, she has begun to openly reminisce about her childhood hero: the legendary pirate known as Captain Briggsy.

Clearly, the adventures of Tasha’s old friend and mentor are playing on her mind.

Having heard the horror stories of Briggsy’s many misdeeds in recent years, she had long since become disillusioned with her former idol. She willingly surrendered her storybooks to the same pirates who had sealed Briggsy’s fate, believing them to be filled with nothing but lies. Those stories, however, really did lead to the Shroudbreaker’s stones – proof enough for Tasha to realise that Briggsy had indeed been the legendary rogue she remembered from her youth.

Briggsy may be gone, but Tasha’s respect and admiration has been rekindled. She’s turned her attention to the teachings Briggsy left behind, and there’s been no-one to forbid her from realising her lifelong dream and indulging in a few expeditions of her own. Until, that is, she awoke to the revelation of some grisly side-effects...

Now it’s your turn. The task of navigating those riddles and responsibilities rests with pirates who choose to shoulder the burden Tasha once carried, deciphering Briggsy’s lessons, sorting fact from fiction and uncovering the treasures that Madame Olivia so urgently seeks. When ‘The Rogue’s Legacy’ launches on December 8th, you’ll finish what was started and discover the consequences of Tasha’s after-hours adventures for yourself…[1]

Adventure Recap before The Secret Wilds

Testing Times

There are many different kinds of transformative curses that can plague pirates going about their business, but not all of them are entirely unwelcome. Some crews will even go so far as to accept an affliction willingly as a sign of dedication to the likes of Captain Flameheart, while the Gold Hoarders consider a glittering finger or two nothing more than proof of a hard day’s work.

Tasha, on the other hand, never asked to be cursed, and while she remained oblivious to the root cause of her cadaverous conversion (discovered shortly before the events of ‘The Rogue’s Legacy’), she was not about to sit back and let it consume her without a fight. Recalling tales of a cure told by her friend and mentor, the notorious Captain Briggsy, Tasha set out for Plunder Outpost to confide in the Order of Souls, hoping that they’d be able to provide her with more concrete information.

Unfortunately for Tasha, Briggsy’s skull had been drained of its memories years ago, after her own skeletal transformation led to a fatal confrontation with pirates who knew little of Briggsy’s tragic past. This complication forced Madame Olivia to gather the knowledge she needed in a much more unorthodox fashion...

The Eye of the Beholder

Briggsy had buried many keepsakes throughout The Wilds, intending them to be discovered by Tasha once she was old enough. Madame Olivia wisely recruited pirates who were willing to retrieve several of these guarded gifts on Tasha’s behalf, uniting the mementos with a paranormal process intended to extract memories of days long past. Much to Tasha’s relief, that ritual has finally been completed, granting Olivia fresh insight into Briggsy’s time in The Wilds – and setting the stage for another expedition to uncover the truth.


Deeds are challenges related to the Adventure but reward renown, and The Rogue's Apprentice title if all are completed.

  • Speak with Madame Olivia
    • Madame Olivia is at Plunder Outpost asking for discrete aid. See how you can assist her.
  • Find Briggsy's missing clue page for Lesson One
    • Dig into History to solve the first clue in Briggsy's 'Lessons on Becoming an Adventurer' and find the missing page!
  • Uncover the missing clue page for Lesson Two
    • Become inspired by your surroundings to solve the second clue in Briggsy's book and find the missing page!
  • Locate the third missing page from Briggsy's book for Tasha
    • Seek out a secret location to solve the third clue in Briggsy's 'Lessons on Becoming an Adventurer' and find the missing page!
  • Dig up Briggsy's Chest of History
    • Once you've got the corresponding key seek out the dig spot, unearth Briggsy's Chest of History!
  • Dig up Briggsy's Chest of Inspiration
    • Retrieve the matching key, and locate the dig spot for Briggsy's Chest of Inspiration. Then find that chest!
  • Dig up Briggsy's Chest of Location
    • Get the key of Location and find the dig spot for Briggsy's Chest of Location before getting out your shovel!
  • Take the Ancient Tablet to Madame Olivia
    • Madame Olivia is awaiting Briggsy's artifacts. Get the Ancient Tablet to her as soon as possible.
  • Deliver Briggsy's Dice Box to Madame Olivia
    • Hand in the Dice Box Briggsy left for Tasha to Madame Olivia.
  • Return the Evil Eye to Madame Olivia
    • Find the Evil Eye artefact Briggsy buried and give it to Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost.
  • Read All the Dark Brethrens' Lore Books
    • Locate and read the eight Books that the Dark Brethren have left near the areas of verdant growth in the Wilds.
  • Complete the Rogue's Legacy Adventure
    • Do all of the above and you will unlock this final reward.


Image Memento Description Requirement
Tasha's Enchanted Compass.png Tasha's Enchanted Compass A copy of the enchanted Compass Briggsy gave to Tasha. This one is magnetic not magic so its actually more useful! Complete The Rogue's Legacy Adventure to earn this Memento.
The Rogue's Apprentice emblem.png The Rogue's Apprentice A Title awarded to those who finished Briggsy's lessons on becoming an Adventurer. Complete all Deeds in The Rogue's Legacy Adventure to earn this Title.


Double Quotations Left.png
The Legendary Captain Briggsy embarked on a mission she never finished. Now you must follow in her footsteps to save Tasha.
— Quest Journal

Chapter One: The Adventure Begins...


  1. As you approach any Outpost tavern, Larinna can be heard beckoning you over. Speak with her and select the "[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I want to help Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost!" dialogue option
  2. You will receive a note directing you to Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost.

Plunder Outpost

  1. Speak with Madame Olivia in the Order of Souls tent at Plunder Outpost and select the "[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] I'm ready to help. What do you need me to do?" dialogue option.

Chatper Two: Lessons on Becoming an Adventurer

Plunder Outpost

  1. Speak with Madame Olivia in the Order of Souls tent at Plunder Outpost and select the "[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] I'm ready to help. What do you need me to do?" dialogue option.
  2. You will receive a Mysterious Compass, a Quest Book and a note directing you to return with three specific artefacts.


  1. Follow the Mysterious Compass to locate the skeleton captains holding each key. Besides the key, each skeleton will drop a clue page for your quest book, and a Bounty Skull.
    1. Defeat Briggsy's Location Lesson-Teacher at Shipwreck Bay to obtain Briggsy's Key of Location.
    2. Defeat Briggsy's Inspiration Instructor at Uncharted Island (K-9) to obtain Briggsy's Key of Inspiration.
    3. Defeat Briggsy's History Helper at The Sunken Grove to obtain Briggsy's Key of History.


Follow the clues within your quest book to locate where each of the chests is buried. Alternatively, see the guides below.

<div id="
Briggsy's Chest of Location
" style="

border: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color); margin: -0.25rem -0.5rem 0 -0.5rem; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem 0.25rem 0.5rem; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.6; font-weight: bold; background: var(--theme-page-background-color--secondary);

text-align: left; ">
Briggsy's Chest of Location
  1. Briggsy's Chest of Location is located at Kraken's Fall.
  2. Locate the kraken skull spiked by a wrecked ship on the west beach.
  3. From the skull, walk south until you reach two palms trees.
  4. Digging by these trees will unearth Briggsy's Chest of Location.
<div id="
Briggsy's Chest of Inspiration
" style="

border: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color); margin: -0.25rem -0.5rem 0 -0.5rem; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem 0.25rem 0.5rem; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.6; font-weight: bold; background: var(--theme-page-background-color--secondary);

text-align: left; ">
Briggsy's Chest of Inspiration
  1. Briggsy's Chest of Inspiration is located at Tri-Rock Isle.
  2. Digging just south of the west rock will unearth Briggsy's Chest of Inspiration.
<div id="
Briggsy's Chest of History
" style="

border: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color); margin: -0.25rem -0.5rem 0 -0.5rem; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem 0.25rem 0.5rem; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.6; font-weight: bold; background: var(--theme-page-background-color--secondary);

text-align: left; ">
Briggsy's Chest of History
  1. Briggsy's Chest of History is located at The Crooked Masts.
  2. Locate the rock painting depicting storm clouds to the north-east of the island's ground level.
  3. Digging in front of this painting will unearth Briggsy's Chest of History.

Plunder Outpost

  1. Open each of the chests with their respective keys and return the three unique artefacts inside to Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost.
  2. After a short section of spoken dialogue, the Adventure will complete and Tasha's Enchanted Compass will be awarded immediately.


Beginning Adventure


Dialogue icon.png

Can you help me? There's something wrong with Tasha, and Madame Olivia needs your help at Plunder Outpost.


[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I want to help Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost!

(Voiceover starts and Chapter One begins)


Madame Olivia is looking for pirates to help her with a problem - but she wants to keep things private.
She represents the Order of Souls at Plunder Outpost. If you can pay her a visit without drawing attention, I'm sure she'll be grateful...

Before speaking with Madame Olivia

Dialogue icon.png

Have you been to see Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost, yet? She said it was urgent.


Speaking with Madame Olivia

Madame Olivia

Dialogue icon.png

I am Madame Olivia. Are you here to help me with Tasha?

[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] I'm ready to help. What do you need me to do?

(Voiceover starts and Chapter One continues)

Starting Chapter Two

Madame Olivia

Ah, another guest. I wish that I could welcome you under more auspicious circumstances.
As you can see, I already have company, for Tasha has confided in me her most vexing problem...
It's all right. You must show them the truth.
I dunno how it happened, but it's getting worse.
An insidious skeleton curse...Even in death, Captain Briggsy's recklessness endangers others.
Those foolhardy adventures she bequeathed you...
Briggsy wouldn't! She was always kind to me. She wanted to help me be a pirate.
And yet she, too, succumbed to the same curse before ever finding the cure she sought.
Still, her quest gives us hope...Do you have the book?


Years ago, Briggsy left me a treasure hunt. Lots of trinkets and knick-knacks to find. It's all in here!

Madame Olivia

Briggsy's memories may hold the key to curing Tasha, but her skull has been drained of its knowledge.
Using her belongings, however, I may yet be able to glean some insight.
Tasha is in no condition to make the journey. You must complete this 'treasure hunt' on her behalf.
But knowing Briggsy, this will be no simple game. I urge you to be cautious...And wish you luck.

After speaking with Madame Olivia

Madame Olivia

Dialogue icon.png

Have you found all of Briggsy's artefacts? If not, I will need them soon!

[FAIL ADVENTURE] I've been unable to recover the artefacts...

Are you certain?

[FAIL ADVENTURE] Yes, I'm certain.

(Adventure is cancelled)


Dialogue icon.png

Madame Olivia mentioned you were gathering some things for her. Have you found them all yet?


Completing Adventure

Madame Olivia

Dialogue icon.png

Have you found all of Briggsy's artefacts? If not, I will need them soon!

[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] I've delivered all Briggsy's artefacts. What happens now?

(Voiceover starts and Adventure completes)

Ending Chapter Two

(Madame Olivia conducts a ritual involving Briggsy's skull)

Madame Olivia

It is hard to say if all you have brought me will prove sufficient.
What you are about to witness is by no means an exact art...
However, the book's pages harbour no more secrets, so I believe it is time to begin.

The ritual is complete, but it will take time for order to emerge from the chaos of recollection.
For now, we have done all that we can - and I am truly grateful for your aid.
That makes two of us! Maybe I won't end up a bag of bones after all... But what am I supposed to do now?
You have the hardest task of all, Tasha - you must be patient, and trust that Briggsy will be kind to you, one last time.


I'll rest for a while, then head back to my tavern. Maybe mopping up spilled grog will keep my mind off things...

Madame Olivia

For Tasha's sake, I would request that you speak to no-one of what you witnessed here.
Once Briggsy•s memories are revealed, for good or ill, I shall call upon you again...

Progress Log

Beginning the Adventure

Tasha has been inflicted by the an awful curse, but Madame Olivia has a plan to deal with it. She will need the help of pirates to see her plan to fruition.

Completing the Adventure
With the Lessons on Becoming an Adventurer complete, all the artefacts have been returned. Madame Olivia must now hurry to retrieve Briggsy's memories, before it's too late for Tasha's...


Two journals can be found per island across Crooked Masts, Kraken's Fall, Marauder's Arch, and Old Faithful Isle.

Crooked Masts

Two journals written by Wanda can be found on Crooked Masts.

The Warsmith's Secret Journal

Found near the storm rock painting at the northern cliff.

Dialogue icon.png

I find it amusing that what we seek now is of no personal interest to me. Only its applications for power and manipulation are important.
There are many on the seas who would do anything to lay their fingers on a remedy for their emaciated condition. NOT I!
I embrace the power that a lack of flesh provides. But does Flameheart? He seems intent on returning to his mortal frame. The Ashen Lords? The Gold Hoarder? Briggsy herself? ALL MAY BE LURED TO OUR SERVICE.
They may at least be tempted by the chance of redemption — at least bodily restoration. Certainly not salvation of the soul. Yet, that is surely why Briggsy searched for the cure all those years ago.
SHE WAS WEAK! And foolish to fancy she had a chance at deliverance from her growing curse. However, a useful fool she has proven. BUT A FOOL NONETHELESS.


The Warsmith's Secret Journal

Found near the painted tentacles rock painting atop the southern cliff.

Dialogue icon.png

I am acutely aware that the erstwhile "Captain" Briggsy never completed this quest. SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LEGENDARY!
She was capable of locating the secret of treasures, solving the most impenetrable of clues, and — of course — breaking in to or out of any brig, prison, or fortress.
Yet something about this mission stopped her in her tracks. Whatever it was — NOTHING AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME. I am the Warsmith.
Of course, we have the advantage of our point of view. The Sea of the Damned gives us a unique perspective - a way of seeing things and an understanding of what it takes to brings things back...
As the Dark Brethren follow the trail to where this highly sought-after reward might be secreted, I am sure we will face the same hurdle. But where Briggsy failed, I WILL TRIUMPH! On. To Old Faithful!


Kraken's Fall

Two journals written by Duke can be found on Kraken's Fall.

Duke's Secret Journal

Found near the west-most tip of the south-west beach.

Dialogue icon.png

Reckon what we've got here is a seagull chase. Nah. That's not right. A waste of time. Goose. Yes, Wild goose chase. Running all over the place looking for what Briggsy did years 'n' years ago.
Wanda (she don't like me calling her that). She's become obsessed by ole Briggsy. "Why didn't she do this?" and "Why didn't she do that?" — probly she had grog to drink! I dunno!
I can feel it in me gut. No, not the grog! Alas. It's an ill wind that blows no good. And wandering all of the Sea of Thieves like a lost cabin boy aint my type of caper.
Wanda (I not afraid of 'er!) is set on finding all these things she thinks'll make her top sea dog. Beat Flameheart, beat Ramsey. And I wants to do that myself. So I understand.
But I do know that trying to act like Briggsy to unearth her secrets is like trying to sling a hammock between two sloops for a night's kip. You'll end up sorely disappointed.


Duke's Secret Journal

Found atop the southern mountain, immediately east of the beach journal.

Dialogue icon.png

If I was tryin' to find something someone had taken someplace. I'd ask about. Like, if I fancied my tankard filled, and I couldn't see a tavern, I'd collar the nearest pirate.
"Which way to the tavern, mate?" I'd ask. And he'd tell me. Or he wouldn't, and I'd have to teach 'im a lesson! But if there wasn't a tavern, I'd ask if he had any ale on his ship.
Direct and to the point. See? Course, Amaranta pointed out the 'ole in my argument, din she? "Captain Briggsy aint 'ere, Duke," said she. "So, we can't just ask 'er can we?"
Well, now that's true. But that's the point. I reckons that actually asking Briggsy is the only way you're gonna find what she was doin'!
But I s'pose she ain't about no more. So there ya go. We've all got to run about pretending to be her, think like her. And what I think she'd be thinking is: it's past time for a pint! Reckon I've got time before Wanda gets back from Marauder's Arch.


Marauder's Arch

Two journals written by Wanda can be found on Marauder's Arch.

The Warsmith's Secret Journal

Found on the north island's south-facing beach.

Dialogue icon.png

So. Briggsy was more of a sentimental fool than even I gave her credit for. She left journals for a child to follow. Thinking what? That she might pass on her legacy? HA!
Perhaps she was not prescient after all; if she had foreseen her fate there would be better methods to avoid it than a paltry of pirate platitudes.
But she is insidious! Her weasel words have wormed their way into my mind, and she has planted her penchant for the eccentric like a cuckoo laying her egg in the nest of another.
And yet I now realise that this all-too human side of her nature is in fact an innate weakness. One I can exploit.
Attempting to think like Briggsy has not given me access to her memoires or been a revelation in how she navigated. But it has planted the seed of an intriguing and insidious idea...


The Warsmith's Secret Journal

Found atop the arch toward the southern island.

Dialogue icon.png

What if the Rogue had given up her quest not because it was too difficult or too dangerous? What if instead she had found another way to come back?
Say she were still out there... Not the rabid dog she became as a Skeleton Lord — but the same peculiar adventurer who told tales to the child Tasha in her father's tavern!
I know Madame Olivia still guards Briggsy's skull. She guards it close. The Order of Souls are so fearful of their own methods it makes cowardice a virtue.
Perhaps the old pirate prepared a way back for her spirit. Perhaps I am wrong. ALTHOUGH I SELDOM AM! We can certainly put this theory to the test and find out.
IMAGINE! If she lives on — no matter the form — we can force the Rogue from the shadows. We just need to threaten something or someone close to her pathetic heart.


Old Faithful Isle

Two journals written by Amaranta can be found on Old Faithful Isle.

Amaranta's Secret Journal

Found near the shark rock painting at the southern cliff.

Dialogue icon.png

The more I try to be like the Rogue, the more connections — however tenuous - I can see. It makes me think. Me. My own thoughts. Anything is better than trying to think like her!
We both wear masks. But hers doesn't even hide her identity! It doesn't strike fear into anyone. What's the point? And there's another thing! That whole pointed beak thing. It's ridiculous.
She must have worn that thing for a reason, right? She wasn't uneasy on the eye from what I hear. And she wasn't one for attending masquerades.
It looks like it's made of bone, but what sort of skull is that? A giant parrot? No. It's made up. It's another example of her quirkiness. As false as fake coin!
So maybe the mask isn't what it appears. It's not worn for effect. It must be worn for some other reason. It must have been useful to the Rogue in some other way. But how? Perhaps Duke will have more luck in the quest at Kraken's Fall.


Amaranta's Secret Journal

Found near the watchtower to the north.

Dialogue icon.png

Like hunting treasure, seeking mystic truths in the Sea of Thieves is a demanding exercise. We must try to follow in the Rogue's footsteps, yes. But then we must attempt to then go beyond.
What was she doing travelling from place to place? Although we can retrace her footsteps, it is difficult to guess what maps or pointers she was beholden to. What steered her course?
Trying to think like the Rogue is not easy. She was a romantic, given to bouts of whimsy. This is almost poison to my soul!
However, if we are to locate this most precious prize, we may have to embrace her methods - much as it pains me to do so.
How ironic it is that the Rogue would fall foul of the very curse for which she sought a cure. Did she know what would happen to her? If so, she should have embraced. As Sister did.



  • The Adventure was scheduled to launch on December 8th, but was delayed to ensure a stable experience.[2]



The Rogue's Legacy Cinematic Trailer
The Rogue's Legacy Launch Trailer

Patch history

  • (December 9, 2022)
    • Adventure begins.

Externals links
